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Are you sure you are referring to parobolan(trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate) or is it just tren a? Just do either ed or eod day injections. For the dosages you want to use an appropriate dose would be 100mg of test prop, 75mg of masteron, and 50 mg of the parobolan every other day. Usually when I run this cycle I go 60 mg of prop, 50 mg of tren a, and 50 mg of masteron ed for 9-10 weeks. I have had excellent results with it. And if you diet is in check you should have some really clean gains and lose fat at the same time. Are you running arimidex or aromasin while on cycle?
Also I like to take 25 mg of t3 a day on this cycle to prevent prolactin sides from the tren. But you are running a really low dose of tren so not sure if that would even be necessary.
How many weeks do you plan to run this for?