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  1. #1
    tomt45 is offline Associate Member
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    dbol only cycle?

    This question is for a buddy of mine who wants to run a dbol only cycle because he doesn't want to pin. I have never run a cycle like this so I can't give him that great of advice. But I suggested he take 50 mg of dbol ed for 6-8 weeks and also 25 mg of proviron during the duration of the cycle. What should he do for pct? Normally I run 100mg of clomid and 20 mg of nolva ed for the first two weeks then run 50 and 20 for the last two weeks for a total of 4 weeks. I just feel like that is unnecessary for a cycle like this. Any suggestions would be appreciated?

    Also this is his first cycle...

  2. #2
    dooie's Avatar
    dooie is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomt45
    This question is for a buddy of mine who wants to run a dbol only cycle because he doesn't want to pin. I have never run a cycle like this so I can't give him that great of advice. But I suggested he take 50 mg of dbol ed for 6-8 weeks and also 25 mg of proviron during the duration of the cycle. What should he do for pct? Normally I run 100mg of clomid and 20 mg of nolva ed for the first two weeks then run 50 and 20 for the last two weeks for a total of 4 weeks. I just feel like that is unnecessary for a cycle like this. Any suggestions would be appreciated?

    Also this is his first cycle...
    Don't do a dbol only cycle!
    What are his stats

  3. #3
    tomt45 is offline Associate Member
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    Thats what I told him but he says that injections is not an option. These stats are a rough estimate. He is a smaller guy like 5'7" or so and weighs about 150. He is really shredded though his bf% is probably about 4.5%. He is 25 and has been lifting on and off for years but has been super dedicated for 1 year.

    I agree that running dbol alone is not the greatest idea. I would never do it myself. I know that he has not been training long enough and should run test e or c with his cycle but he is going to do it either way so I want to give him the best advice possible. Thanks guys
    Last edited by tomt45; 01-11-2012 at 10:09 PM.

  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    pretty much a waste and running 2 orals is really a bad idea.

  5. #5
    tomt45 is offline Associate Member
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    I agree totally. I would never do this myself but my buddy has made up his mind. He is going to do a dbol only cycle. I know it would be really bad to run 2 orals like adrol and dbol or dbol and winstrol . But proviron is not very liver toxic, why would it be such a bad idea to run dbol and proviron together? Especially if he uses some liv-52 or some sort of liver protection.

    Anyways I agree that this cycle is kind of a dumb idea. I would never consider doing it myself. But any advice on the topic would be appreciated. Thanks

  6. #6
    Gsxr84's Avatar
    Gsxr84 is offline Junior Member
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    i did it before based on lack of knowledge, sure i gained during the cycle and thought it was great, afterwards it sucked ass i felt sluggish and horrible for about 2 weeks almost as if i were sick. seriously take the advice given here!

  7. #7
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    I have done it, it worked, but it wasnt as good as running Test Prop with it.

    If he does it:

    wk 1-6 25mg/ED Dbol
    wk 1-6 25-50mg/ED Provion
    wk 1-6 10mg/ED Aromasin

    wk 1-5 Tamox 20mg/ED (40mg/ED first 5 days)
    wk 1-5 Clomid 25mg/ED
    *Tribulus 1g/ED (Sopharma only)

  8. #8
    tomt45 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    I have done it, it worked, but it wasnt as good as running Test Prop with it.

    If he does it:

    wk 1-6 25mg/ED Dbol
    wk 1-6 25-50mg/ED Provion
    wk 1-6 10mg/ED Aromasin

    wk 1-5 Tamox 20mg/ED (40mg/ED first 5 days)
    wk 1-5 Clomid 25mg/ED
    *Tribulus 1g/ED (Sopharma only)
    Only 25mg of dbol? That is a pretty low dose considering he is not running test with it. Also why would you go with aromasin over arimdex or even nolvadex while on cycle? btw thanks for the response. I know he just shouldn't do it but if he is going to either way any advice helps.

  9. #9
    guitario's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomt45 View Post
    Only 25mg of dbol? That is a pretty low dose considering he is not running test with it. Also why would you go with aromasin over arimdex or even nolvadex while on cycle? btw thanks for the response. I know he just shouldn't do it but if he is going to either way any advice helps.
    What is and isn't low, is purely relative. 20-30mg is a good ballpark dosage before sides outweigh the increase in gains. There is nothing wrong with a Dbol only cycle. Where people go wrong is that usually those who do such a cycle are generally inexperienced, lack pct knowledge and expect too much.

