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  1. #1
    Davefin is offline New Member
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    Yes I am another noob considering a cycle but cmon have a read

    Hi my names Dave,

    I have read up and done my research so you are not talking to a brick wall but I am 24 and looking for some serious advice on a potential first cycle...
    12% bf
    175 pound
    Hard gainer

    I know I'm not at my genetic potential and I suppose I am looking to a cycle for a bit of a shortcut to gaining some muscle but i plan to make this first and only cycle with a goal of ending up with about 6-8 kgs of lean muscle after pct. I have a few years of gym experience but have been slack with lifting for the last 18months because I have been training muay Thai in all my free time. I will get back into the gym for a good 6-8 weeks and get my diet perfect before I start a cycle. I will get my body fat under 10%. I have been down to 7% before.
    I just want to basically bulk up a bit and quickly, I could do it naturally but it would take me all of next year at least, mainly in the legs and shouders/arms. My core/back/chest is already quite solid I can walk into the gym and deadlift 180kg - tried the other day. I will keep my workouts pretty simple- low reps high intensity compound lifts with a bit of isolation work...
    I have already got a few kilos of isolate, bcaa's, cla, r-ala, glutamine, Kre - alkalyn (creatine), fish oil, digestive enzymes, mesomorph pre-workout, b-complex, multivitamins, zma, fibre, coq-10 and milk thistle and I'll basically live off broccoli chicken and oats lol.
    I have a wifey whom i would like to keep it a secret from so I will need to make every effort to minimize bloating and side effects.

    So basically I have done a lot of research and read massive amounts of pages from this website and others and can't decide what the best way to go about it would be.

    I have things in mind but would like to hear what some experts suggest before I start reeling off my own suggestions.

    If anyone could spare their two cents on a simple cycle with all the precautions and pct outlined it would be much appreciated. Apparently my workmates can get anything for me and I'm williforgo pay for an expensive cycle if it is worth it so suggest anything

    Cheers and sorry for talking so much crap!
    P.s feel free to talk me out of it

  2. #2
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Bro aas isnt for the weekend lifter you need to build a base.By not lifting and I dont mean for a few weeks.You risk doing damage to your tendons ligaments and joints.Beacuse your muscles will get stonger quick while your joints and tendons will lag.And if you cant put on weight with your diet and weight you gain with aas you will lose.So that part of not tell your wife well she will know something is up.And your libido will go thru the roof so unless you got a girl on the side.She will want to know why you want sex 3 times a day.So my advice to you is hit the diet section and learn how to eat.

  3. #3
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Chicken, brocoli and rice dont build muscle. They do in large amounts, but you want other amino acids and foods in there.

    Post your diet.

    I think you can get those stats up and you will thank me if you do, then cycle.

  4. #4
    Davefin is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the replies!

    I am pretty confident that I know how to eat properly- I will post it up in a sec... but as for the building a base issue..up until the last 18 months I had been at the gym hardcore for a few years and have been going to the gym over the last 18 months but just basically for maintenance. I am also a plumber so I dig and lift everyday for a job and the muay Thai is fairly physically demanding too.. Would it be fair to say my body could handle it? As I said I will train full time with the good diet for a couple of months before too.
    True about my wife but it's not the end of the world if I have to tell her and sex 3 times a day would suit her lol! I basically just don't want to obviously look like a bloated freak with a fat face and covered in ance within a couple of weeks and everyone knows I'm on roids!

    As for the chicken oats bro colli comment alls I meant was that I was going to stick to good whole foods like those!

    Heres the diet

    Breakfast -
    1 1/2 cups raw muesli
    1 cup Low fat yoghurt
    1 banana
    3 scoops WPI
    1 1/2 cup low fat milk

    Fish oil
    Multi vitamin
    B complex
    Digestive enzymes
    Milk thistle


    4 eggs
    2 slices whole meal bread
    Half avocado
    1/2 cup mushrooms
    1 cups baked beans

    Same supplements as othe breakfast


    2 apples
    Wholemeal peanut butter sandwich
    Handful of raw nuts

    Large can of tuna in spring water
    Half avocado
    On two whole meal sandwiches
    Chunk of raw brocoli



