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  1. #1
    Big_gdc is offline New Member
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    First cycle ever HELP plz!!

    First thanks for any and all help.

    I'm 22
    5 feet 9 inches
    Don't really work out

    I want to know what is a good cycle for my first time doing a cycle. I plan to work out once I start the cycle. I'm looking to do a cycle that only last 8 weeks. Also I really do not want to do any injections just pills only if possible. Only maybe 2 or 3 different things in one 8 week cycle. Does any one know any great cycles or stacks for a real beginner like me? I would like to gain at least 25 pounds and hopefully it will be all muscle or close to it upon completion. Again thanks everyone for all your help.

  2. #2
    Porky's Avatar
    Porky is offline Junior Member
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    if i were you i would work out until you peak naturally and cannot get bigger, use supplements to help with energy and get your diet spot on. 6 meals a day ect . plenty of protein . then after you max out naturally think about cycleing otherwise you wont get the most out of it like you would if you had a great diet and already had muscle and a great workout routine.

  3. #3
    Big_gdc is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by anthonyb
    if i were you i would work out until you peak naturally and cannot get bigger, use supplements to help with energy and get your diet spot on. 6 meals a day ect . plenty of protein . then after you max out naturally think about cycleing otherwise you wont get the most out of it like you would if you had a great diet and already had muscle and a great workout routine.
    I have worked out in the past but as far as gaining wait that doesn't really work for me. I've tried everything to gain weight over the years nothing really works. That's why I am now on this option that I have been hint about for a while doing a cycle. Do you think I could benefit at all from any cycle at the moment? Given the current stats?

  4. #4
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
    alexISthrowed is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big_gdc View Post
    I have worked out in the past but as far as gaining wait that doesn't really work for me. I've tried everything to gain weight over the years nothing really works. That's why I am now on this option that I have been hint about for a while doing a cycle. Do you think I could benefit at all from any cycle at the moment? Given the current stats?
    You would get no benefit from a cycle right now. If you can't gain weight naturally you will not be able to gain weight using aas.

  5. #5
    Big_gdc is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed

    You would get no benefit from a cycle right now. If you can't gain weight naturally you will not be able to gain weight using aas.
    Naturally how? Over the last 4 years I gained only 15lbs during a 7 month time frame that was spent in jail. I lost most of that when I first got out but I managed to get it back up to 155 over the last few weeks.

  6. #6
    Porky's Avatar
    Porky is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big_gdc View Post
    I have worked out in the past but as far as gaining wait that doesn't really work for me. I've tried everything to gain weight over the years nothing really works. That's why I am now on this option that I have been hint about for a while doing a cycle. Do you think I could benefit at all from any cycle at the moment? Given the current stats?
    i was in your position and thought i couldnt gain weight , but it is possible when you eat 6 meals a day and never go more than 2 hours without eating unless sleeping. its not worth it at 155 to do a cycle. and please dont do prohormones for youe own sake they have nasty side effects. start working on that diet, and intensify your workouts with jack3d or 1.m.r and do that for awhile. at the same time just hang around here and after a year or two you will be heavier and more musclular. and have plenty of knowledge to get to where you wanna be. when you rush something like this you will be sorry trust me its very easy to get bitch tits and no over the counter pct will help you. dont listen to guys at the supp shops. you are at an advantage right now by being on here so read up my friend. good luck
    Last edited by Porky; 01-15-2012 at 09:27 PM.

  7. #7
    MeatHead85's Avatar
    MeatHead85 is offline Associate Member
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    Ok OK This is based on your post and the way it came across to me. You are far off from being as BIG as you can get. IMO you lack a lot of the basic knowlage of the gym/how to train and the kitchen/how to eat. These guys have hit the nail on the head with holding off for a bit and getting everything else in order. My reasoning for saying this is when you first start (or get back into) lifting your body is going to be shocked and with proper diet you will gain! If you were to spend the hundreds of dollars it takes to get a cycle together with the knowlage you have it will be a waist... ok you may gain a few lbs but in all reality it just being back in the gym and eating that is making you grow not the aas. so hold off for a while, learn from the guys here becuse they are very helpful and try posting your diet and goals in the diet section to get a TON of help there, we also have a training section where you can get some good workouts as well. Try all you can before you enter into this world. Its just not worth it at this point and will do more harm then good. Well that was my rant, hope it helps. Keep us updated on your progress! best of luck!

  8. #8
    MeatHead85's Avatar
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    oh also forgot to add NO ORAL ONLY CYCLE! If your not willing to inject then stay away from this stuff and stick with GNC! Man up and grow a pair and stick that shit! lol honestly an Oral only cycle is for sure not the way to go! PLEASE dont go this way. anyway there ya go mate

  9. #9
    RuckusDC5's Avatar
    RuckusDC5 is offline Junior Member
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    Steroids aren't some sort of magic potion that gets you big. Your diet and training aren't in check and I knew that simply by the way you named your thread.
    Go to the diet section on here. After you hit age 24 and put on a good amount of weight NATURALLY, come back bro.

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