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Thread: Typical cycle results?

  1. #1

    Typical cycle results?

    Hi Everyone!

    I've been lurking for a few months, just browsing through these forums. I've also been browsing the forums at, and from comparing the pictures of the members at both sites, I've been wondering...

    Quite a few of the member over at (a site where members are supposedly 'natty', or refuse to admit), seem to be almost as muscular, if not on par, with many of the members here. Is this probably because these supposed 'nattys' are secretly juicing? Or do I just have a delusional view on how potent steroids are?

    This segways into my next question, how many lb. of muscle over one's natty limit could one expect after a year or two cycling moderately hard?

    Thanks in advance for the answers,
    and best regards.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    THere are way to many variables to even guess
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Meepo View Post
    Hi Everyone!

    I've been lurking for a few months, just browsing through these forums. I've also been browsing the forums at, and from comparing the pictures of the members at both sites, I've been wondering...

    Quite a few of the member over at (a site where members are supposedly 'natty', or refuse to admit), seem to be almost as muscular, if not on par, with many of the members here. Is this probably because these supposed 'nattys' are secretly juicing? Or do I just have a delusional view on how potent steroids are?

    This segways into my next question, how many lb. of muscle over one's natty limit could one expect after a year or two cycling moderately hard?

    Thanks in advance for the answers,
    and best regards.
    A lot of the bigger guys here don't put their pictures as their avi for various reasons, that doesn't mean their not monsters. It's usually the tiny guys like me who have a pic as their avi.

    And yes, I suspect that many of the supposed natty's at bb dot com are not natural at all.

  4. #4
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    Most of the impressive "naturals" use OTC designer steroids and PHs.
    And steroids aren't magical. Most recreational/moderate users (those that run maybe 2 cycles per year) will only have 10-20 lbs of LBM over their natural counterparts, if that.
    Also, those narcissists on with dozens of pics are like Myspace whores. They only post the pics with great lighting and all that, making them look much better than they normally do.

    So steroids aren't magical and don't make everyone huge, though if you want to be one of those ripped 250lb monsters (you know the ones I'm talking about), you basically need to abuse AAS year 'round.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 12-20-2011 at 07:08 PM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    And steroids aren't magical.

    So steroids aren't magical and don't make everyone huge, though if you want to be one of those ripped 250lb monsters (you know the ones I'm talking about), you basically need to abuse AAS year 'round.
    I am going to take exception to this thought. From my limited personal experience, and from my considerable experience being around some outrageously strong individuals I will say this. Steroids *CAN* be magical, even the "weak" (big LOL) ones. It depends on what you can accomplish without them. It depends on how far you went naturally, assuming you gained until you crossed over. From what I have seen, they will give the average user a certain percentage of gains, so if you bench pressed your 185lb body weight when you started using and gained 15% you'll still only bench 215lbs. If you pressed 400lbs at 225lb body weight when you went on and gained the same 15%, well............... Lets just say the second guy is a lot more "enchanted" than the first!

    That is not to say you will gain 15%. I'm speaking theoretically here.

    Also, I know a few 250lb monsters that are lifetime drug free. They might not be shredded, but they are hardly fat either. They are also crazy strong. It wouldn't take too much to "rip" them up if they went on. Certainly not "abuse" levels, and certainly not year round.

    My two bits. I just want to provide some often needed perspective around here.

  6. #6
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    Nov 2011
    on, everyone that has the word 'natty' or 'natural' in their username is probably not natural, and same goes with the top 10-20 top bodyspace members. all it accomplishes is make newbies delusional of what can be accomplished naturally, so they either give up or turn to juice

  7. #7
    dec11's Avatar
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    A lot of the bigger guys here don't put their pictures as their avi for various reasons, that doesn't mean their not monsters. It's usually the tiny guys like me who have a pic as their avi.

    And yes, I suspect that many of the supposed natty's at bb dot com are not natural at all.
    you're far from tiny mate

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Supertotal View Post
    I am going to take exception to this thought. From my limited personal experience, and from my considerable experience being around some outrageously strong individuals I will say this. Steroids *CAN* be magical, even the "weak" (big LOL) ones. It depends on what you can accomplish without them. It depends on how far you went naturally, assuming you gained until you crossed over. From what I have seen, they will give the average user a certain percentage of gains, so if you bench pressed your 185lb body weight when you started using and gained 15% you'll still only bench 215lbs. If you pressed 400lbs at 225lb body weight when you went on and gained the same 15%, well............... Lets just say the second guy is a lot more "enchanted" than the first!

    That is not to say you will gain 15%. I'm speaking theoretically here.

    Also, I know a few 250lb monsters that are lifetime drug free. They might not be shredded, but they are hardly fat either. They are also crazy strong. It wouldn't take too much to "rip" them up if they went on. Certainly not "abuse" levels, and certainly not year round.

    My two bits. I just want to provide some often needed perspective around here.