    2 cups low fat milk
    1 cup oats
    3 scoops wpi

    Meal consisting of 100-200g lean meat
    Whole meal pasta/brown rice/ sweet potato
    Large portion of vegetables
    Eg. Meat+3veg/ stir fry/ pasta
    Fish oil

    Pre- workout
    1 scoop mesomorph

    1 cup oats
    4 scoops wpi
    1 1/2 cups low fat milk
    Milk thistle

    Before bed 8-9 hrs sleep

    Plus 2-3 liters of water
    Don't drink or smoke either

    I am thinking a short/med cycle of straight test prop or cyp/ethanate if it can be done without much bloat... Some people say yes, other say no way!

    I am thinking about 8 -9 weeks taking 10-20 mgs novaldex all the way through and starting clomid therapy one week after finishing eth/cyp or straight after prop

  5. #5
    randymeans's Avatar
    randymeans is offline Associate Member
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    I don't see anyone gaining weight while doing muay thai lol! That beat me like a red headed stepchild. I don't know what dosage you would run of test but that's where you would need to start if you decide to.But as I was explaining to another guy earlier, you can't run 500mg of test a week and do any kind of mma. Your pump will make you stiff and it will feel like your muscles are going to explode. I have lost so much flexability so I say test and mma don't mix at 500mg. I've heard of guys doing 200mg for recovery for more/longer training sessions. I don't know what 200mg feels like personally. Keep eating,then eat more and start lifting....5x5 works well for me! Good luck

  6. #6
    slfmade's Avatar
    slfmade is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Holy Shit!!! (Can I spell shit on here or do I need to write sh*t????) Anyway, How much do you spend on supplements every month???? Seems overboard to me! I mean that's ALOT of supplements!!!

  7. #7
    SportbikerKid is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    Holy Shit!!! (Can I spell shit on here or do I need to write sh*t????) Anyway, How much do you spend on supplements every month???? Seems overboard to me! I mean that's ALOT of supplements!!!
    I definitely loled at his supplement stack too. Just stick to whey protein and a multivitamin. You didn't post the calories for your meals, but shit, if I was on a diet like that, i'd be cutting hard. You'll probably wanna up your calories if you're trying to gain mass.

  8. #8
    Davefin is offline New Member
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    Lol yeah I normally only have creatine Wpi fish oil and enzymes but smart powders had a mad sale and I went crazy. So anyway cheers for the feedback you have all talked me out of it I'll slow up on the muay Thai eat more and focus on the weights for now.... :-)

  9. #9
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    You supplements are good, although I'd lose the Glutamine.

    More solid food.

    2x cans tuna, BCAA's between meals, sort your pre and PWO shake and meals as well.

  10. #10
    Davefin is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by randymeans View Post
    I don't see anyone gaining weight while doing muay thai lol! That beat me like a red headed stepchild. I don't know what dosage you would run of test but that's where you would need to start if you decide to.But as I was explaining to another guy earlier, you can't run 500mg of test a week and do any kind of mma. Your pump will make you stiff and it will feel like your muscles are going to explode. I have lost so much flexability so I say test and mma don't mix at 500mg. I've heard of guys doing 200mg for recovery for more/longer training sessions. I don't know what 200mg feels like personally. Keep eating,then eat more and start lifting....5x5 works well for me! Good luck
    P.s randymeans thanks heaps for the reply- has gear really made you heaps less flexible?? Thats the last thing I want. And also what do you mean by 5x5?? Cheers

  11. #11
    Davefin is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    You supplements are good, although I'd lose the Glutamine.

    More solid food.

    2x cans tuna, BCAA's between meals, sort your pre and PWO shake and meals as well.
    Cheers swifto, I'll take the bcaa's in between meals. What are your tips on the pre and pwo shakes? And the meals? Thanks again

  12. #12
    mattydaman88's Avatar
    mattydaman88 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davefin

    Cheers swifto, I'll take the bcaa's in between meals. What are your tips on the pre and pwo shakes? And the meals? Thanks again
    Neurocore (muscle tech) pre workout supplement highly recommended and some whey protein take it within 15 min after ur workout...

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