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Thread: Checklist for first test e only cycle.. Opinions appreciated

  1. #1

    Checklist for first test e only cycle.. Opinions appreciated

    Hey guys just wanna make sure I have everything in check, I've been reading loads of different forums just to get a good idea of how people run their test e only cycle...

    Anyway I'll get to the chase, I've got 12 weeks of test eth at 500mg per week. Also have arimidex on hand in case of gyno..

    My pct will be 2 weeks after last injection I'll be running clomid and nolva for 2 weeks,40mg then 20mg in the second week.

    I've read on a few different forums that hgc isnt necessary with your first cycle just wanted to get opinions from you guys...

    Btw my diet is pretty much spot on, training is really good too.. Im currently 181lbs at about 10 percent bf... Gonna be starting in the new year and just want to have everything in check. Looking forward to hearing from everyone.

  2. #2
    How tall r u? How old ru? Wut r ur goals?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    post proelia praemia
    alrite mate, good to see your still researching, sounds like your nearly there, just get diet perfected if it isnt already and your good to go

    here's a link to a good thread about priming your body for a cycle also

    best of luck mate

  4. #4
    I'm 24 6'1 goals are to add more muscle... I know I'm not gonna put on a Huge amount of muscle, I'm realistic about the size I'll probably add.. I just wanted to make sure that everything was in check. And I know this is the place to ask

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by IrishMuscle View Post
    Steroid newbie, 25 male, working out for 4years..Hey guys I know there is sooo much knowledge here tht I decided to become a member and hope to learn more about how to take steroids safely and properly. Im 181lbs at about 8 percent bf also 6 foot. I've read loads about all diffent steroids but I believe experience is better than anything so I'm gonna start picking everyone's brains, I look forward to chatting with everyone more..
    Quote Originally Posted by IrishMuscle View Post
    Thanks for the feedback guys, think I'm gonna wait until the new year before I start, try gain another few pounds of muscle before I start (easier said than done). Btw I was 24 as of July, dunno where it says 21 cause when I try click 'my profile' it says I do not have permission to access this page..
    And ur profile sez ur 21. DAM!!! Y is it so hard 4 people 2 tell the fvckin truth round here?!?!?!!!!!
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 12-16-2011 at 05:26 PM.

  6. #6
    Said I was 25 because you get such a ridiculous flaming for being under 25, plus whats 7 months, am i gonna do irreversible damage at 24 but if i wait til july i'll be fine.. I just figured that if I'm gonna be asking you guys for help I better let you know what the truth really is..

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by IrishMuscle View Post
    Said I was 25 because you get such a ridiculous flaming for being under 25, plus whats 7 months, am i gonna do irreversible damage at 24 but if i wait til july i'll be fine.. I just figured that if I'm gonna be asking you guys for help I better let you know what the truth really is..
    Ur not 24, & ur not turning 25 in 7 months, ur 21, maybe 22, no matter wut excuses or bs u drum up, ur too young, hopefully u wont do anything u will regret 4 rest of ur life. I'm out

  8. #8
    You'll be missed

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by IrishMuscle View Post
    Said I was 25 because you get such a ridiculous flaming for being under 25, plus whats 7 months, am i gonna do irreversible damage at 24 but if i wait til july i'll be fine.. I just figured that if I'm gonna be asking you guys for help I better let you know what the truth really is..
    Mate just give your real age, no need to lie and if cycling at your age is something you insist on doing regardless of the risks then no one will flame you and if they do report them to me or one of the other staff....

    Now hcg isn't a must but can help in recovery and stop testicular shrinkage, imo because of your age i'd add it to your cycle, its very cheap, easily available and simple to use, why not??
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt

    Mate just give your real age, no need to lie and if cycling at your age is something you insist on doing regardless of the risks then no one will flame you and if they do report them to me or one of the other staff....

    Now hcg isn't a must but can help in recovery and stop testicular shrinkage, imo because of your age i'd add it to your cycle, its very cheap, easily available and simple to use, why not??
    Cheers matt, been on the forum since July and hardly ever post because i figure there's so much on here that I can read up and gather all the information I need, just couldn't figure out wether or not to get hcg is necessary.. Think I'll take your advice and get it just to be safe..
    Btw I'm 24, sooner the better I'm 25 and don't have to hide in the shadows anymore

  11. #11
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    I would also have letro on hand for gyno. Its more effective than a-dex. But nothing wrong with running the adex during cycle.

    I would run the nolva and Clomid differntly

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by IrishMuscle View Post
    Cheers matt, been on the forum since July and hardly ever post because i figure there's so much on here that I can read up and gather all the information I need, just couldn't figure out wether or not to get hcg is necessary.. Think I'll take your advice and get it just to be safe..
    Btw I'm 24, sooner the better I'm 25 and don't have to hide in the shadows anymore
    If this is your first cycle then maybe start a log so we can follow your progress..

    Good luck...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  13. #13
    I'll look into Leto cheers... Defo gonna start a log, if nothing else it will help me keep track on everything (even if nobody reads it) cheers

  14. #14
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    the log will get read.

    also post your diet in diet forum. Those guru's will tweek it and have you growing even more

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by 10nispro
    the log will get read.

    also post your diet in diet forum. Those guru's will tweek it and have you growing even more
    Will do, all the guys here are pretty helpful.. Some more than others thanks

  16. #16
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    i would also extend the pct to 4 weeks.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    i would also extend the pct to 4 weeks.
    What dosage for 4 weeks.. Some guys say 50mg per day for 2 weeks then 25 mg per day for the clomid And 40 and 20 for the nolva...It's hard to know with all the different info out there

  18. #18
    Srs question... is thebear79 GH15?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuck2600 View Post
    Srs question... is thebear79 GH15?
    Lets keep this thread on topic ok ? Thank You ....

  20. #20
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IrishMuscle View Post
    Said I was 25 because you get such a ridiculous flaming for being under 25, plus whats 7 months, am i gonna do irreversible damage at 24 but if i wait til july i'll be fine.. I just figured that if I'm gonna be asking you guys for help I better let you know what the truth really is..
    Id recommend you put accurate info in your profile and not lie about things . This site is much like your face to face interactions - once someone bullshits you , especially about stupid shit - it becomes hard to lend any creidibilty to anything they have to say. Are you going to hear some opinions that you dont like if your honest - sure. You will get a variety of opinions and advice to choose from and you may get good input from ALL perspcetives you should consider.
    IMO often your readiness to cycle has a direct corrolation to maturity ....BS lies are an indication of immaturity. I say fix that now and get the most you can out of this site. Certainly , regardless, every question regarding proper AAS cycles has been and always will be found here.
    pct clomid 100/50/50/50 nolva 40/20/20/20
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 12-16-2011 at 11:14 PM.

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