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  1. #1
    jakemorris is offline New Member
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    Dec 2011

    muscle recovery time question!

    Hey guys im on my seventh week of test 400 cycle

    Im currently working on strength and i am following a strict 3 days a week program

    will my muscle recovery time be faster since i am on gear therefore allow me to put in more sets of different excercises on the days?

    i workout every other day with 2 days rest on the weekend.

    for example, if my program says do flat bench bb then dumbell incline (and the program says not to **** with it), can i get away with and possibly be better off with adding another lift .. lets say decline press superset with flies?

  2. #2
    buster12 is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2011
    Ive been training on and off for over 20 years
    I always try and rest each body part group muscle for 72 hours

  3. #3
    auslifta's Avatar
    auslifta is offline Retired MONITOR
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    flying from the ashes
    Everyone's different. How is your progress going at the moment? Post up your current routine.

  4. #4
    jakemorris is offline New Member
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    Dec 2011
    My progress is oook
    I am starting to stall out a bit, my body composition I need to remain quite small in frame and weight so that I can compete in my desired weight class
    I'm currently 5'7 at around 180 with about 13 or 14% bodyfat i believe.. when I cut i need to be about 165 but hopefully i can make a really big cut to 150

    anyways I was doing an advanced version (monthly gains) of a strength workout but my buddy suggested that I try a weekly linear strength workout considering I'm using gear.

    so I tried my highschool workout being the intermediate madcow and ya to my surprise it works!

    but the thing is i feel like i am not trying hard enough during those workout days so I am wondering if i should add in a few excercies on those workout days


    btw in case you guys are wondering, the reason I am doing a monthly gains strength workout is because strength training is all I have done my entire life so my lifts are quite high

  5. #5
    mirin_serratus is offline Associate Member
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    yes I believe madcow intermediate is designed for natty gains, but only on bulk
    if you're bulking and on test then you can definitely add accessory exercises, but don't overdo it or your lifts are gonna stall big time, if strength is your biggest concern

  6. #6
    jakemorris is offline New Member
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    Dec 2011
    aaalrighty then i shall do it!

    thanks guys

  7. #7
    vtach12's Avatar
    vtach12 is offline Associate Member
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    Personally I do good with just 48hrs rest for a muscle group while on, and I do 72 hours of rest off. Except for abs which get hammered every day 6 days a week. As long as your diet/nutrition and sleep are on point that is.

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