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  1. #1
    Supertotal is offline Junior Member
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    May 2011

    High Cholesterol cycle options?

    Here's the irony: my previous predicament was not having a good source to get anything at all, let alone good quality as-labeled stuff. Suddenly in the last month I am spoiled for choice. I found a well-known and trusted source through a friend and to my utter astonishment, he carries the exact brand of Anavar I used for my first cycle. That cycle was insane, looking back it was only 7 weeks long, but the results were absolutely mind-blowing. I mortgaged the house, pimped out the wife and sold my niece and bought enough for two long cycles. If I have learned one thing from all this grief it is to get it while you can! LOL A week later another friend from the gym hooked me up with a different very well respected local lab, and as he is friends with the actual owner, for a price that is considerably lower than street value. Had I any money left over I would have ordered some test prop.

    Here's the bad news: got some blood-work done one week after that, and my cholesterol is definitely a concern. Good cholesterol is way down, bad is way up. Otherwise, blood-work and BP are all good. I told the doc I was 'bridging' on this hokey Anavar/D-bol concoction (don't ask), at a very low dose, so none of this is exactly shocking news. What he did know was that the stuff I'm taking is affecting my levels. What he did not know is how much the drug was doing and how much my decent but not great diet was doing. That's why I'm here. I've already cleaned up my diet considerably, though I fully admit it was a particularly naughty month leading up to the test. We started the holidays early, LOL.

    Three questions:

    1, for DRUG-AFFECTED cholesterol issues, how long before levels get back near normal? Ie: if the orals cause it to go up and not the lifestyle, then how long after cessation until its okay again?

    2, if my levels remain moderately bad after cleaning up, and another Anavar cycle is out of the question, is test is viable alternative? Test prop to be specific. I can't seem to find good info on test and cholesterol. Some get adverse effects, others breeze on by. Is it dose specific? I'm not talking a big dose here, 400mg/wk or less.

    3, concerning Anavar and cholesterol, is that perhaps dose-specific? Ie: long cycle/low dose worse than short cycle/high dose? Or is it total mg over time? as in, 80mg/wk x 6 weeks the same as 40mg/wk x 12 weeks? speaking theoretically of course. Obviously, I would like to use these magic pills I bought ASAP.

    The doc, while supposedly alarmed by my numbers, didn't suggest anything drastic, just stop the 'bridge', and eat better. That's as far as his worry went. So far I have done that, plus added a ton of Metamucil and fiber.

    For anyone not up on my previous posts, 5'9", 230lbs, 13% bodyfat, early 30's. Powerlifter/ex-Olympic weightlifter. Goals are world-elite level raw strength/power, and doing it as lean as humanly possible.

  2. #2
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    If lipids are your main concern, just avoid anavar altogether. Var and winstrol are both murder on your lipids.

    Any injectable will ne milder in this respect, especially test and other aromatising steroids (deca and eq).

  3. #3
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Double post.

  4. #4
    Supertotal is offline Junior Member
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    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    If lipids are your main concern, just avoid anavar altogether. Var and winstrol are both murder on your lipids.

    Any injectable will ne milder in this respect, especially test and other aromatising steroids (deca and eq).
    Yes, this I know. I'm just wondering how long it will generally take to get normal cholesterol levels back after coming off.

    I can put off the next Anavar cycle until summer or so, but I'm planning probably a test prop cycle for February. I have decided to compete again and have a competition in April.

  5. #5
    sizzlechest's Avatar
    sizzlechest is offline Member
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    You can also see your doctor and get some statins. The problem is that the statins wont do much for your good cholesterol.

  6. #6
    Supertotal is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sizzlechest View Post
    You can also see your doctor and get some statins. The problem is that the statins wont do much for your good cholesterol.
    The whole idea is to not use drugs to counter drug side effects. Cholesterol drugs can be worse for you than the cholesterol. I'm taking multiple "natural" measures already, plus cleaning up my diet considerably. I was being pretty lazy about it before.

    But basically, I have my answer. I thought there might be more input, but I have been doing much reading on my own as well. Seems a simple test prop cycle might hurt either my LDL (by raising it), or my HDL (by lowering it), but apparently it can have a beneficial effect on the other. So, basically, both go up, or both go down. I forget which. Either way, that's already 50% better, plus, most studies cited this effect at higher doses than I was planning.

    I did plan on bridging until my next cycle in January, but now having to come off unexpectedly, I'm looking at a low period. I was planning on taking January completely off however, so now the cycle will have to wait until February. So I'll be starting a cycle at a very low point in my training, which I am loathe to do.

    Not sure what to do, I'm tempted just to keep up with the bridge for now............

    Also, for some reason I am really not looking forward to injectables. I have zero fear of needles, pain or blood, they just seem like a supreme pain in the ass, no pun intended. Why can't we just do orals forever?

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