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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    I have recently finished my 2nd cycle
    age 23
    weight 180 pounds
    height 5'11"
    I would gain more till next cycle

    I am planning for next cycle in August
    wk 1-6 dbol 50mg/day
    wk 1-22 test e 500mg/week
    wk 1-15 deca 500mg/week
    wk 17-22 Cutting steroid 100mg/eod

    this is 5th year I have participated in intercollegiate competition
    I will complete my collage this year so want to participate in local competitions next year
    this cycle is for next year and I would be participating in competition January

    So I want
    1)suggestion for cutting steroid
    which one mast or var or winny
    2)how is my cycle

    I will run adex and caber and will do proper pct

    my first cycle was deca only cycle
    200,150,150,100mg/week with d bol 30mg/day

    packed 10lbs from them lost most of it for competition

    second was
    wk 1-14.5 test 500/week
    wk 1-13 deca 400mg/week
    did nice pct with hcg nolva clomid
    packed 20lbs kept almost all

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    I would cut just with a diet alone..since you already have cycled I will not waste my time to say you are to young...this cycle is to long, unless you have plan to be on trt early in life I would cut down to 10-14 wks..
    it is not worth the risk!
    if you choose to cycle that long, I would run hcg...many will probably tell you to run it either way..
    I assume you have an ai on hand, or did during the duration of your second cycle..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    I would cut just with a diet alone..since you already have cycled I will not waste my time to say you are to young...this cycle is to long, unless you have plan to be on trt early in life I would cut down to 10-14 wks..
    it is not worth the risk!
    if you choose to cycle that long, I would run hcg...many will probably tell you to run it either way..
    I assume you have an ai on hand, or did during the duration of your second cycle..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    thank you bro
    I want to add some steroid which will give me hard look with diet
    as I will be participating in competition
    I will reach 185 at least till
    also I am planning a long off after the cycle
    probably will use sarms

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    get your diet in check if you want the hard look...I would not cycle for a long time if I was you...still pretty young...and test only will do great if your diet is good..

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