View Poll Results: How many weeks should I spread out 300 anavar?

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  1. #1
    WB1 is offline New Member
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    How many weeks should I spread out my Anavar cycle?

    I picked up 300. I'm thinking of two possible options.

    Option A

    30mg x 14 days = 42
    40mg x 14 days = 56
    50mg x 14 days = 70
    60mg x 14 days = 84
    70mg x 7 days = 49

    9 weeks and 301 total. So I'll just take 6 the last day instead of 7.


    Option B

    30mg x 21 days = 63
    40mg x 21 days = 84
    50mg x 21 days = 105
    60mg x 8 days = 48

    10 weeks and 1 day and 300 total.

    Option B

    Spread it out even longer to 11 or even 12 weeks

  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    what are your stats and goals. is this an anavar only cycle?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    WB1 is offline New Member
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    21 5'7 160lbs, been lifting for 6 years or so. I've been on 2 anavar cycles before and both were 2 months, but I had less than 300 each time. I'm at a weird point where I don't know whether to bulk or cut. Anavar is perfect I guess because of that since it kind of does both.

    I'm taking anavar alone even though I know I'd probably get better results mixing it with test or something, but I just want to play it safe at my age. I'm only doing anavar cause its apparently the safest even though it's the most expensive.

  4. #4
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    at 21 nothing is safe. And your putting yourself at risk for not much of a reward
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  5. #5
    WB1 is offline New Member
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    Well I was rewarded pretty good the past 2 cycles and I already bought 300 so I need to just do this

  6. #6
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    how were you rewarded good. You ran 2 cycles and are 160
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  7. #7
    WB1 is offline New Member
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    I was 148 or so before.

  8. #8
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    exactly. You have no business doing steroids . You are trying to use them for making up for either poor diet or training or both.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  9. #9
    WB1 is offline New Member
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    Ok you're right, you convinced me .. brb I'm gonna go throw them out.
    Last edited by WB1; 01-08-2012 at 10:39 PM.

  10. #10
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    edit your post. There is no price discussion.
    Nobody said throw them out. They wont go bad or sell them to a friend.
    Dont be mad at me because you spent money on something you arent ready for. You should have done research first. I see you dont mention pct either
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  11. #11
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    regarding the "rewarding".
    The only dynamic you are considering is increase lbs of LBM.
    We are thinking a little bit more down the road. Your hormonal system is still developing and will continue to do so for a few more years (mid twenties). at the doses you are taking, a decent chance you will at least partially shut down your normal testosterone production. At your age, you need to allow your body to produce it's own testosterone naturally, and uninterrupted.
    So I'm glad you are happy about the dozen pounds or so you've gained from the last two VAr only cycles. We are taking a longer view, and are concerned what could happen after.
    Do you know the risks?
    ED (limp dik)
    low/no libido (no desire to fuk your woman)
    High BP
    High Cholestoral
    and on and on......

    not trying to scare you, but these ARE the risks.

    and btw... these are OLD man diseases, and you are running the risk of acquiring them at 21?

    Just something for you to think about.

    Good luck!

  12. #12
    Brohim's Avatar
    Brohim is offline Senior Member
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    At 21 gaining is easy bro you just gotta work at it. You don't need drugs at your age. Just food.

  13. #13
    WB1 is offline New Member
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    I've done plenty of research. I know many people my age that have taken it. And I've personally taken it twice and I've seen amazing results. I don't get how I said I went from 148 to 160 and you said "exactly" and then said I'm making up for a poor diet or routine?

    And no disrespect, but don't tell me what to do. It's my body, and my life. Do you have an answer to my original post?

  14. #14
    WB1 is offline New Member
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    I appreciate it, but I've been on 2 cycles and I didn't have any noticeable side effects. Maybe it was a bad idea to do at first, but the fact is I've already taken it and it already worked amazing. I also went to the doctor and got blood work done and everything was normal

  15. #15
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by WB1 View Post
    I've done plenty of research. I know many people my age that have taken it. And I've personally taken it twice and I've seen amazing results. I don't get how I said I went from 148 to 160 and you said "exactly" and then said I'm making up for a poor diet or routine?

    And no disrespect, but don't tell me what to do. It's my body, and my life. Do you have an answer to my original post?
    amazing results that you would have gotten if you spent that $$ on food.
    Good luck to you.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  16. #16
    Brohim's Avatar
    Brohim is offline Senior Member
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    You realize you can gain weight by just eating and can reach your potential just by doing this especially during your prime year's which are now. Your body is upregulating hormones all day every day. You don't need to do this artifically. Cutting and bulking is manipulating your calorie intake. Nothing more nothing less. If bodybuilding is your hobby and you are going to do it for year's no need to try and gain or lose fast.

