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Thread: BICEP INJECTION! 4th day and I'm scared !

  1. #1

    Exclamation BICEP INJECTION! 4th day and I'm scared !

    Hi everyone, I am very new to this site, I am on my second cycle of Test e and Dbol. I am on my second last week (7) and I always inject my Quad and I get great results from it. My quads are bigger then some of my friends who are wayy bigger then me. So I read up on some forums that injecting into biceps could help stretching fascias. So i gave it a go on Tuesday (inner head) and next day it hurt really really bad. BTW I DID SHAKE A LOT!!! WHEN I WAS INJECTING INTO MY FLEXED BICEP. Used a 23G 1" needle. DID clean up the site and vial .

    Heres how it looked like for past couple of days:

    Wednesday- hurt really really bad couldn't straighten my arm. Couldn't FLEX
    Thursday- light redness and swollen- excruciating pain.Couldn't FLEX
    Friday- redness almost gone but still swollen but less then thursday .Couldn't FLEX
    Today - light pain, can't straighten my arm. very very mild redness. Can't flexxxxxx!

    Has this happened to anyone in the past? Please help me out.

    AND YES I DID READ AS MANY old threads as i could find on this matter. Just didn't; find anyone talking about weather they could flex their bicep or not.

  2. #2
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    how much did you inject and how big is your bicep?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    1 cc of Test e and my arms are 13.8 inches i know my arms are damn small

    I did start CEPHALEXIN (keflex) (antibiotics) 500mg 4 times per day for 7-10 days just took my first 500 mgs. I read up on people that go to doctor with potential injection infection and doctor prescribes them 500 x 4 per day so I jsut started it right now.
    Last edited by jatinderr; 12-17-2011 at 11:56 AM.

  4. #4
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    way too much, .5 ml is plenty in bi's even for a good sized muscle. but if things are settling down then it g2g

  5. #5
    I hope so man. Thanks for your guys replies though!

    and gixxerboy what year gixxer are you got? i got a 04 1000 myself

  6. #6
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    its probably because cause of the amount of oil and you arm is small and the fact its a virgin muscle.

    i got a worked srad.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  7. #7
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    How old are you?

  8. #8
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    Toooo young

    At 19 you shouldnt be cycling anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. #9
    does that matter now? because I already started

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by jatinderr View Post
    does that matter now? because I already started
    yes, get off and pct. you could bring on a load of very nasty health probs

  11. #11
    i dont care what anyone in this forum says injecting your bicep is ridiculous and you should only do it if you don't need your arm for the next few days.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by wantaesthetics View Post
    i dont care what anyone in this forum says injecting your bicep is ridiculous and you should only do it if you don't need your arm for the next few days.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    alright it's not "ridiculous" I just had bad flashbacks from injecting sensitive areas but I sympathize with the op because of the pain issue. I meant it's just so painful that imo atleast the risk reward ratio doesn't work out. you got so many options, glutes, ventroglutes, quads, delts, (some people do lats) that biceps is like asking for trouble.

    now if ure pinning yourself daily with multiple things then it's different and at that point ure advanced but in my mind someone in their 1st or 2nd cycle shouldn't even bother going near tiny muscles like that.

    (speaking because i experimented with horrible results . haha never again. glutes and quads for me man!)

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by wantaesthetics View Post
    alright it's not "ridiculous" I just had bad flashbacks from injecting sensitive areas but I sympathize with the op because of the pain issue. I meant it's just so painful that imo atleast the risk reward ratio doesn't work out. you got so many options, glutes, ventroglutes, quads, delts, (some people do lats) that biceps is like asking for trouble.

    now if ure pinning yourself daily with multiple things then it's different and at that point ure advanced but in my mind someone in their 1st or 2nd cycle shouldn't even bother going near tiny muscles like that.

    (speaking because i experimented with horrible results . haha never again. glutes and quads for me man!)
    depends on what you put in and how much, almost every muscle group will become easily pinned after a bit. i do traps which i reckoned would be a disaster but tried anyhow, one of the easiest of the lot!

  15. #15
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    i use a 25 g 1 inch pin an burry it in my bicep for 1cc injections and it doesnt hurt a bit. and i can use my arms as normal
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  16. #16
    update injection site is warm and red

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by jatinderr
    update injection site is warm and red
    I believe a sign of a infection!

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by jatinderr
    update injection site is warm and red
    Plus bro your too young for AAS please get off, listen from someone that used at a young age of 20 years old and have to be on test repla***ent therapy for the rest of his life!!