  10. #10
    Nooomoto's Avatar
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    1. Tell your friend that if he's too much of a ***** to take a needle, then steroids aren't for him.

    2. Show your friend this thread.

    3. Don't help him do something stupid.

  11. #11
    felk87 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto
    1. Tell your friend that if he's too much of a ***** to take a needle, then steroids aren't for him.

    2. Show your friend this thread.

    3. Don't help him do something stupid.
    Follow his advice.

  12. #12
    SMcB is offline Associate Member
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    Can't understand why a dbol only cycle wouldn't be ideal for a first time cycle. Isn't dbol basically an oral version of test? I know it's liver toxic, so as long as the dosage isn't excessive (25 mgs./day) and as long as it's not taken for longer than 6 weeks I don't see a problem. I think the advantage of oral steroids is that it flushes out of the body in a day or two. This way, if you experience any drastic side effects, you could immediately stop, as opposed to an injectable steroid that stays in your system for at least a couple of weeks after the last injection.

    ** prepares to be bombarded with angry responses **

  13. #13
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    i personally would never do a d-bol only. But for your comment that injectables stay in your system for weeks. It depends on what you are injecting. Some are out in days also
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  14. #14
    SMcB is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i personally would never do a d-bol only. But for your comment that injectables stay in your system for weeks. It depends on what you are injecting. Some are out in days also
    I was referring to long ester test like cyp and enanthate . I'm not sure if a first time user would have the courage to pin test prop every other day.

  15. #15
    tomt45 is offline Associate Member
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    I will show him that thread Noomoto. I am going to try to encourage to either do a cycle...with test e or c and dbol with proper pct or not do it at all. That is what I told him to begin with but he might be more likely to follow my advice after hearing your opinions. The reason he does not want to inject is not out of being a ***** or fear of needles, he like myself is a recovering heroin addict. He fears injections might bring up bad memories so I can't encourage him to do something that could potentially bring him back to that lifestyle. For me doing injections is no big deal. A IM injection is much different than IVing dope. So it has never brought up bad memories or made me think about returning to that lifestyle. I will give him all of your opinions and from there it is up to him!

    Thanks guys

  16. #16
    felk87 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomt45
    I will show him that thread Noomoto. I am going to try to encourage to either do a cycle...with test e or c and dbol with proper pct or not do it at all. That is what I told him to begin with but he might be more likely to follow my advice after hearing your opinions. The reason he does not want to inject is not out of being a ***** or fear of needles, he like myself is a recovering heroin addict. He fears injections might bring up bad memories so I can't encourage him to do something that could potentially bring him back to that lifestyle. For me doing injections is no big deal. A IM injection is much different than IVing dope. So it has never brought up bad memories or made me think about returning to that lifestyle. I will give him all of your opinions and from there it is up to him!

    Thanks guys
    Bro if you are a recovering and your friends is too, the best thing to do before even thinking about aas is getting and sticking to a routine for 2-3 years to rid all toxins from your body and get in good shape. Gear is not magical and if done before your body has even had a chance to feel a consistent routine you can potentially damage nervs, ligaments, joints. I respect you and your friend for stepping out of that horrible life but now its time to focus in doing things the right way so train hard eat a lot healthy of course and cheat meals here and there stick to it than down the road maybe consider aas. Good luck to both of you and i give you mad props bro.

  17. #17
    felk87 is offline Banned
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    Fooock my spelling im typing on a phone

  18. #18
    tomt45 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by felk87 View Post
    Bro if you are a recovering and your friends is too, the best thing to do before even thinking about aas is getting and sticking to a routine for 2-3 years to rid all toxins from your body and get in good shape. Gear is not magical and if done before your body has even had a chance to feel a consistent routine you can potentially damage nervs, ligaments, joints. I respect you and your friend for stepping out of that horrible life but now its time to focus in doing things the right way so train hard eat a lot healthy of course and cheat meals here and there stick to it than down the road maybe consider aas. Good luck to both of you and i give you mad props bro.
    Thanks man. He is fairly new into recovery(been clean about a year). I have been sober for 3 years. I admit I rushed into my first cycle. I did it after being clean for only a year and having only 1 year of solid training and good diet under my belt. But I feel I am ready to do it now. Just started my third cycle yesterday. Im excited!

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