Liquid clen...if so, good bad? Dosage? Thanks
Liquid clen...if so, good bad? Dosage? Thanks
I've used it with good results. Actually planning my next go around here shortly. As for dosage you do it just like any other clen.
Never used clen before, whats your reccomendation on dosage for the liquid?
I've only use liquid clen (research chems). It's easy as hell to get and there's several reputable suppliers. As ddp said the dosage for liquid clen is the same as pill form clen. Do a search on the forum for clen or clenbuterol dosage and you should find the info you're looking for. Afterwards, post up how you plan to run it and you'll get some good feedback.
P.S. When you get the feedback make sure to pay attention to what the "vets" say as there's some very stupid advice given on here by people that have no clue what they're talking about especially with regards to clen.
I have used it many times. You can do either a 2 week on 2 week off cycle, or a 2 day on 2 day off cycle. The 2 week on 2 week off cycle is much more popular and regarded as the best option. Clen will down regulate your beta 2 receptors there for cannot be taken for much longer than 2 weeks at once effectively, hence the 2 week on 2 week off cycle. Most people will do 2 weeks on 2 off for a total of 8 weeks. Start at 20 mcg and raise it up 20mcg each day until you reach a dose where sides or tolerable. I would not recommend going much higher than 100mcg. When I used it for my last show I used ketotifen at night to up regulate my beta 2 receptors allowing me to take the clen longer than 2 weeks.
I've used both liquid clen and pill form many times in the past. I prefer liquid because you can hit those in between doses and not have to be breaking pills. I always take taurine to stop cramping. It's a must for me.
This is interesting though. Before I would always do the 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off protocol starting at about 30 mcg's and trying to get the dose right on up till I couldn't stand the sides. Though effective, It's comparable to being dragged down a gravel road and I barely had the stamina to do this more than 2, maybe 3 times. Ronnie Rowland suggested a method I'd never tried before, which made the sides barely noticeable and also allowed me to stay on it for about 10 weeks straight. He said to start at around 30 mcg's for the first week and increase by 10-20 mcg's every week. I got up to about 150 mcg's without feeling like a speed junkie, in fact I barely noticed it at all. I guess it took longer to get where I wanted to be, but it was much more like riding in the car as opposed to being dragged behind it. When I do clen again I will do it this way again, guaranteed.
I felt it worked well. I took the clen for 5 weeks straight and felt sides throughout. I took 1mg every night before bed because the stuff knocks you out. I know a lot of people thought benadryl up regulated the receptors, but I think that has been proven false. I don't think the keto totally stopped down regulation, but I feel slowed it down substantially.
Couldn't help myself -
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