12-19-2011, 04:10 PM #1Junior Member
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Why is EQ getting such a bad rep these days
I keep reading on here and other forums that many people don't care for EQ. I did a test prop and eq cycle a few years back with good results. Granted back then I was not nearly as educated on the subject of steroids and only did a eight week cycle. I just would like to hear some opinions on this. Thanks
12-19-2011, 04:12 PM #2
because eq doesnt give much for results even at high doses. There are better options out there
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
12-19-2011, 04:52 PM #3Recognized Member Winner - $100
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I have had good results with EQ also,i dont go over 8 to 10 weeks on my cycles.I have done some EQ by itself and it was ok but works better with test.Some people dont like it because they they dont bloat up like decca and feel they arent getting any good results.
12-19-2011, 05:22 PM #4Banned
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The results u got, as well as the results other people THINK they got from Eq., were from the Prop. / Test. Equipoise does nothing mor than giv u a bit longer wind / stamina, & it doesn't even do THAT well enuf 2 warrant spending money on it.
12-19-2011, 07:05 PM #5
Bad rap only on this board. Its all dpends on what you are trying to achieve.
600mg a week run with test. Try it out and see how it works, I think you will like it.
12-19-2011, 07:19 PM #6Associate Member
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this forum and ppl on here are very mild with the cycles they run, they run fewer compounds and smaller doses so they want something stonger that gives results without or less side effects.(from what i noticed)
if i was to only run a compound or two eq would not be in that stack as its quite weak. but in larger cycles absolutely, its positives come in other ways of hardness and makes u very vascular, increase appatite ect instead of building mass and strength
gonna run for my next cycle which is eq,tren ,drol,test. not gonna post doses as i always get flamed and say im a bad influence on beginners reading this forum.
edit. and i agree with sizzle, it only has a bad rap on this board. my guess is because all the mod and oldschool members on this forum give it a bad rap. and other ppl follow without trying the drug. this forum is more about safety and how to run things safe and smart. like how they dont advise anyone under 25 to jump on gear. other forums give ppl 18+ of age the go ahead and help them with cycles.Last edited by markdbg; 12-19-2011 at 07:22 PM.
12-19-2011, 07:32 PM #7
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12-19-2011, 07:33 PM #8
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12-19-2011, 07:34 PM #9
Im not too sure what dosage it typically comes in, but even if it is 200-250/mL, thats almost 3 extra mL you need a week just to "benefit" from it. I can think of several other compounds I would take up that oil space with
12-19-2011, 07:40 PM #10Banned
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12-19-2011, 07:44 PM #11
We need Marcus right about now =)
12-19-2011, 07:48 PM #12
I've tried it at 800mg for 16 weeks. It was a waste of space in the needle.
Haz has run higher doses then me and thinks it sucks tooIf people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
12-19-2011, 07:57 PM #13Banned
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12-19-2011, 08:32 PM #14
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See bold...
Eq is at best an ancillary - years ago when i got it DIRT cheap, and i mean DIRT cheap i ran it (although the huge amounts of oil i had to inject as it was 50mg/ml was a pain in the ass).....
Ive run it at different durations and dosages - it really is just an ancillary .... I didnt hate it - but saw it for what it was...and wasnt.
Nowadays i would never and dont waste my money ...
Its amazing what dangerously high blood pressure will do for vascularity- but so will low bf and carb manipulation. Hell i eat because i have discilpline i sure as hell dont need to inject 800mgs of something per week to eat. Also im not running a freaking marathon or riding the tour de france - i have all the endurance i need..in every area thanks.Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 12-19-2011 at 08:36 PM.
12-19-2011, 09:49 PM #15
12-19-2011, 09:51 PM #16
12-19-2011, 09:53 PM #17
12-19-2011, 10:19 PM #18
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12-19-2011, 10:32 PM #19
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ive often heard afew local guys reckoning that the pharma grade vet stuff did work, but i dont know how they could conclude tht? it cant be any different from legit UGL. i think alot stack it with test and thats where they're getting the results.
i asked Marcus in detail about it , endurance etc and he said it isnt worth shit. haz also ran it not tht long ago at 1g pw i believe, he also said its shit. good enough for me
12-20-2011, 12:21 AM #20
Well I never used it but when Marcus and Haz siad it was shit.That was good enough for me.And yes we dont endorse these mega dose cycles if you really think about it.You dont need it.I would be willing to bet most of those guys taking those mega dose cycles.Aint as big as most of your guys who run it right.
