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  1. #1
    forced302 is offline New Member
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    Chicagoland area

    Cycle needs help

    Stats: 36yr, 6'2", 240lbs

    History: I did my first cycle about 2 years ago. It was a Deca /Sust (400/500) for 12wks, with a Clom post based on this forum (300/100/50). I had great gains, little side effects and my recovery was smooth.

    I took about 8 months off due to a SLAP tear surgery.

    This past summer I did my 2nd cycle. It was along the lines of the "Novice Cycle, 2-1" chart found on this site (with the exception of using Sust instead of Cyp...I stuck with what I knew worked). Same Post cycle as mentioned. I finished up my post cycle in Oct. This time i felt like I crashed. My body/mood felt off.

    I went to the family doc in late Nov. and she did some blood work. My test levels were at 300. She sends me to a Urologist a few weeks ago and he does his tests... his results come back with Test levels at 125! Why are they continuing to drop with I completed my PTC in Oct?? I will find out after the holidays what his plan is but im sure it's going to be a patch job.

    I want to get my body all back to equal and would like to start stocking up for a cycle come spring time (if I can get things settled down). My questions are what did I do wrong? First cycle was great, second was jacked up. Same length of time, same post treatment.. just added the B-6, DBol , Nova stack on the front end as seen in the charts. Is there something I can do better next time? Something I was missing? I followed everything religiously.

    Thanks for any advice/help.


  2. #2
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Jun 2009
    Your pct was weak bro you got lucky the 1st time.You really need both nova and clomid and Hcg is good also.Read Swiftos pct its a good read.The man knows his sh1t!! Good luck.

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