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Thread: S4 (33mg/day) x 12 weeks. Var (35mg/day) x 6 weeks. MK (15mg/day) x 3 weeks. PCT?

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    oh, is that correct? so if the aas used is weaker in regards to some we shouldnt follow a good pct protocol?

    and did you even read his posts? he only has tamox!!

    but no, posting irrelevant crap on anavar seems to be more important for you
    relax man.

    PCT must be calibrated on the basis of the cycle...if you are not hard suppressed It makes no sense do hard PCT with a lot of clomid, nolva, hcg, etc...
    15-20 days of clomid/tamox are fine if HPTA is not shutted down hard...

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by tasKer View Post
    relax man.

    PCT must be calibrated on the basis of the cycle...if you are not hard suppressed It makes no sense do hard PCT with a lot of clomid, nolva, hcg, etc...
    15-20 days of clomid/tamox are fine if HPTA is not shutted down hard...
    show me where this is recommended. and i never mentioned clomid for the simple fact that nolva should be ample on its own in this case, i still wouldnt go at it half hearted for a short period, its his sexual health we're dealing with and not a time to take chances.
    Last edited by dec11; 12-16-2011 at 10:03 AM. Reason: spelling like a monkey

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Furious.George View Post
    Trust me, I'm taking it all in.

    you are not getting gyno from low dose anavar. ive been caught out and had extremely sore nips and lumps forming for 3wks on tren and test, got an AI and boom they disappeared, ive not got any gyno. i can shoot 300mg tets pw and not get gyno symptoms. now for the shock, im gyno prone!!

    I'm not trying to be a top guy, and I'm sure the top guys prefer the more androgenic stuff I would never use.

    I'd changed my diet months prior, and didn't start the var till six weeks later.

    The first six weeks was S4 only, though I guess what I find impressive you may find pretty mediocre.

    For me at least the 33mg of S4 was much more noticeable than the 35mg of var, though by the time I'd started var maybe my ARs were downregulated or something.


    A buddy of mine who's way more of a "pro" than I'll ever be recommended this source to me, so I'm gonna use the same one on faith for lack of any better ideas.[/QUOTE]

    im not trying to insinuate tht you want to be a ripped monster mate, what i meant was tht if there was any great result with sarms, we'd all be incorporating it in our cycles. i pointed out tht the top guys dont even mention it because its not worth mentioning. if it worked so well none of us would be taking chances on AAS
    Last edited by dec11; 12-16-2011 at 10:03 AM.

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post

    I'm not trying to be a top guy, and I'm sure the top guys prefer the more androgenic stuff I would never use.

    im not trying to insinuate tht you want to be a ripped monster mate, what i meant was tht if there was any great result with sarms, we'd all be incorporating it in our cycles. i pointed out tht the top guys dont even mention it because its not worth mentioning. if it worked so well none of us would be taking chances on AAS
    I'm open to new things.

    What would you recommend that is also not androgenic and has similar price-performance?

    At 33mg/day a bottle of S4 could last three six-week cycles.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Furious.George View Post
    I'm open to new things.

    What would you recommend that is also not androgenic and has similar price-performance?

    At 33mg/day a bottle of S4 could last three six-week cycles.
    do a simple test e and use an AI

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    do a simple test e and use an AI
    I don't think my hair would like that. Even though I use a 5ar inhibitor I'm fairly certain that supraphysiological levels of T could still cause my hair to fall out. Not to mention that I wouldn't exactly be thrilled to use an AI for an entire cycle.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Furious.George View Post
    I don't think my hair would like that. Even though I use a 5ar inhibitor I'm fairly certain that supraphysiological levels of T could still cause my hair to fall out. Not to mention that I wouldn't exactly be thrilled to use an AI for an entire cycle.
    ive fine hair (well i did before weds) and test never affected me, and i had bouts of alopecia as a child.

    tren killed my hair and gave me pattern lightness so i just gave up the ghost and had it off the other night

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    ive fine hair (well i did before weds) and test never affected me, and i had bouts of alopecia as a child.
    That was probably alopecia arreata, which is unrelated to androgenetic alopecia.

    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    tren killed my hair and gave me pattern lightness so i just gave up the ghost and had it off the other night
    Now that the AGA genes have kicked in you'll lose your hair with or without aas. AAS probably just made it kick in with a vengeance.

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