12-20-2011, 01:18 AM #21
^^^^ Great post.....
I ran 1000mg's/wk for 16+ weeks and I can honestly say tha it was a complete waste of time. I've got experience with a bunch of different compounds..... I try to notice what each compound adds and if it's working. Every compound I ordered from my source was good to go..... now unless his EQ was the ONLY bunk compound he sold..... then it means that EQ sucks for muscle building.
Regarding this forum..... we are here to advise on the SAFE USAGE of steroids . If you want to be a competative bodybuilder - you will more than likely have to use doses that go beyond our general recomendations. That is territory where one must make a choice for themself..... not have a bunch of guys decide that it's not going to affect your health.
Regarding Eq's vascularity and endurance benefits..... Jimmy summed it up pretty well. I'm not running a marathon so wtf do I need more endurance for. EQ "increases vascularity" because of the RBC production. Not only can it lead to HBP but also hospitalization due to a high RBC count. (i forget the condition)
Stick with compounds that actually work.....
12-20-2011, 01:23 AM #22Associate Member
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you would have to run a ton of eq for along ass time and not watch ur health for ur blood pressure to get dangerously high, and yes ull be vascular at low body fat and watching ur carbs, but eq WITH those things will produce much greater vascularity and hardness. and ok you dont want to run a marathon or be a athlete that has to has great cardio. thats you, ur one person. you cant speak for everyone. you take things for YOUR goals.
what would u advise a nfl player? tren and anadrol ? steriods have more purposes then to get huge and strong.
edit- i ran a cycle that was 1200 eq, 100 tren ed and 100 winni ed,great cycle. no problems other then sum chest acne and insomnia
im responding to the bold that u added to mine
yes eq doesnt alone have alot of side effects other then increased bp, but adding it onto a cycle will give u increased side effect, u add 600-900 eq onto ur already planned schedual and ur going to break out with alot more acne, esp on chest, back, shoulders as eq is known for. and it does add aggression. and for ppl running small cycles to afford sides, its not for them.
one thing i think ur forgetting or not aware about, eq can replace synthetic testostrone, ur still able to get hard, its test without the bloat. with similar gains.
and we dont all take steriods for strength and mass, some take for athletic performance. some take to enhance apperence, which eq is best for, nice lean hard gains, no bloat, makes u very vascular, enhances cardio performance. yeah eq sounds like a really bad steriod . not everyone wants to be huge and strong.
why would anyone who hasnt taken it say its great? theres no reason to. and if u take eq, u know whats its doing, where does the appitite come from? where does the hardness come from? where do the veins come from? cause its not coming from your test or your dbols. if you know ur steriods ull know whats doing what.
if eq is a bad steriod, why does everyone love mast? pretty much the same steroid , just stronger on the harderness without the veins.
edit- i ran a cycle of 1200 eq a week 100 tren 100 winni daily, great results without any ED problems, just had acne on chest, shoulders back and insomnia from tren. bit of join pain from winni by gluco solved that real fastLast edited by markdbg; 12-20-2011 at 01:29 AM.
12-20-2011, 01:48 AM #23
Also..... for the record..... EQ is actually VERY similar to winny in that it increases collagen synthesis but DOES NOT increase the Cross-linking Connectivity. Therefore making the new fibres brittle and more suceptible to tearing. This is quite counter-productive for an athlete isn't it?
12-20-2011, 01:50 AM #24
12-20-2011, 06:06 AM #25Recognized Member Winner - $100
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12-20-2011, 06:24 AM #26
It's not like trstosterone.. I could be wrong here but I thought it was actually similar to dbol .. I thought when they made it, they made it by accident trying to make an injectable version of dbol and although they don't have many of the same properties, chemically they are similar.. But like I said, thats just what I remember I might be mixed up..
