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Thread: First cycle - 12 weeks, 500mg test e

  1. #1

    First cycle - 12 weeks, 500mg test e

    age: 21
    height: 6ft
    weight: 183lbs
    bf: 8.5%

    here it is:
    week 1-12, 500mg of test e

    pct i was thinking nolva only of:
    day 1 x 60mg
    next 10 days x 40mg
    next 10days x 20mg (starting 2 weeks after last jab)

    just a few questions,
    1) if i happen to see gyno at any point in my cycle should i just combat it with nolva? or should i include arimidex as well throughout my cycle?
    2) will my pct be sufficient?

    any improvements, suggestions or tips will be appreciated, thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    i'd keep some arimidex on cycle

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by miketheman1 View Post
    age: 21
    height: 6ft
    weight: 183lbs
    bf: 8.5%

    here it is:
    week 1-12, 500mg of test e

    pct i was thinking nolva only of:
    day 1 x 60mg
    next 10 days x 40mg
    next 10days x 20mg (starting 2 weeks after last jab)
    Nolva 20 mg/ed throughout is sufficient, but you can go 40 mg for week one if desired.

    just a few questions,
    1) if i happen to see gyno at any point in my cycle should i just combat it with nolva?
    Letro while on; Nolva while off (unless it's all you have while on); A-dex if it's all you can get.

    or should i include arimidex as well throughout my cycle?
    Use ancillaries prn/as needed not just for the heck of it. You'll have plenty of time to reverse symptoms if you keep the AI or SERM of choice on hand.

    2) will my pct be sufficient?
    Nolva only is solid for this, and actually most cycles. Clomid acts from a different angle and can be complimentary on harsher (compound and dosage) cycles, but is wholly unnecessary here.

    any improvements, suggestions or tips will be appreciated, thanks in advance!

    What's your:
    - goal?
    - diet?
    - pin size?
    Master Pai Mei of the White Lotus Clan

    My motto: SAFETY & RESPECT (for drugs and others).


    Difference between Drugs & Poisons

    Half-lives explained

    DNP like Chemotherapy, can be a useful poison, but both are still POISONS


  4. #4
    Cheers, appreciate the input! Goal is to increase strength but mainly some lean mass, my diet is mainly nailed, always 3500+ calories a day, 2g of protein per kg of my body weight, plenty of carbs!
    But about pin size// not too sure yet, what you think?

  5. #5
    I'm gonna run identical cycle in a few weeks.. Have Arimidex on hand just in case.. Also gonna run clomid as part of pct, may be overkill but better safe than sorry, right?

  6. #6
    let me know how it goes! you injecting mon and thurs? I dont think i will run clomid as well, probably just the nolva, but i do need to get hold of something to combat gyno if need be! money may come into the equation haha!

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by miketheman1 View Post
    age: 21
    height: 6ft
    weight: 183lbs
    bf: 8.5%

    here it is:
    week 1-12, 500mg of test e

    pct i was thinking nolva only of:
    day 1 x 60mg
    next 10 days x 40mg
    next 10days x 20mg (starting 2 weeks after last jab)

    just a few questions,
    1) if i happen to see gyno at any point in my cycle should i just combat it with nolva? or should i include arimidex as well throughout my cycle?
    2) will my pct be sufficient?

    any improvements, suggestions or tips will be appreciated, thanks in advance!
    If u cycle @ 21 yrs old, there is significantly greater risk of doing potentially irreversible damage 2 u undeveloped Endocrine & HPTA. U could end up on TRT or HRT 4 LIFE!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by magic32 View Post
    age: 21
    height: 6ft
    weight: 183lbs
    bf: 8.5%

    here it is:
    week 1-12, 500mg of test e

    pct i was thinking nolva only of:
    day 1 x 60mg
    next 10 days x 40mg
    next 10days x 20mg (starting 2 weeks after last jab)
    Nolva 20 mg/ed throughout is sufficient, but you can go 40 mg for week one if desired.

    just a few questions,
    1) if i happen to see gyno at any point in my cycle should i just combat it with nolva?
    Letro while on; Nolva while off (unless it's all you have while on); A-dex if it's all you can get.

    or should i include arimidex as well throughout my cycle ?
    Use ancillaries prn/as needed not just for the heck of it. You'll have plenty of time to reverse symptoms if you keep the AI or SERM of choice on hand.

    2) will my pct be sufficient?
    Nolva only is solid for this, and actually most cycles. Clomid acts from a different angle and can be complimentary on harsher (compound and dosage) cycles, but is wholly unnecessary here.

    any improvements, suggestions or tips will be appreciated, thanks in advance!
    Magic wuts up man, he's only 21................& Letro 4 the beginning stages of gyno?!?!? C'mon man, that sh!t is way harsh & u know it, its way 2 much 4 just some sore, itchy / puffy nips.............
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 12-15-2011 at 05:56 PM.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by sjsharks38 View Post
    i'd keep some arimidex on cycle
    and only use the arimidex if i notice gyno/water retention?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Magic wuts up man, he's only 21................& Letro 4 the beginning stages of gyno?!?!? C'mon man, that sh!t is way harsh & u know it, its way 2 much 4 just some sore, itchy / puffy nips.............
    Thanks for the advice, but considering my stats, is my age reeeeally that crucial? Take it arimidex would be more applicable to my cycle?