    The negatives out way the positive at this age wait till your like 25, you can make so much mass naturally!!

  19. #19
    ^ for real? you are on lifetime TRT? **** k i will stop after this legit

  20. #20
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    why do so many kids always insist on getting on AAS so young... i just dont get it

  21. #21
    ^because they get bullied for being "pu**ies"

  22. #22
    hi wantaesthetics was your injection site warm and red and were you able to flex properly?

  23. #23
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    i pin my bi's no prob most times 1cc though i remember the first time was rough i was scared and like most of us i had my girl do it for me, that was about 10yrs ago since then "suck, stick & push" it gets easier

  24. #24
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    Business as usual yeah?
    I do 1.5 ml with no prob in my biceps but I dont recommend that. Like with any inject you want to be as still as possible so the head of the needle isn't bouncing around inside you. I had some test susp get stuck in the needle the other day on shoulders. I really did some damage trying to jam the plunger down i should have just pulled and started with a new needle.

  25. #25
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    On this whole biceps,Triceps and other exotic area injection thing. While you can certainly pin most any muscle, there are good reasons that the glutes, thigh and delts are the standard go to muscles for IM injections, they are almost completely free of veins, arteries, nerves and lymphatic system parts. Stick with these till you got some cycles under your belt and you will be better off. The minimal improvements gained from stretching the fascia will be far outweighed by the chance of problems from accidental pinning of the above problem areas.

    On injection problems as well as a description of the dangers of pinning non standard areas this article is a good read although the part on self diagnosis and treatment of infections is very debatable. This was posted in 2008 by Canadream, it is a very well written concise article on diagnosing injection problems and how to deal with them (although when needle aspiration is the proper course of action as opposed to incision, packing and insertion of a drainage wick is a touchy subject) other than that its all good IMHO.


    "INJECTION PAIN: Diagnosing a problem and what to do!

    Here is a scenario that I read all too often on the boards:

    A user has injected and a day later is having lots of pain and swelling to his injection site.

    There are normally 3 reasons why this would occur.

    The first reason is that the injectable used contained too much preservative such as benzyl alcohol which will cause tissue damage, and stimulate a local inflammatory response. The pain from this can be moderate and go away in a few days, or it can be severe and take almost a week to subside. It really depends on how much BA was in the solution injected and how much volume was injected. Normally the pain and inflammation can be controlled with Ice and anti-inflammatory such as Advil and after about the 3rd day, the user should notice a gradual subsiding of the symptoms.

    The site should be swollen, and slightly red, but that swelling should be inside the muscle, and should begin to dissipate on the third day along with the pain. This is a slow progression though and could take as long as a week to ten days to fully go away, the key is it will slowly get better, not worse or stay the same.

    The 2nd scenario is if you hit the lymphatic system with one of your injections .

    The lymphatic system is a network of vessels that flow through your body. It is as extensive as your vascular system, and contains nodes at different parts are like storage depots or garrisons where White cells can accumulate for action.
    The important thing to note is that the odds of coming into contact with the lymphatic system, as long as you stick to the conventionally recommended sites of IM injection are very small.
    (The recommended sites are deltoids, ventogluteal (side of hip/ buttocks) , dorsal gluteus (back of buttocks top outer corner), vastus lateralis ( abductor lateral (outer side) of quadriceps).

    But if you start doing ‘site’ injections , such as pectorals, biceps, inner quads etc. then you run much higher risk of hitting lymphatic tissue and disruption of ducts.

    Lymphatic disruption is caused when you puncture into the area. Since it is fluid, but not blood, it has no means of initial clotting so the fluid will continue to flow into surrounding areas causing extreme localized swelling and pain. The swelling will then track up wards along the lymphatic system. The edema that is caused will also include surface edema – i.e. if you indent the area with your finger, the finger mark will remain. That is called ‘pitting edema’.

    This edema comes on strong and fast, by the following day it is at its worst. There is normally no redness or ‘heat’ at the site, just swelling and pain. Ice and Advil can be helpful, but it usually takes a week for the swelling to dissipate, and for up to 10 days before you can resume training that body part, as the swelling can be so bad, it will limit your range of motion and flexibility in the muscle injected.

    The Keys to note are that this usually occurs in an unconventional injection site, and there the swelling comes on quickly, and then doesn’t get worse. There is very little redness, and heat at the site. The site will have pitting edema, where as injection caused by too much BA has no pitting edema.

