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  1. #1
    mapleboii101 is offline New Member
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    Dec 2011

    Exclamation Newb Seeking Help

    Hey everyone, i just have a few questions that have been on my mind for years, i was always too shy to ask around but whatever ill give it a shot.
    I never really got into all the slang that everyone uses on this forum haha so please be very specific on your answers.

    first some info about me.
    - I'm 19 years old, have been training since i was 8 atleast twice a week only on my arms/chest and abs

    - I weigh 75kg's and have an extremely fast metabolism (i guess it hasnt failed on me yet), i eat 6 meals a day, nice big bowl or cereal and some toast in the morning, then maybe a sandwhich or 2 for brunch, i tend to eat fast food alot for lunch to even gain just a smidgen of a kilo but still doesnt work, usually hot chips as an afternoon tea snack and leave the veggies for dinner and followed by a midnight snack of anything i can find really.
    im not sure if im doing my diet properly so some feedback on that would be great.

    and another thing, probably a bad point in my weight gaining process.. i stopped eating meat about a year ago, just got over it i guess, the only meat i eat is mince for taccos, and thats on a rare occasion, i usually only eat chicken; nuggets, breasts, fillets so that could possibly be a reason why its hard for me to gain weight.

    - My arms are skinny (too skinny for my liking) and very toned, while my chest is a good size, but i would like to gain a bit more weight around the ribcage. im not sure if i overwork my arms or not, i only use dumbells and the long straight bar, mainly straight bar.

    okay thats enough blabbering..

    I have never used steroids before, and would like to try some out in the mere future but i have no idea where to look or what to look for (i live in sydney, australia),

    I was just wondering if anyone had any tips for me about weight gaining drinks,

    - whats the best drink to use for fast metabolisms?
    - is there any other drinks/bars that could help me gain weight?
    - what days should i work out and how long should i work out for while on drinks and when do i drink them?
    - is there anything im doing wrong in my diet?
    - what else could i eat to help me gain weight/fat?
    - is there any oral steroid that i could use just starting out in the mere future?
    - whats the best oral steroid to use when your just starting out? im not confident enough for needles

    If anyone at all could answer me those questions, it would be very much appreciated.

    Thank you for your help, if you need any other information id be glad to answer any questions

  2. #2
    RuckusDC5's Avatar
    RuckusDC5 is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2011
    When I started training I was 132 pounds, 5'8" at age 18.
    I know how you feel, but NO STEROID in the WORLD will make you big with no nutrition and experience. Go to body building. Com and start there. Check out the nutrition section, the training routine section, and the teen section.

    I know how you feel but steroids wont help you..
    This is the best advice you will ever receive.

  3. #3
    nik1603's Avatar
    nik1603 is offline New Member
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    Hey man. I know how u feel. Ive helped alot of guys in ur situation. K first up ur diet is bad. I dont mean that in a rude way but u have no nutritional food. Our muscles are mood of complex protein structures and store glycogen for energy. So what should u eat? Complex proteins and good sources of carbs for glycogen storage!?! U need to eat at least 5-7 times a day. Ur diet should consist of a lot of eggs, alot of chicken, steak, fish, mince, sweet potato, brown rice, basmati rice, veggies, wholegrain foods.

    To give that some structure:
    - 4 eggs and 2 pieces of wholgrain toast

    - 2 tuna sandwiches

    - brown rice and chicken breast

    - sweet potato and steak

    - macadamias, tuna, basmati rice

    - veggies, brown rice, steak/mince, macadamias

    And after ur workout some whey protein ofcourse.

    With ur training, train ur damn legs!! They r the biggest muscles in ur body, so gaining weight will happen by training those
    Legs. Train at least 3 times a week and eat!! If ur not that hungry.... Who cares, keep eating!! Bro im a year younger than u and im 230 pounds and fairly lean. I was once 170 pounds. It can be done!! Just eat the right food, train hard and hit all of ur muscles and u dont need steroids . They r things u consider wen ur older than 25 and have been training for years with a great diet too. Ok?

  4. #4
    RuckusDC5's Avatar
    RuckusDC5 is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2011
    ^ good post bro

  5. #5
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    My suggestion is repost this in the Nutrition Section. Lots of experts over there to help.
    Good Luck

  6. #6
    mapleboii101 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Thanks heaps you guys, and especially nik1603, cheers for your help mate! i will get started

    thanks again

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