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  1. #1
    ljk2442 is offline New Member
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    Advice on cycle legnth/pct

    I am about to start a cycle. But i only have 9 weeks because I am deploying. Can I get away without running HCG ? And can't take pins and gear with me. Only PCT tabs.

    My cycle will be weeks 1-9, 750 mg Test Cyp/ wk and Winstrol Tabs 50 mg a day (5 on 2 off) weeks 5-9.

    My biggest question is how beneficial will HCG be for this cycle?

    My PCT gear includes Clomid and Nolva.

    Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    ljk2442 is offline New Member
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    failed to mention goals are to simply get faster and stronger! getting huge isnt the intent.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Be careful bro, keep your head down. I would recommend a Test Prop cycle (150mg every other day) if you only have 9 weeks. Test Prop hurts like (bee)itch and you have to pin every other day but it's a short ester and you'll see results immediately. If you want, you can add Anavar 60mg/ed for 6 weeks. Do an 8 week cycle. Wait 3 days after the last Test Prop pin and you can start your PCT. Do Nolva 40/40/20/20 and Clomid 100/100/50/50. Good luck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    HCG should be run on cycle, not during PCT (I think that's what you're referring to?). It will make recovery during PCT easier as it will keep the testes producing testosterone , hence you won't be truly "shutdown".

    And I agree that with only 9 weeks it'd be better to go with prop.

  5. #5
    auslifta's Avatar
    auslifta is offline Retired MONITOR
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    Quote Originally Posted by ljk2442 View Post
    I am about to start a cycle. But i only have 9 weeks because I am deploying. Can I get away without running HCG ? And can't take pins and gear with me. Only PCT tabs.

    My cycle will be weeks 1-9, 750 mg Test Cyp/ wk and Winstrol Tabs 50 mg a day (5 on 2 off) weeks 5-9.

    My biggest question is how beneficial will HCG be for this cycle?

    My PCT gear includes Clomid and Nolva.

    Any suggestions?
    Don't even bother if you're being deployed. PCT and after require more attention to diet and training that on cycle does imo. All the walking and cardio(i'm assuming here)will see you lose strength, size and speed. What are you doing on deployment? Also where?

  6. #6
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
    alexISthrowed is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    How would you run hcg without pins? You know that "oral" hcg is fake right?

  7. #7
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    I'd have to agree with auslifta, it sounds to me like you're only going to end up losing all of your gains once you deploy. I spent four years in the Marines and I know how deployments go. You're going to have little to no control over your diet. On the other hand, if you're deploying to the Middle East, you may find that anabolics are still sold over-the-counter (Marines and Sailors brought back buckets of Sustanon after a deployment). My best advice is to wait until you get there and find out what the atmosphere is, i.e. diet and exercise. Save your goods until you return.

    Also, 8-9 weeks of only Cyponiate is going to render some disappointing results, as the ester is incredibly long. Like ScotchGuard02 mentioned, if you're dead set on doing this, get prop...granted that's an option. If not, and you're still determined to do this, to answer your questions - while it's recommended to use HCG after a cycle, it seems to be more popular to use it during a cycle in the manner that SgtHarman suggests (though I personally prefer to take it post cycle). And HCG is beneficial for any cycle that attributes to the atrophy of the gonads...which testosterone of any ester most certainly is. You could, as a compromise, begin your HCG treatment during the final 2 weeks of your cycle, as this is also a method recommended by the medicinal community. Then you have your nolva and clomid to take post-deployment, and everything is proper. I just have a hard time believing that you're going to retain any of your gains due to a lack of a suitable diet, unless you bully your peers into handing over their MRE's and pouring slop into your cammies.

  8. #8
    ljk2442 is offline New Member
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    i am going to Afganistan and I am a Trans Officer soo... on the road... i appreciate the feedback on test prop... this will be my 4th cycle, but shortest... I have never had access to hcg until now thats why I am asking if it will be effective... i have recovered very well from Clomid/Nolva/ Creatine/ Whey/ strict diet 2 of the 3 cycles... i will have PCT gear on hand and will be at a MOB site for 6 weeks before leaving for Afganistan........

    Here is my actual cycle:
    weeks 1-10 Test Cyp 750 mg wk (only T blend I got)
    weeks 1-3 Dbol (dose tbd) taken E.D.
    weeks 7-11 Oral Winny 50 mg E.D.
    HCG during cycle
    Adex on hand during
    Nolva/Clomid 4 week PCT

  9. #9
    ljk2442 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for all the feedback!!!! This forums great!

  10. #10
    ljk2442 is offline New Member
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    and im trying my best to get test prop!! wish me luck!!

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