    If you know friends who have done it doesn't mean they are smart!

  17. #17
    MRSTEEL is offline New Member
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    WB1-More's the pity youngster.

  18. #18
    WB1 is offline New Member
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    Like I said I've been working out for 6+ years. I take in 500-750 calories over maintenance when bulking. I know what I'm doing when it comes to food. I've been working out consistently and the most significant and quick results have come from these past 2 cycles. The same for some of my friends that went through a cycle. How are we still going to pretend that it's gonna do nothing for me bro?

  19. #19
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by WB1 View Post
    I've done plenty of research. I know many people my age that have taken it. And I've personally taken it twice and I've seen amazing results. I don't get how I said I went from 148 to 160 and you said "exactly" and then said I'm making up for a poor diet or routine?

    And no disrespect, but don't tell me what to do. It's my body, and my life. Do you have an answer to my original post?
    and we are not salesmen, making commissions on the sale of steroids . Our goal is not to see that everyone that comes here ends up taking steroids. We, believe it or not, have a heart and a conscious.

    We try to give quality advice that is a good fit for the member. Bad advice you can get anywhere. And sometimes, our advice is "don't take steroids".


  20. #20
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by WB1 View Post
    Like I said I've been working out for 6+ years. I take in 500-750 calories over maintenance when bulking. I know what I'm doing when it comes to food. I've been working out consistently and the most significant and quick results have come from these past 2 cycles. The same for some of my friends that went through a cycle. How are we still going to pretend that it's gonna do nothing for me bro?
    im sorry at 160lbs after 2 cycles you dont know about diet.
    But its your body. And it will be your body that possibly cant get an erection or other issues not mine
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  21. #21
    WB1 is offline New Member
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    Roman, I appreciate it and I know what you mean, and I know steroids are bad. But the fact is, I've done it twice with zero side effects, and I've gotten great results, and I already spent money and have them in my possession, so I'm going to take them. It's my last semester of college and I want to go out with a bang. I wont be doing steroids after this cycle. And I know you're probably thinking "yeah yeah everyone says that," but I really don't think I'll have an incentive to do another cycle after college. Especially with my career starting knowing there could potentially be random drug tests.

  22. #22
    WB1 is offline New Member
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    gixxer .. Like i said a few times already I have taken it twice and had no side effects. My junk worked fine.

  23. #23
    Brohim's Avatar
    Brohim is offline Senior Member
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    Did you test your blood level's before and after your cycles? That is the only way to know.

  24. #24
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by WB1 View Post
    gixxer .. Like i said a few times already I have taken it twice and had no side effects. My junk worked fine.
    and this time you are running more. And you are doing more damage to your htpa every cycle you do at your age because it isnt fully developed.

    But your 21 and know more. And you know a guy who knew a guy who was fine and ran as much as he wanted.

    like you said its your body. And if your shut down your senior year it isnt going to effect me.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  25. #25
    WB1 is offline New Member
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    Steroids have pros and cons .. I know that

    Gixxer, what do you mean by shut down? and is this damage permenant? Doesn't the regular testosterone production resume slowly after you're finished with the cycle?

  26. #26
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    just go ahead and do what you are going to do anways.
    You have an emotional defense against a rational argument.
    It's clear you have no knowledge about steroids . You don't know what "shut down" means. You have no concept of PCT. You have no conept of short term benefits vs. long term risks.
    So in the interests of not getting people upset, do this....
    take total quantity of var caps and divide by however many weeks you feel best to take, and then take that much var per week.
    Good luck!

  27. #27
    nikalexopoulos is offline Junior Member
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    160 lol. No disrespect but after 6 years of training that isnt saying much at ur height dude. Ive trained for 2 years and ive gained 35 pounds in that time, naturally and im not over 15%bf. Its not that hard

  28. #28
    WB1 is offline New Member
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    Roman, I'm not going to pretend that I have the level of knowledge about steroids as you or most people on these boards, but I'm not completely in the dark. I just feel that you guys are very quick to put me down just because of my age, and totally ignore the fact that I've taken them twice with no side effects and great gains. Everyone seems to ignore that last part. Everyone is ignoring the possibility that things affect different people differently...

    I'm assuming shut down means my HTPA or natural testosterone production. What I was wondering is if that is permanent or if it will slowly resume after I finish the cycle. As far as the PCT, I've been on 2 cycles with no PCT and had no negative effects. I've read and have been told anavar is not androgenic , so a PCT is not necessary. Maybe I'm misinformed. I'll definitely do more research on that.

    Other than that, can't we just agree that these things affect different people differently? And I'm just a lucky individual that doesn't experience these side effects? If I was a total noob and came here asking questions without ever going on a var cycle before I could understand you all telling me not to do it...

