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Thread: Any opinions would help ??

  1. #1

    Any opinions would help ??

    Right I am 31 weight 85kg bf 16% diet is clean and train 5 days a week I have trained for 10 years and used gear for 2 years

    Ok this is how my current cycle works out :

    Mon 1mil test prop 100mg/ml +1 1/2 mil parabolin 76.5mg/1.5ml
    Tue 1mil masteron 100mg/ml
    Wed 1mil test prop
    Thurs none
    Fri (same as mon )
    Sat 1mil masteron
    Sun 1 mil test prop

    So works out per week

    400mg test prop
    154 mg parabolin this is maximum dose for this drug
    200 mg masteron

    I thought this would help me gain size and clean muscle not much water .

  2. #2
    Would it not be better to stack both together on a mon we'd and Friday??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    St. Paul, MN
    Are you sure you are referring to parobolan(trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate) or is it just tren a? Just do either ed or eod day injections. For the dosages you want to use an appropriate dose would be 100mg of test prop, 75mg of masteron, and 50 mg of the parobolan every other day. Usually when I run this cycle I go 60 mg of prop, 50 mg of tren a, and 50 mg of masteron ed for 9-10 weeks. I have had excellent results with it. And if you diet is in check you should have some really clean gains and lose fat at the same time. Are you running arimidex or aromasin while on cycle?

    Also I like to take 25 mg of t3 a day on this cycle to prevent prolactin sides from the tren. But you are running a really low dose of tren so not sure if that would even be necessary.

    How many weeks do you plan to run this for?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    how tall are you
    your diet isnt as clean as you think if you are training 5 days a week and are 16%
    do you have mast enanthate? if not your injecting frequency is off
    is it tren a you have? if so again your frequency is off

    please answer those for more advice
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  5. #5
    I am 5ft7 and yes it's deffo parabolin there 1.5mg bottles and the reason I don put all in on same day is because I was reading you can only put 2.5mil in any one injection spot at a time also yes it's mast enthanate I'm using clomid and tamoxifen as pct am running this for 3 months then shifting to hgh and test prop to help me cut up

    And to answer diet question dude I have lost 3 percent in last month only been on clean diet for past 6 weeks or a diet this clean

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by tomt45
    Are you sure you are referring to parobolan(trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate) or is it just tren a? Just do either ed or eod day injections. For the dosages you want to use an appropriate dose would be 100mg of test prop, 75mg of masteron, and 50 mg of the parobolan every other day. Usually when I run this cycle I go 60 mg of prop, 50 mg of tren a, and 50 mg of masteron ed for 9-10 weeks. I have had excellent results with it. And if you diet is in check you should have some really clean gains and lose fat at the same time. Are you running arimidex or aromasin while on cycle?

    Also I like to take 25 mg of t3 a day on this cycle to prevent prolactin sides from the tren. But you are running a really low dose of tren so not sure if that would even be necessary.

    How many weeks do you plan to run this for?
    Yes it's definatly parobolin and it's hard to change the dosage of masteron as it's pharma grade and all single snap bottles don't like leaving in barrel

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    St. Paul, MN
    Than go with 100 mg of test prop and masteron eod and 75mg of parobolin eod. Im confused with this parabolin? What is it dosed at? If you said that right 76.5mg per 1.5 ml that would mean it is dosed at 51mg/ml. That would be weird.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by tomt45
    Than go with 100 mg of test prop and masteron eod and 75mg of parobolin eod. Im confused with this parabolin? What is it dosed at? If you said that right 76.5mg per 1.5 ml that would mean it is dosed at 51mg/ml. That would be weird.
    Sorry mate I didn't explain the vile is 1.5 mil snap bottle so once snapped it all goes in. Not a multi vile so for 1.5 mil there's 76.5mg thank you ill use the masteron eod and see how it goes

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