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  1. #1
    california-beast is offline New Member
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    Jan 2012

    Cyp 250 test 300

    Going to run a 10 wk cyc of cyp250 and test 300.. You guys recommend I pin both on the same days? Like Sunday and wed?

  2. #2
    california-beast is offline New Member
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    Jan 2012
    I can prob get a bottle of tren too but not sure if it's something I should add too?

  3. #3
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    welcome tothe board mate!
    cyp is an ester, and doesn't tell me which steroid you are referring to. do you mean test cyp? and what is test 300? testosteone? which esther? cypionate ? ethanate?

    before we get into all that, what are your stats?
    years expience lifting?
    cycle experience/knowledge?


  4. #4
    california-beast is offline New Member
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    Jan 2012
    34 yrs 5-11, 235, about 19 % body fat.. Lifting for strength and conditioning for last 14 years but not to get big, actually competed in wrestling and boxing at light heavy do had to watch the weight.. Now I'm trying to get large!
    Yes testosterone cypionate 250 And testosterone ethanate 300

    Diet approx 3300 cal per day 50%protein, 30% carb, 20% fats

  5. #5
    california-beast is offline New Member
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    Oh and 2nd cycle ran 10week cycle of test prop and tren eth last year

  6. #6
    t-gunz's Avatar
    t-gunz is offline MONITOR~ ~ RIP ~ Gone never Forgotten
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    first off i suggest get that bf% down to a decent level say about 5% off there abouts. how do you know its 19% did you get bf% test.? post pics if need be

    and with the cycle pick one test. no need to run two. test is test mate

  7. #7
    california-beast is offline New Member
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    I had bf tested last month my buddy has a bf test business and I was his test dummy.. Dunked me in his tank.. Ya I'm a little heavy had a hernia surgery about 6 months ago so only about 2 months back and thanks yes test is test.. What about the tren eth?

  8. #8
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Defiantly without the tren . You dont want to jump on that boat until you are ready meaning you have several cycles under your belt, you know how your body is going to react to test and what sides to expect as well as having your body fat down to under 13%

    A lot of people have harsh sides from tren so it's best to be well educated and familiar with it and have good cycle experience. It's sort of like you dont want to learn to drive in a formula one race car, right? yeah you may WANT to but is it a good idea or practical? Take it slow and do it right, you will be more happy with the results in the long run. You will also learn most of us believe diet is key. Dont cycle until you have the experience working out full time for a couple of years and you have your diet worked out where you know what you should be eating and when and you body fat down around 12% preferably to do a good cycle.

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