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Thread: winstrol help

  1. #1
    bananabob is offline New Member
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    Jan 2012

    winstrol help

    hey everyone i got a bottle of what I believe was winstrol for a friend he ended up never using it now I'm wanting to try using it I've done 2 different cycles in my past but its been several years ago just look to get in better shape for a deployment I'm about to go on my friend wanted something to take orally i got the stuff from an old friend but I'm not in contact with him anymore so I can't ask him so i guess my question is can i inject this product and if so how much at a time and if i can't and have to take it orally how much should i take its in a 60ml bottle and it was supposed to be a four week cycle but i can't remember all the details as i said it wasn't for me any help would be greatly appreciated and i hope i posted this in the right spot I've used this website for a while now but am a new member so please be understanding and again all the help i can get would be greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    bananabob is offline New Member
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    Jan 2012
    oh yeah the stuff is oily like what i used to take as injections and tastes horribly if that helps any

  3. #3
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    nobody can tell you how much to take because we dont know what it is dosed at per ml.
    winny alone is a crappy cycle.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  4. #4
    bananabob is offline New Member
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    Jan 2012
    im not taking it for any size gain just the athletic boost which i read on here it was good for but all i really remember was it was a 4 week cycle and i could have swore the dosage was 1.75 something twice a day i just know i have 60ml of it because of the bottle its in but if i were to take 1.75ml it would'nt last 4 weeks unless it was every other day

  5. #5
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Mar 2004
    i'd go 50mg/day or 100mg eod.

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