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  1. #1
    BDL is offline New Member
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    test cyp, tren E, clen, t3, anavar.

    Ive recently started a cutting cycle/lean gains im just after some advice and some questions answered if possible.
    My primary goal is to get to 8% bf, If i dont get any strength/muscle gains im not really concerned.

    Age: 24
    Height 6'1
    weight 190lbish
    bf% 10-11% (i have full separation of abs)
    cycle history 3+
    compounds used b4 test prop/E/cpy,trenE,eq,dbol ,havoc,DNP ,clen ,albuterol,nolva,c lomid,arimidex ,letro.

    My current diet is 2,300calories (500below maintenance) atleast 1g/lb protein. cardio 40mins morning, 20mins after gym sesh.
    Is this too low calories?

    weeks 1-12 test cyp 400mg/pw
    weeks 4-10 tren E 400mg/pw
    weeks 1-12 .25-.5 arimidex EOD
    PCT nolva/clomid week 14 onwards.

    Ill be in overseas for 2 weeks during weeks 6-8 and will have access to cheap drugs so i was planning on running Clen and T3
    Clen 60-120mcg
    T3 - 50mcg? 100mcg? ive never used T3 before and unsure how
    much i need.

    Also would it be okay/worth it to run Anavar aswell for those 2 weeks?
    I also thought about upping the dose of tren during these 2 weeks if i can handle sides?

    Last edited by BDL; 12-21-2011 at 10:43 PM.

  2. #2
    BDL is offline New Member
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  3. #3
    auslifta's Avatar
    auslifta is offline Retired MONITOR
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    You want to run those compounds just to lose 2%BF? You could prob do it with just test and spot on diet. Fvck me you have run some dangerous compounds for someone so young.

  4. #4
    BDL is offline New Member
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    Yes, most have been in the last year if that makes any difference. In trying to justifiy my use Bodybuilding is mylife and not just a hobby..
    Ive reduced my calories to 2,000 and increased cardio but still not noticing anychanges. I would hopefully reach 8% mid cycle then increase calories and make some lean gains.

  5. #5
    auslifta's Avatar
    auslifta is offline Retired MONITOR
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    Keep your cals at 400 below maintenance, manipulate carbs/fats and dramatically increase cardio. The extra test helps with nutrient efficacy and partitioning while fighting catabolism . I don't see how you couldn't accomplish your goals with test alone.

  6. #6
    The Titan99's Avatar
    The Titan99 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BDL View Post
    Ive recently started a cutting cycle/lean gains im just after some advice and some questions answered if possible.
    My primary goal is to get to 8% bf, If i dont get any strength/muscle gains im not really concerned.

    Age: 24
    Height 6'1
    weight 190lbish
    bf% 10-11% (i have full separation of abs)
    cycle history 3+
    compounds used b4 test prop/E/cpy,trenE,eq,dbol ,havoc,DNP ,clen ,albuterol,nolva,c lomid,arimidex ,letro.

    My current diet is 2,300calories (500below maintenance) atleast 1g/lb protein. cardio 40mins morning, 20mins after gym sesh.
    Is this too low calories?

    weeks 1-12 test cyp 400mg/pw
    weeks 4-10 tren E 400mg/pw
    weeks 1-12 .25-.5 arimidex EOD
    PCT nolva/clomid week 14 onwards.

    Ill be in overseas for 2 weeks during weeks 6-8 and will have access to cheap drugs so i was planning on running Clen and T3
    Clen 60-120mcg
    T3 - 50mcg? 100mcg? ive never used T3 before and unsure how
    much i need.

    Also would it be okay/worth it to run Anavar aswell for those 2 weeks?
    I also thought about upping the dose of tren during these 2 weeks if i can handle sides?

    I've run this cycle before with great success, however, I see some things I think could use a little tweak. First, 24 years old, 6'1" 190 lbs? I think your calories are a bit low, especially with the compounds your taking, you should crank that up 600-800 calories. Next, that's way too much cardio, drop that post gym stuff completely. Tren/Ox combo will kick ass, but to get the full effect I'd definitely raise that protein intake to, at the very least, 1.5 g/lb and more towards 2 g/lb. I also like to carb cycle on a cut like this (flip the protein and carb grams twice a week, usually on back day and leg day.) Run the Tren right with the test, all 12 weeks, why wait? Drop that AI unless you need it, which you won't. Tren/Var won't aromatize and your test dose is very low. Just keep it on hand. HCG is a must for me, ESPECIALLY with that Tren. You'll thank me for that one in PCT. Run it at 250 iu's twice a week from the get go right up to PCT day (do you know what day that is, exactly, on this stack?)
    Speaking of PCT, what you have here is not much of a plan, but maybe you just didn't want to type it out. I'd run the Nolva at 40/20/20/20/20. I'd replace the clomid with torem, but if you already have clomid and like it I'd run that 100/50/50/50/50 at least, with plenty of vitamin C to ward off that cortisol. (Maybe have to go 6 or 8 weeks after this one.)

    What were you thinking on the oxandrolone (Var)? With what you've got here I'd go with 50 mg ed.

    I would not go over 50mcg of T3 ever, just MHO. I don't like to jack with the thyroid too much, and with your diet, cardio tren/var/clen, you won't really need it.

    That said, if you do this right you'll end up well under 8%. Your kind of rabbit hunting with a 7mm mag here, especially at 24 years old. I could get under 6% at 240 lbs with this program here, and I'm 47.

    There you have it, my critique. Do with it what you will, it's all from direct experience.

    P.S. If you run Test/Tren/Ox for 12 weeks and don't get any strength/lean muscle gains your gear is fake, your diet is fvcked or your dead already...LOL!!! Good luck!!

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