I will be starting a cycle of 500mg Cyp. 400mg Eq, for wks. 1-10 week 1-4 I will be taking 25mg. of d-bol ed. I have 50mg. clomid and .25 mg arimidex on hand as well as Nolvadex. My question is how should I incorporate the clomid, arimidex, and nolvadex during the cycle. I have taken clomid 2wks. after my last shot of test. in the past. But I`ve been hearing that some bro`s take the above listed throughout their cycle. The last cycle I did I had a touch of gyno at the end of the cycle. Any help from vets will greatly be appreciated.Thanx.
BTW. my stats are 32yo. 5`6 @ 225lbs. with 12% BF.