  29. #29
    WB1 is offline New Member
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    Nike, the 148--160 was my anavar cycles. Before working out at all I've been down to 135 or so. And I've been up to 165 at some points. Plus I'm 10% body fat. No where near 15%, so add about 20 pounds that you have on me right there...

  30. #30
    Brohim's Avatar
    Brohim is offline Senior Member
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    I posted above that the only way you know if you are recovered from being shutdown (Yes Anavar will shut you down within 5 day's your natural testosterone will shutdown) is to get testosterone results before you go on cycle then about 6 weeks after your cycle to see if your natural testosterone recovered to the level it was pre-cycle. This is what these guy's are trying to tell you. Your endocrine system may not be fully developed yet and you are messing with it now going on the 3rd time. So yes you might get short term "gain's" but your testosterone might not recover. Would you risk those short-term gain's (that go away after cycle) to possibly risk having a lower testosterone level? It is not worth the risk IMO.

  31. #31
    WB1 is offline New Member
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    So why's it okay after 25? I know that's when testosterone naturally starts to decline. Wouldn't that be more of a reason to not potentially lower it even more? Not arguing, just curious

  32. #32
    Brohim's Avatar
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    Because your body parties until 25 then slow's down.

    In scientific term's your body upregulates hormones from puberty until about 25 or so. The endocrine system is developing and pumping out massive amounts of testosterone so you will grow big and strong.

    After 25 your body start's to downregulate hormones meaning your growth hormone and testosterone is not at full max anymore. Your test level's will even out and start to go down by a very small amount each year after.

    So that is why we say to wait to use test. until 25. Because your body is creating large surges of growth hormones and test each day and will never do this again in your life. It is a very small window. By introducing steriods you shutdown your natural high test which doesn't make sense when your young because you don't need them. You have natural steriods pumping through your body at high level's. That is why young ppl can eat and grow fast and also stay skinny.

  33. #33
    Brohim's Avatar
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    AT 25 and beyond your endrocrine system is not working hard. It is on cruise control. So it is safer to use anabolic 's at this stage because you introduce exogenous androgen's for a short period and then use PCT or ancillary drug's to re-start your natural test. factory.

    But when your young your endrocrine system is working hard and producing gobs of natural test. It is only a few's year's of a man's life that his test is real high. So we try to say use this period to start a good base and grow naturally. And then later on if you want you can try steriods . But your priorities will likely change at that point. But if you do them now you have a potential of wrecking your endocrine system and your test. level's will be low for your age. For instance if you do steriods in your 20's you might have test level's of a 40 yo when you are 30. In other word's you might think you have no sides but your natural test never recovered to it's former level and are a couple hundred poin'ts lower than before. Everyone is different of course but that is the risk.

  34. #34
    felk87 is offline Banned
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    If you really are in college, do your self a favor read and learn about proper age,training,diet,and pct before focking up your life!!! Use your college skills if you have to but listen to this people they know what they are talking about

  35. #35
    WB1 is offline New Member
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    I agree and understand .. but Anavar doesn't have test from what I've heard and read. Is that wrong?

  36. #36
    Brohim's Avatar
    Brohim is offline Senior Member
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    It is actually a modified version of Dihydrotestosterone but your body can't tell the difference. It will immediatly shutdown your natural test production. 15mg will shutdown natural test production by 37% within 5 day's. It is published on J*** if you want to look it up.
    Last edited by Brohim; 01-09-2012 at 01:31 AM.

  37. #37
    Steroidman99 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by WB1 View Post
    I picked up 300. I'm thinking of two possible options.

    Option A

    30mg x 14 days = 42
    40mg x 14 days = 56
    50mg x 14 days = 70
    60mg x 14 days = 84
    70mg x 7 days = 49

    9 weeks and 301 total. So I'll just take 6 the last day instead of 7.


    Option B

    30mg x 21 days = 63
    40mg x 21 days = 84
    50mg x 21 days = 105
    60mg x 8 days = 48

    10 weeks and 1 day and 300 total.

    Option B

    Spread it out even longer to 11 or even 12 weeks
    Well, I think that the biggest problem is not the cycle duration, but the duration of the anabolic effect. In me, Anavar often stops working after 5 weeks.

  38. #38
    WB1 is offline New Member
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    STOPS working? That's weird I read that's when it starts for everyone .. Took about 3-4 weeks to start having an effect for me

  39. #39
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Just beacuse you dont think it did something to your body now.Dont mean it isnt coming.Your diet is lacking and you are looking for a quick fix.But it wont last.Good luck Bro.

  40. #40
    WB1 is offline New Member
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    What wont last?

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