I don't have much experience with it, but can one of u guys tell me if there's any truth to the claim that I can diet really well on it and hold on to the most muscle while consuming the least amount of calories? It's just something I heard somewhere once.. Thanks
12-20-2011, 10:20 AM #27
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12-20-2011, 10:23 AM #28
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12-20-2011, 11:09 AM #29
12-20-2011, 11:22 AM #30
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I suppose for the same reason that someone who has obviously not run masteron would compare it to eq......
Look you are entitled to your opinion but keep it within reason. I see over and over people trying to make eq out to be something it just isnt. Like you just did here.
Enough already with the broscience "if you know your steroids youll know whats doing what."
How about this - If you have real world experience and dont base shit off what u have read , and youve cycled in a fashion to be able to know firsthand what each compound is really doing (or not doing) then you know for a fact whats doing what. Thats what people get here .....
If u really like eq run it like crazy - hopefully more and more people run it and demand goes down for the true muscle building steroids and I can buy them even cheaper than I can now.
12-20-2011, 11:33 AM #31Originally Posted by The Bear 79
I know off topic lolLast edited by FONZY007; 12-20-2011 at 11:45 AM.
12-20-2011, 12:51 PM #32Recognized Member Winner - $100
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12-20-2011, 12:53 PM #33
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12-20-2011, 12:53 PM #34
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12-20-2011, 12:59 PM #35
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Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 12-20-2011 at 01:08 PM.
12-20-2011, 01:44 PM #36Recognized Member Winner - $100
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Clinical Equipoise and Athletes
That double bond is also responsible for Equipoises resistance for being changed by the 5- 5-Alpha-reductase enzyme (2)(3). This enzyme converts a small amount of Boldenone into Dihydroboldenone, which is a very potent androgen (7x as anabolic as testosterone )(4). As I said though, such a small amount of it is converted that its really of no concern to most athletes taking Equipoise. This factor, plus its low aromatization rate mean athletes dont need to consider using ancillaries with Equipoise.
Athletes taking Equipoise often report a slow and constant buildup of quality muscle, and certainly this has been my experience with the drug. I would speculate that this slow buildup of muscle is due to the very long ester attached to the Boldenone; Undeclynate is a longer ester than the decanoate ester by one carbon. Thus, we could expect the accumulation of muscle from Equipoise to actually occur at a slightly slower rate than that found with Deca (nandrolone decanoate). This leads me to advise that if you are considering the use of Equipoise, you should consider using it for no less than 12 weeks. Equipoise, like deca, is also detectable in your system for a long time (although it is substantially less than decas detection time).
Strangely, shorter estered versions of Boldenone are available as well. Anecdotally, many people (and manufacturers) claim that this produces less water retention...but water retention from Equipoise is virtually unheard of, so I consider this to be a silly idea.
An informal poll I took on Steroid .com (as well as with my friends) seems to put the ideal dose of Equipoise at 600mgs/week. Most people I asked about their Equipoise experience with Equipoise seemed to think that using over 600mgs/week produced no additional results, but the jump from 400mgs/week to 600mgs/week produced noticeable additional gains, and thus was warranted. I have personally found very nice results from 400mgs-600mgs/week myself.
Read more: http://www.steroid.com/Equipoise.php#ixzz1h7M0iVGb
12-20-2011, 03:05 PM #37
^^^^ Another out-dated write up. Looks like we're going to have to get someone to write a new one.....
Thats also one man's opinion not a collective opinion. It's also not a study of any sort so the information isn't scientific or proven.
12-20-2011, 03:09 PM #38Recognized Member Winner - $100
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12-20-2011, 03:12 PM #39
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I think the general concensus here is clear...
But we def do haved alot of work to do updating info...
Profiles like that are the reason people say the shit they do about eq....
12-20-2011, 03:13 PM #40Recognized Member Winner - $100
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It's also not a study of any sort so the information isn't scientific or proven.
Like everybodys here is? WTF
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