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  1. #1
    bluemartini is offline New Member
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    possible to stack tren,anavar,test prop. to cut?

    Hey i am 26 6'2 240 Lbs i recently got off a cycle of tren ethenate, tristack (which has test prop 100mg tren acetate 100mg and masteron 100mg) i introduced anavar in this cycle around 6 weeks in to it and dropped the tri stack due to the fact i had to high body fat percentage.When i started this cycle i was 305Lbs i lost 65lbs and kept alot of muscle.I always worked out but stopped for a while due to life and stress.But training is my main priority now.I already took HCG and my test levels are back to normal i am planning to wait 1 more month which will be 2 months from this cycle.I am generally a big guy i have a big frame and will like to continue to gain lean mass.I love the results from tren in lean gains and power.I also liked the results from anavar.I did how ever lose some sex drive because i did not take test with the tren.So now that you know what i took and where i am at and what i expect.My question is will tren ethenate at say 300-400 mg a week and 400mg of test propiate and 50-60mg of anavar a day be a good cycle for lean gains or is there something better?I would like to take tren for sure,is there a better cycle to take with tren for cutting?i am 240 and will like to drop to about 220 but still gain muscle,help me out!

  2. #2
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluemartini View Post
    Hey i am 26 6'2 240 Lbs i recently got off a cycle of tren ethenate, tristack (which has test prop 100mg tren acetate 100mg and masteron 100mg) i introduced anavar in this cycle around 6 weeks in to it and dropped the tri stack due to the fact i had to high body fat percentage.When i started this cycle i was 305Lbs i lost 65lbs and kept alot of muscle.I always worked out but stopped for a while due to life and stress.But training is my main priority now.I already took HCG and my test levels are back to normal i am planning to wait 1 more month which will be 2 months from this cycle.I am generally a big guy i have a big frame and will like to continue to gain lean mass.I love the results from tren in lean gains and power.I also liked the results from anavar.I did how ever lose some sex drive because i did not take test with the tren.So now that you know what i took and where i am at and what i expect.My question is will tren ethenate at say 300-400 mg a week and 400mg of test propiate and 50-60mg of anavar a day be a good cycle for lean gains or is there something better?I would like to take tren for sure,is there a better cycle to take with tren for cutting?i am 240 and will like to drop to about 220 but still gain muscle,help me out!
    Overweight people like yourself shouldn't be taking steroids .

  3. #3
    bnyce21 is offline New Member
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    why dhouldnt big ppl juice?

  4. #4
    bluemartini is offline New Member
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    i was overweight but that doesnt mean i dont know about roids.i have taken 5 cycles and was once 6% body fat i just got distracted and stopped working out for a year.i used that cycle to jump start my training which is why i lost 65 Lbs in 4 months.I am not overweight atm i have 12% bodyfat>But i do not want to bulk and cut i have enough mass i just want to cut again.All i want is advice on taking avanar, trenbolone , and test propiate.If it is fine to take it from week one all together

  5. #5
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluemartini View Post
    i was overweight but that doesnt mean i dont know about roids.i have taken 5 cycles and was once 6% body fat i just got distracted and stopped working out for a year.i used that cycle to jump start my training which is why i lost 65 Lbs in 4 months.I am not overweight atm i have 12% bodyfat>But i do not want to bulk and cut i have enough mass i just want to cut again.All i want is advice on taking avanar, trenbolone, and test propiate.If it is fine to take it from week one all together
    So tell us wut u kno bout the Aromatase Enzyme & also, how AAS affects ur blood pressure & cholesterol..............

  6. #6
    bluemartini is offline New Member
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    is it so hard just to get an answer i am aware of the side effects doesnt matter how many times you do it or how much you know.Im not asking about side effects.Every reply i read in here is always about someone saying how much they know.i dont have high blood pressure and i am aware how tren effects your blood pressure.So please if your going to reply about side effects and health issues your wasting your time.I am just trying to lean up a bit more i want to use tren no matter what just wanted to know if anavar is good to throw in from the start or is winstrow better i just dont like the winny injections.If you dont want to share your experience in a cutting cycle using trenbolone just dont post anything thank you

  7. #7
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    OK, ur 20 - 30 second Google search did nothing 4 u. Tren isnt the only compound that raises BP, & when ur overweight ur BP is usually already hi, when u further raise ur BP with AAS, u put urself @ greater risk of heart attack & the livelihood & severity of Gyno is greater. Just cuz ur not askin bout side effects doesnt mean were not allowed 2 talk about side effects. When some1 that is obviously inexperienced asks 4 cycle advice, these r the replies ur gona get. And if u think how much u kno bout AAS has nothing 2 do with cycling, then ur on the fast track 2 disaster.

  8. #8
    bluemartini is offline New Member
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    ok so what is the safest option for me i say im about 20lvbs overweight im 6'2 240 12% body fat.Tren is one of the more dangerous steroids for BP.what well u recommend that can give me a boost in lean mass and fat burn with the least risk for my weight?Maybe just clen alone?

  9. #9
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Those stats do not indicate a weight problem, if wut u posted is tru, ur in pretty good shape, with a very nice foundation. Wut makes u think ur 20 lbs. overweight?

  10. #10
    bluemartini is offline New Member
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    i guess from the weight loss i have some extra skin on my stomache and since i work construction my legs are lacking form,which im focusing mostly on now.I was always kind of bulky and strong and now that i have some definition i want more lol.I can probly do it with good diet and all.But i really like the feeling and energy and gains while on gear.I just dont want to bulk up again it was hard to cut down and get the definition i have now.If i lose 20Lbs and keep up lean muscle mass i will be more or less where i want to be this summer.I'm also excited because i have the definition i had in high school and this will be the most defined i have been before a cycle.So what do you think just diet or maybe there is something less mild that will help me loose the hard fat left and tighten up?

  11. #11
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    I am VERY VERY against Clen , (its very dangerous 2 ur heart) wut ur trying 2 accomplish can b done natty, but I guess if all ur tryin 2 do is burn som fat, & theres no way of talkin u outa using somethin, then Clen should giv u wut ur lookin 4. Do plenty of research & use extreme caution.
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 01-09-2012 at 09:28 PM.

  12. #12
    DeadlyD's Avatar
    DeadlyD is offline Anabolic Member
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    What about just Var?

  13. #13
    bluemartini is offline New Member
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    i read some forums and talked to some friends i got mixed statements that var alone wont make much of a difference with out some test.And thanks big bear ill check that out.

  14. #14
    DamageDealer is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluemartini View Post
    ok so what is the safest option for me i say im about 20lvbs overweight im 6'2 240 12% body fat.Tren is one of the more dangerous steroids for BP.what well u recommend that can give me a boost in lean mass and fat burn with the least risk for my weight?Maybe just clen alone?
    if the stats that you have posted really are true, you are absolutely not overweight, and you need to drop 10 lbs at most to get shredded, unless you want to reach super low bodyfat digits (which isn't even good for your health). clenbuterol may help you with that if your heart is okay, also you should use ketotifen and taurine along with clen to get rid of most of its sides, and i advice you to read up on its dosage also. just make sure you don't go overboard with dosage, and you should be fine

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