    Your convoluted rambling thoughts full of contradictions really added needed perspective to this thread.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Your convoluted rambling thoughts full of contradictions really added needed perspective to this thread.
    Lengthiest explanation of nothing award.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Your convoluted rambling thoughts full of contradictions really added needed perspective to this thread.
    You're welcome. But convoluted? possibly. It was early. Rambling? I don't think so. Contradictions? again, no.

    I agree this board can use a different viewpoint when it comes to threads like this. It is usually the same ol' same ol' every time. I understand you are speaking to the average user based on experience from other average users and common results, but why lie to get a point across? To some people these drugs are going to be pure magic. That doesn't excuse them from doing real work. The great irony is that the harder someone works and the more intelligently they train and research, the less they actually need drugs to do great things. The other great irony perhaps is that these same people are the ones that will get the most out of "cheating" with them as well, when they decide to make the jump. If they're going to abuse the privilege and waste their time, money, and future health on a little boost when they don't need it and don't deserve it then let them. Someone who is dead set on being a ripped 250lb monster will find a way to do it with or without abusing AAS. Someone who is lazy and stupid will never be great, even if they are raised by doctors, trained by the master and live in a pharmacy.

  11. #11
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by Supertotal View Post
    I am going to take exception to this thought. From my limited personal experience, and from my considerable experience being around some outrageously strong individuals I will say this. Steroids *CAN* be magical, even the "weak" (big LOL) ones. It depends on what you can accomplish without them. It depends on how far you went naturally, assuming you gained until you crossed over. From what I have seen, they will give the average user a certain percentage of gains, so if you bench pressed your 185lb body weight when you started using and gained 15% you'll still only bench 215lbs. If you pressed 400lbs at 225lb body weight when you went on and gained the same 15%, well............... Lets just say the second guy is a lot more "enchanted" than the first!

    That is not to say you will gain 15%. I'm speaking theoretically here.

    Also, I know a few 250lb monsters that are lifetime drug free. They might not be shredded, but they are hardly fat either. They are also crazy strong. It wouldn't take too much to "rip" them up if they went on. Certainly not "abuse" levels, and certainly not year round.

    My two bits. I just want to provide some often needed perspective around here.
    arrogance as well as ignorance? what would one expect from the guy who squats maxs everyday and gained 'too hard' on an anavar bridge? man you need to learn humility and how to read and absorb rather than giving 'answers'

    your tone makes me want to vomit. you'll be really popular on here.....

    hahahaha, this says it all 'my oly and plifting super total'. wtf??? oh and 'why i left the sport', every hear of raw comps? you're full of shit
    Last edited by dec11; 12-22-2011 at 10:31 AM.

  12. #12
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    I was told to use aas when you wanted to push past your limit, but you do not keep most of your gains keep little...but little over a 3 yr period leads into a nice decent number...from what I have read many on here are not genetic freaks. ex-dec11 said he was a small guy, and reached 205 (hope I am correct) naturally...205 is not small but certainly not big, huge, or massive...but after years of experience trail and error you begin to learn what works best for you...
    thing I respect the most out of the experiencd guys are on here, they actually care about your well being and what you to learn from their mistakes or there trial and error.

    not sure you will get this on bb forum

  13. #13
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    Sep 2010
    I'll never get that ten minutes of my life back!!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    arrogance as well as ignorance? what would one expect from the guy who squats maxs everyday and gained 'too hard' on an anavar bridge? man you need to learn humility and how to read and absorb rather than giving 'answers'

    your tone makes me want to vomit. you'll be really popular on here.....

    hahahaha, this says it all 'my oly and plifting super total'. wtf??? oh and 'why i left the sport', every hear of raw comps? you're full of shit
    1. No arrogance. And certainly no ignorance. Or was there a sticky above that says we must all share the exact same views on all topics? Did I miss that?

    2. Yes, I have squatted to daily maxes every single day of the week, and for months on end. Did it for over a year at one point in my weightlifting training. Right now I am laying off the squats and still hit them heavy or light upwards of 6 times a week, though I don't consider two of those workouts to be "heavy" squatting. And again, you question this as an accepted and powerful method of training? This just points out YOUR ignorance. Take this ignorance to an Olympic weightlifting forum and see how long you last there. There is so much actual science, REAL science done by real scientists and quite literally countless real experts and masters that accept this as normal that you might as well question the validity of air travel as a form of transportation while you're at it. Your credibility is waning sharply.

    And that was an Anavar/D-bol bridge. I think it is you that should learn to read?

    3. Perhaps your nausea is a side-effect of something you are taking?

    4. Are you questioning what a "super-total" is now? Again, how much do you really know about training? Are you really a powerlifter?

    And ever hear of drug-testing? Perhaps you are one of those people that likes to beat clean lifters with gear, but I am not. Olympic weightlifting, IPF powerlifting, even 100% Raw, all drug-tested, and vigorously. It was either "retire" or cheat. I wanted to juice. There are no untested competitions for either sport anywhere near me. As of a year ago I am 100% happy to be just another gym rat. If these wonderful drugs work as well for me as I hope they do, perhaps I'll jump back in and compete again a few years from now.

    Anything else I can help you with?

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