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  1. #1
    trainintense1 is offline New Member
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    Exclamation Tren E/ Test E cycle assistance

    What's goin on everyone? Looking for a little assistance and review on my upcoming cycle. This will be my second cycle and I am looking to compete in May for my first show. My stats are as follows:
    Age: 23
    Height: 6'2
    Weight: 234 lbs
    BF%: 11%
    Have not done measurements in a while so I won't post them at this time (although I will before my upcoming cycle in order to track my gains)

    I have been lifting for about 5 years but really focusing on bodybuilding for the past 3. My first cycle was just a test cycle alone. I ran it for 10 weeks, the first two weeks at 250/week, and weeks 3-10 at 500/week. I liked the 500/week and got around 25 lbs out of my cycle. I focus on my diet over everything which is why I was able to maintain about 90% of my gains (20 lb after PCT). I ran nolva and clomid for my PCT and recovered great, however, I did start running nolvadex around week 6 because I did gain a lot of water mostly in my face, which made it a little obvious that I was gearing up. The nolvadex helped eliminate most of the water and with my diet, was able to keep the muscle gains.

    For this upcoming cycle like I said above, I am looking to add Tren E with Test E. After researching tren and the effects of tren, it looks like the right fit for what I am trying to accomplish. I will probably compete at a light heavy weight division, probably drop to around 190-195 depending on how I look and feel along the way. Again I am still learning since this is my first show but from what I've heard from fellow bodybuilders, tren is a gear you can manipulate to getting ripped, or bulking up. So with proper diet and training and adding much more cardio to my workout regime, I am hoping to get the lean results I am looking for.

    I would like to run Test E for 10 weeks at 250mg/week (I know this is less than my first cycle but again, I would like to eliminate the bloat as much a possible; and from research I've done and doctors I've spoken too, 250mg/ week for 10 weeks is sufficient enough to still get clean results). As far as the tren goes, I would like to run it only for 4 weeks, from weeks 4-8, running the Test 2 weeks longer than the tren and starting my pct right after my last shot of test. I have my PCT in order so I don't feel the need to post it at this time. I will be running HCG during this cycle as well, from week 6-week 10.

    What I am looking for is experienced bodybuilders and see if you think this would be a beneficial cycle for me. Again, I don't want to run a high level of tren because I would like to keep an eye on the side effects and see how my body reacts, rather than start with high amounts like a lot of amateurs tend to do. Some people say for a second/third/ or fourth cycle, that tren is not a good gear to run. But I am dedicated to the sport and not taking it carelessly and I am taking it at a small enough dose in order to keep an eye on it.

    Just curious on opinions and what you guys think. Thanks for the feedback guys and I look forward to seeing your comments. Take Care.

  2. #2
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    I would keep it basic and stick to a few Test cycles before you start adding other injectable's bud....

  3. #3
    trainintense1 is offline New Member
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    ok thanks for your feedback I appreciate it. Do you think if I run just 10-12 weeks of test at 250 mg I'll still get some results as long as my diet and lifting routing is on point? I know I said above that Ive heard 250 is enough to get results, but I'm just curious since ill be decreasing the amount by half of my last cycle of test.

  4. #4
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
    alexISthrowed is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by trainintense1 View Post
    ok thanks for your feedback I appreciate it. Do you think if I run just 10-12 weeks of test at 250 mg I'll still get some results as long as my diet and lifting routing is on point? I know I said above that Ive heard 250 is enough to get results, but I'm just curious since ill be decreasing the amount by half of my last cycle of test.
    You would see some results at that dose, but I would recommend 500mg ew. Results will be much better and sides will still be easy to control.

  5. #5
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    I think you will be fine @ 500mg

    Run an Ai if your worried about sides.... Adex @ 0.25mg EOD or Aromasin @ 10mg EOD will help to keep any Estrogen related sides away....

  6. #6
    trainintense1 is offline New Member
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    sounds good guys really appreciate the help. Best of luck.

  7. #7
    trainintense1 is offline New Member
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    do you think the adex or aromasin will make my cholesterol raise though?

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