    The third scenario is an injection site infection.

    An infection can be caused by a few different factors but key is that you have introduced a bacterium into your muscle that doesn’t belong there, and is now invading your body.

    This can be because what you injected was contaminated, because the needle you used was contaminated, or simply you just didn’t swab well enough either on the vial or your injection site.

    The first thing that happens when you inject some gear is that the bacterium will cause a localized inflammatory response. That includes swelling, and redness, and heat to the area, very similar to if you had injected gear with a high BA content. What follows is that the infection will progress, and your body’s immune system will put in steps to defend itself.
    Ice and Advil may help the pain, and temporarily blunt the swelling, but if you withdraw the therapy, the swelling continues to get worse. By the third day you will notice pitting edema to the area, unlike the lymphatic caused edema that occurs earlier then the third day.
    Inside, the body will be attempting to contain the infection by forming a barrier around the infected area which is called a cyst. If the body is successful the infection can remained contained in that pocket and the body will slowly fight it. However the cyst can continue to grow in size taking up more and more of the muscle belly as cyst formation is not a guarantee that the body is able to kill the infection; it is just a way of slowing its spread.
    Without cyst formation, the infection will reach the blood stream and that is when systemic symptoms will start occurring such as high fever, and limb swelling – and a gradual progression to systemic septic shock. We won’t get into this here other than to say, if you felt a fever coming on, then the only place you should be worrying about getting to is the closets Emergency department, as your life could literally be in peril. Once septic shock begins, if it is not caught soon enough it becomes impossible to stop the process regardless of how young and healthy you are; you will die.

    So, back to the beginning, if it is the 3rd day, and you are beginning to develop the symptoms I discussed – the pitting edema, and the swelling and pain along with HEAT at the site of injection that is not subsiding, then you pretty much can surmise that you have yourself an abscess.

    By finding the original spot that you injected and pressing down with a finger tip, it should be soft and boggy, there should be a finger indentation left in the skin, and there may also be a slight discolouration to the area.

    So what is needed to fix this, and reverse this as soon as possible so that the least amount of damage is done to your muscle?

    You need to get the infection out as soon as possible. Treating this with straight antibiotics may not quickly kill off the infection as the area will have been sealed off by the body so that the bacteria cannot utilize the vascular system to spread. In that same token, the antibiotics may not be effectively delivered in a fast enough time period to quickly kill off the infection, putting a halt to the infection’s progression.

    Aspiration is a necessity and should be done as soon as you have confirmed that it is indeed an infection.

    By inserting an needle syringe combo directly into the site in the exact path that your original injection took, and using a large gauge needle – 18 or even larger 16 gauge needle, (make sure to swab really well before hand, and have sterile gauze to cover the site following) insert the needle with the syringe empty, and once you have inserted it an 1/8 inch or so begin to aspirate as you slowly sink the needle in depth. You will know when you hit the abscess, as you will quickly suck up a small quantity of fluid that will resemble bloody, but purulent (yellow tinge to it) puss and some remnants of the injection fluid, whether it was suspension or oil. Expect to aspirate at least as much as you injected and possible ½ mL more, however sometimes you won’t find anything, and it usually is because you either aspirated too early – i.e. you didn’t wait until the third or 4th day, or it isn’t an infection, or you just plain missed the site which really is hard to do.

    If you don’t aspirate , you could end up with an ugly hole in your muscle.
    Physicians are reluctant to aspirate thinking that they will give the antibiotics a chance to do the trick rather than spending the extra time to pull out the infection. Many times they leave it up to the patient to decide this matter, and will order a course or oral antibiotics.
    The problem is, a lot of times the oral antibiotics will not work, and the patient will have to come back for IV therapy, and at this time aspiration may not be an option –but rather surgical debridement– because the abscess has formed a large hole.

    What will work, and works best with minimal harm is rapid diagnosis of the problem by the user at home, and rapid treatment. That means drawing out the infection, and going to the emergency department. You can bring the syringe with you to show the contents to the Nurse, and physician. It will certainly get you seen quicker. The doctor at that point will likely prescribe an oral antibiotic called Keflex (cephalaxen) This is a relatively side effect free medication that will work well and quickly if you have drawn out the infection. It will work poorly If you do not get the abscess drained."

