Hey guys,
About to start my first cycle... actually I'm a week in and wanted to check if I've missed anything, or am making a silly mistake.
Major Concerns / priorities (not in order)
- Getting to the next level in muscle growth
- Losing around 5+ kilos of fat
- Keeping my hair (have lost some natually till now, male hairloss pattern thing)
- Minimal sides (particularly on the liver)
- The infamous deca-dick (think that's covered by the caber)
Stats first:
- Age: 28
- Height: 5'11
- Weight: 182 pounds
- Fat: Around 26%
- Training Experience: about a year
Weekly Schedule
- Duration - 12 weeks
Weeks 1 - 10
- Deca Durabolin 400mg (300mg-400mg)
- Test Ethanate 150mg (up to 250mg, depending on effect on hairloss)
- Clenbuiterol - 2 weeks on 2 weeks off, working up from 40mcg to approx 100-120mcg, increasing by 20mcg every three days by 20mcg. May only do this for the one two week block, will see based on results
Weeks 11 - 12
- Test Ethanate 150mg - 250mg (not decided on dose yet)
- Dostinex (cabergoline) 0.5mg twice a week
- HCG - Thinking about a three week cycle between weeks 9-12... not really sure. Like the idea of keeping my balls
- PCP - Clomid or Novalex... unsure which one just yet, as well as dosages etc...
- Minimal sugar
- 2-3 protein shakes a day (one with carb after workouts)
- Lots of lean meats
- Lots of beans, lentils etc
- Not much white carbs
- Plan to eat like a horse when deca kicks in by around week 3, though it's already happening in week 1
Ok - so they're the hard and fast stats.
I've researched heaps so far just on web forums and can just add in:
- I know most people will say to run more test than deca, but keeping hairloss to a minimum is a priority for me. Can't use finasteride on deca either
that sucks.
- I know I'm kinda rolling the dice at 250mg test for hairloss, and may reduce this to 150mg for the base level that my body should normally produce.
- In week one i didn't have the test and just used the deca.. felt tired, sad... think it was on account of having no test in me.
May pop this up on another forum as well, as little concerned I'm already at the start of week 2 before raising this question
- Is there any reason I couldn't go up to 400mg on the deca? Particularly for long term deca dick? Is there benefit to going this high?
- Is 150mg test going to just cover my base testosterone levels?
- What's a reasonable goal for muscle growth on this kind of cycle?
Any other feedback on any part of this cycle would be greatly appreciated.