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Thread: Need input before Tomorrow!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Need input before Tomorrow!!

    heya guys,

    next monday i am starting a cutting cycle (8 weeks) and want some advise from my a.r. brothers

    current stats are 6'3"" 112 kg (247 lbs) and 16 % b.f.

    goal is to drop b.f. to 11/12 percent
    gaining/maintaining lean muscle

    cycle is:
    120 ml test cypionate per week
    250 ml equipose per week
    2 clen per day (morning and midday round 12:00)

    got some hcg for post cycle and nolva in case of water/bitchers

    my question:

    does this generally look ok?

    thx in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    120 and 250 ml/week? You mean mg right bro?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the cyp is 200 mg/200ml and theequipose is 50mg per cc, so i guess it is 120 mg cyp and 150 mg eq.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    that is not enough bro imho, whats ur experience? You would be best off swapping the cyp for prop as it heelds less water retention using 50-100mg prop ed, if you are going to stick with cyp then 500mg per week should be ok. I would go for 400-600mg eq per week, 8-10 weeks minimum preferably 12. As for clen there is a method to cycling it start with 2 work up to 8 tabs if you are on 20mcg tabs then stay at max for 2 weeks, stop for a week then repeat same again. I wouldnt say you would need hcg in this cycle unless you really cant stand your balls shrinking if you are going to add it then 2 weeks before the end of the cycle 500iu ed for 10 days is what i would suggest. Nolva keep on hand probably most likely to get gyno symptoms during hcg use or near the end of cycle. You will need clomid for post cycle, hope that helps whether or not you cut depends on your diet


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    well the goal is only to get cut a little and not for a show, i'd rather add some winny, for hardness.

    is that a good idea?

    @ original jason i did 2 cycles (bulking)
    1st was dbol and sust 30mg ed for 4 weeks and sust 500 e.w.
    2nd was parabolan equipose and prop.

    and do i understand i t correcty that the hcg will give gyno?

    this is my 1st cutting cycle. it was given to me by a former mr holland..

    after this i will start a bulking cycle again.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    well bro first off, a little cut doesnt mean a little juice, its not the more juice the more cut you get. Minimum doses i would suggest are 400mg eq per week, 400mg test per week seeing as you have 200mg cyp. Yes hcg will increase the risk of gyno especially at that point in a cycle where estrogen build up will be at its highest especially with no anti aromatise. Would you like advice what to do ? or you are just telling us what you are going to do? winnie will add hardness and yes you can add it to this cycle, i would say 5 weeks @ 50mg ed would be good, i would probably run it past the injectables so you can stop and go straight onto clomid post cycle


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    well as u are the expert i take ur advise and gonna add some juice, thx for the input m8.

    hopefully i can find some more then

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    im no expert just trying to help, as i said let us know if you got any questions


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    Originally posted by johndope
    the cyp is 200 mg/200ml and theequipose is 50mg per cc, so i guess it is 120 mg cyp and 150 mg eq.

    at those doses, all you'll achieve is shutdown.........with little to no gain, or cut.
    if you take jason's advice(which i believe you should), you will need clomid for post cycle at the recommended doses. you might want to have an anti-e handy also, in case you need it.
    i also agree with running the winny past the test/eq portion of your cycle. you can go right into clomid this way.

    peace IFL79

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    do i understand this right?

    u guys say 400 mg test and 400 mg cyp toghether with the 1st 5 weeks winny?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    400 cyp and 400 eq bro..........cyp will be the test(androgenic) portion of your cycle, and the eq will be the anabolic portion.

    split these into 2-2cc shots per week, say on monday and thursday.

    peace IFL79

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    ánd how should i stack the winny with it? the 1st 5 weeks 50 mg e.d?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    since youre only going 8 weeks, run the winny weeks 7-11. this way, the eq and test will be tapering out while the winny is doing its thing.

    you can start your clomid a day after your last dose of winstrol.........

    peace IFL79

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    do it last 6 weeks 50 mg ed.

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