  26. #26
    you got this from another forums? i read it there

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnderRated2010 View Post
    why do so many kids always insist on getting on AAS so young... i just dont get it
    Well my situation is a little more different, but i'll let yall know that I'm 21 and i use... however my job demands peak physical condition failure of achieving that would get me or one of my peers killed where we go and play war at. Sometimes its stupid i agree and i wish i didn't have to, but i could tell you 2 different instances in which the use of this was the difference between life and death. And that my friends a a very good reason to risk TRT's for the rest of life, because a life on TRT is better than no life at all right. Just be careful with the whole "kid" word ya? not all of us are idiots

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i use a 25 g 1 inch pin an burry it in my bicep for 1cc injections and it doesnt hurt a bit. and i can use my arms as normal
    is your arm bend (slight flexion) when doing it, or do you leave arm relaxed and hanging at your side.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by infantry13 View Post
    Well my situation is a little more different, but i'll let yall know that I'm 21 and i use... however my job demands peak physical condition failure of achieving that would get me or one of my peers killed where we go and play war at. Sometimes its stupid i agree and i wish i didn't have to, but i could tell you 2 different instances in which the use of this was the difference between life and death. And that my friends a a very good reason to risk TRT's for the rest of life, because a life on TRT is better than no life at all right. Just be careful with the whole "kid" word ya? not all of us are idiots
    If you have some wild, out of the world reason why you are pinning at such a young age, then you should share as to why before you seek advice..remember this guys saying the word "kid" are actually concered with your health and well being..

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post

    If you have some wild, out of the world reason why you are pinning at such a young age, then you should share as to why before you seek advice..remember this guys saying the word "kid" are actually concered with your health and well being..
    I would love to hear the occupation that makes juicing up at a young age a "life or death" matter!

  31. #31
    I dont know why people especially newer users dont stick to the tried and tested sites!! Just do the Glutes and maybe delts. Once you are bigger and more experienced try other sites.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    I would love to hear the occupation that makes juicing up at a young age a "life or death" matter!
    bodybuilding. pro athlete. actor. steriod use is very very common. i for one started at the age of 19 and never looked back.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by jatinderr View Post
    BTW I DID SHAKE A LOT!!! WHEN I WAS INJECTING INTO MY FLEXED BICEP. Used a 23G 1" needle. DID clean up the site and vial .

    AND YES I DID READ AS MANY old threads as i could find on this matter. Just didn't; find anyone talking about weather they could flex their bicep or not.
    Why are you injecting into a flexed muscle? Bad idea.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by jatinderr
    ^ for real? you are on lifetime TRT? **** k i will stop after this legit
    Yes sir, no joke for real!! Think smart, plus I only inject in the delts and glutes with anything containing oil. Have pinned with an insulin needle in the bis and chest ..

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by jatinderr
    ^because they get bullied for being "pu**ies"
    Lmao, me personally when I started at 20 yrs old I weighed 225 lbs 5'11", so as you see I was no small pup and never been bullied lol. Speaking for myself I wanted more and though I was superman and though I would be ok! Than I found out why I was always tired when I was off the juice lol, very low test levels 167ng/ml after 2 years off everything..
    Last edited by FONZY007; 12-18-2011 at 09:53 AM.

  36. #36
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    my training parner did it once... sust250 in the bicep... with the big needle as well..

    he was howling all weekend.. but.. not being able to straigten him arm i dont remember. He still has the scar from it though. well a pin hole sized one

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    is your arm bend (slight flexion) when doing it, or do you leave arm relaxed and hanging at your side.
    yes i do.

    I also do it since i do eod injection and can rotate more. I dont believe it help for site size
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  38. #38
    allright everybody time for an UPDATE:

    I woke up this morning with almost no pain in my bicep. Well i can say 80 % pain is gone. No redness or warmth. I think the swelling is gone too . But still can't flex. I can flex it better then before and starting to see the bicep peak again but not full. But i am still going to finish the antibiotic 14 day cycle that i already started yesterday.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by jatinderr View Post
    allright everybody time for an UPDATE:

    I woke up this morning with almost no pain in my bicep. Well i can say 80 % pain is gone. No redness or warmth. I think the swelling is gone too . But still can't flex. I can flex it better then before and starting to see the bicep peak again but not full. But i am still going to finish the antibiotic 14 day cycle that i already started yesterday.
    I did test c awhile back in my virgin quad and it took 2 wks before pain was gone...

  40. #40
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    next time just inject all vials at same time in same spot

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