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Thread: Next Cycle

  1. #1
    Maddawg is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Next Cycle

    I'm about to stock up for my next cycle and was wanting advice on 2 possible cycles. Let me start with stats: 23 years old, 5'9" 226 lbs, 14% bf, been training 9 years, cycling for 5. I know I started too early, but it's too late to change that now. Last cycle I ran T400 at 800mg/week and Deca 400mg/week, gained about 30 lbs off of that one, still in PCT. For my next cycle in March I'm running T400 as my base at 800mgs/week again, but can't decide if I want to run Tren A or Masteron with it. Also running 25mg dbol for 3 weeks and HCG 500 IU/week. I've ran Tren in the past, but never Masteron. My goal is to put on some more quality size, but drop my bf a few percentage in the meantime.

  2. #2
    neversurrendr is offline New Member
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    Mar 2010
    Its been my experience with Masteron its more of a hardener/cutter. Tren is much better for gaining. So, it depends on what your goal is for your next cycle. Good luck!

  3. #3
    Maddawg is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2011
    Tell me what you guys think of this cycle split for late March. I have 25ML of T400 and 25ML of Tren A, HCG , Dbol and Winny Tabs. Stats: 23 years old, 5'9" 226 lbs, 14% BF (hopefully down to 11-12% by cycle start), cycling since I was 18. Since I have 12 weeks of T400 and ~8 weeks of Tren, I'm gonna run my test 4 weeks alone at 800mg/week in 2 shots. Then at 4 weeks I'll shoot eod breaking up my test shots and mixing it with the tren, which I think will work well since T400 has some prop in it and the test is already in my system and working. Heres what it will look like:

    WK 1-4: T400 800 mgs/week, Dbol 25 mgs ED,HCG 500 IU/week
    WK 5-8: T400 800 mgs/week, Tren A 100 mgs EOD, HCG 500 IU/week
    WK 9-12:T400 800 mgs/week, Tren A 100 mgs EOD, Winny Tabs 50 mg ED, HCG 500 IU/week
    4 weeks PCT

  4. #4
    Jabba the butt is offline New Member
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    Dec 2011
    Hi all. Im new to this, and would be very greatful if anyone can give me some sound advice. I have just purchased some lixus rip blend, nolvadex , chlomid, and hcg . I would appreciate it if someone could give me a detailed cycle for this. I have been training for a few years now on and off. I did a course of dbol a couple of years ago, but this will be my first injectable course. I am after info on when to jab, and what to take along side the rip blend, and also when/how to do the pct . My friend who got me the gear has told me his way but the little info i have found on the net contradicts him. Diet and training are in check. I just want to avoid gyno . Thanks

  5. #5
    Maddawg is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Start your own thread and maybe you'll get an answer...

  6. #6
    Maddawg is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

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