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Thread: tren hex HELP

  1. #1
    getfit28's Avatar
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    tren hex HELP

    I'm on test 400 and tren hex and I've been hungry like hell lately.. More than when I would run EQ.. It's crazy.. Anyway, my diet has been all screwed up cause I'm so damn hungry especially at night. I try to minimize the carbs but it's like I just have to have it to feel satisfied.. Does anybody get like this? Some dude at my gym said it don't matter and eat whatever cause tren hex is the magical thing that will not pack any fat but muscle in you.. Is this true?????? FYI<>I've never ran tren hex only tren a...

  2. #2
    gettingbigagain is offline New Member
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    I'm with ya' man... when I run tren hex, I can eat like a machine (like you, more than eq) My point is that I first started of with tren a, about 10 or so years ago... great stuff. My new fav is the newer version (100mg/ml), and will be in all cycles (at least 100mg/wk). I can't take much more than 300mg, and that is really way to much for me (over 12 weeks I can only stand about 200mg/wk with test and eq, even though I loved it with Primo). I will take the night/day sweats, insomnia, and true aggression for the results it nets me... and If I can't take it anymore, I look in the mirror (yeah, I've been lookin' like a rock star lately) and tell myself to "quit being such a girl about things"... I would love to give you some stats on my body fat change, but I really don't care because I was not trying to cut at all... and I was getting real lean. I don't suggest that you go for these huge doses that I have been reading. I put tren in the top category (only one that beats test {any form}), and make sure that you drink more water than usual. If you wake up, and your back is hurting, it might be your kidneys. If I can pass on anything, to anyone, please watch the tren. I love it, but it has cost me friends, and my first misdemeanor. The term “Roid Rage ” was invented for test, but solidified with tren… fo' sho'… look at tren as twice the anabolic strength of test.

  3. #3
    getfit28's Avatar
    getfit28 is offline Member
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    Thanks bro,, great info.. I got the cough sides one time only (in the begining), insomnia I'm beggining to get them as I'm waking up every 1hr or 2hrs to drink water and pee like crazy, roid rage .. I have not detected but I'm trying not to get there... I just have to be very careful when consuming alchohol.. I'm not drinking unless it's a big event.. However, you did not answer my question bud,,,, how was your diet?? Did you just eat whatever you saw or stuck with a strict diet?.. yes, I'm loving the tren hex better than tren A fo sho...

  4. #4
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    no you can not just eat anything and everything and not get fat
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  5. #5
    BigBench550's Avatar
    BigBench550 is offline New Member
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    Tell the guy at the gym he's a magical idiot. Stick to a decent diet

  6. #6
    MR10X is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I ran tren hex and it seemed much milder than tren A.

  7. #7
    Soviet-Strength's Avatar
    Soviet-Strength is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR10X View Post
    I ran tren hex and it seemed much milder than tren A.
    really bro? interesting. for me tren hex way better tren a.

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