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by miketheman1 View Post
    Thanks for the advice, but considering my stats, is my age reeeeally that crucial? Take it arimidex would be more applicable to my cycle?
    Yes, as a matter of fact, ur age is VERY crucial when injecting compounds that shut down ur undeveloped hormone system, potentially leaving u with a lifetime of therapeutic hormone shots, limp d!ck, low / nil libido, depression & much mor. Also can prematurely close ur growth plates (stunt ur growth) And wut about ur stats do u want me 2 "consider" that u think will change or stop / prevent the damage u can do 2 urself by cycling 2 yung?

  12. #12
    okay, well what age do you recommend starting your first cycle at? pretty sure there have been plenty of body builders that have started at younger ages than me.. how old were you when you began your first cycle?

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by miketheman1 View Post
    okay, well what age do you recommend starting your first cycle at? pretty sure there have been plenty of body builders that have started at younger ages than me.. how old were you when you began your first cycle?
    25 is the recommended age. I did my 1st cycle @ 27. And ur rite, there r MANY body builders that started younger than u, but just cuz u dont hear / kno about their problems, doesn't mean they're not having any. Think about it, they mak their living by competing in a sport that disqualifies u & / or bans u 4 steroid use, u really think any of them r gona come out & say, "yeah I'm having this problem & that problem due 2 the roids I'm using".......................

  14. #14
    yeah i see exactly where you are coming from, but i guess we arent all developed the same. i was always the kid who looked 4/5 years older,had a full beard at 15 etc. but whether or not i think its worth it, i guess ill have to look into a lot more. are there safer starter cycles you would suggest besides test e?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Well bro if you did a lil research you would know a guy at your age is at risk of doing damage to his endo system.Not fun being your age and cant get a woodie or desire to have sex.At your height you are on the light side.You need to learn how to eat.There is so much you can do nat.So hit the diet section and learn how to eat.

  16. #16
    There is no "safe" AAS 4 an undeveloped Endo. / HPTA. If you'd like, we can help u put 2gether a kick a$$ diet & training regime that will help u mak some VERY impressive gains naturally.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by miketheman1
    yeah i see exactly where you are coming from, but i guess we arent all developed the same. i was always the kid who looked 4/5 years older,had a full beard at 15 etc. but whether or not i think its worth it, i guess ill have to look into a lot more. are there safer starter cycles you would suggest besides test e?
    Smart reply i get what u say here bro, u feel that hitting puberty earlier and developing faster will mean u can be ready earlier.... That is very true, but it is not all a directly proportional relationship. U may have grown facial hair at 11 but ur endocrine system needs till ur 26 or 27 to fully develop?! MOST LIKELY this isn't the case but you won't know. You cant just get a blood test that says 'yep im fully finished developing' and the longer you wait the less likely you will fvck urself up bro. So if u really 'can't' wait 4 years then at least wait 2-3. Because undoubtedly your body will be more ready than it is now. Your cycle sounded pretty good. But take the next few years to learn about EVERYTHING in ur cycle. Do you actually know anything about the chemical compounds of synthetic testosterone? Im not saying you need a chemistry degree in it, but knowing about what's in it and what those compounds can do to ur body, will at least make sure when it comes time to cycle, u want end ul all messed up wondering 'how the fvck did this happen!?!'

    Good luck bro, be smart. Ur body is ur temple

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    There is no "safe" AAS 4 an undeveloped Endo. / HPTA. If you'd like, we can help u put 2gether a kick a$$ diet & training regime that will help u mak some VERY impressive gains naturally.
    alright cheers, well obviously i dont want that! and yeah that'd be helpful, tried it many times before, i've eaten like a horse and apparently "all the right things" but you cant give up.. where should i go for help on ANOTHER new regime haha?

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by nik1603 View Post
    Smart reply i get what u say here bro, u feel that hitting puberty earlier and developing faster will mean u can be ready earlier.... That is very true, but it is not all a directly proportional relationship. U may have grown facial hair at 11 but ur endocrine system needs till ur 26 or 27 to fully develop?! MOST LIKELY this isn't the case but you won't know. You cant just get a blood test that says 'yep im fully finished developing' and the longer you wait the less likely you will fvck urself up bro. So if u really 'can't' wait 4 years then at least wait 2-3. Because undoubtedly your body will be more ready than it is now. Your cycle sounded pretty good. But take the next few years to learn about EVERYTHING in ur cycle. Do you actually know anything about the chemical compounds of synthetic testosterone? Im not saying you need a chemistry degree in it, but knowing about what's in it and what those compounds can do to ur body, will at least make sure when it comes time to cycle, u want end ul all messed up wondering 'how the fvck did this happen!?!'

    Good luck bro, be smart. Ur body is ur temple
    cheers for the reply and funnily enough im studying medical biochemistry at uni so yeah, guess its just vanity taking over, at least i can admit it.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by miketheman1 View Post
    alright cheers, well obviously i dont want that! and yeah that'd be helpful, tried it many times before, i've eaten like a horse and apparently "all the right things" but you cant give up.. where should i go for help on ANOTHER new regime haha?
    Well if you'd like, u can get a bit of starter advice here by posting ur current daily diet / intake. Or u can go straight 2 the nutrition section of this site, post ur diet & goals & they will help u work it all out. Then head over 2 the workout section & post ur training routine & goals, & again, they will help u put 2gether a routine that suits ur goals if ur not already tuned in. Good luck brother, you've made a wise & mature decision, u wont regret it.

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