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Thread: Post Operation

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Post Operation

    Hey all, new to the forums, male 26 years old and been lifting for about 7 years but moreso practicing martial arts (bjj, muay thai, judo).

    About 5 months ago, after I was done at the gym I go home and begin feeling paresthesia on my legs (sense of limbs falling asleep) which later on carried on to go from my chest downwards. I.E. most my body had lost sensitivity to touch.

    It wasn't until 2 months ago, after a series of MRI scans they discovered I had a benign tumor on going from my C6 to my T3 within my spinal chord.

    I guess I'm one of the lucky people, that went in, got the operation done and here I am a week later with very few side effects, mild paresthesia on my right foot, loss a bit of sensitivity on my left arm and get nerve spasms throughout my body very mildly if pressure is placed upon my back as I'm now missing 3 posterior vertebrae bones.

    All in all, I'm recovering really well, and can't wait to hit the gym, but of course some time will have to pass before I can train like I used to.

    My question to you guys is, what recommendations would you have for a much faster tissue/wound/nerve recovery. I have been considering on a test-e cycle to boost up my testosterone because I can tell it's gone down hill quite a lot post-operation.

    At the moment, I'm taking vitamin C, B complex and an Amino 6000 complex.

    I have arginine and glutamine separately, which I I haven't taken yet because I've been trying to avoid mixing up too many things to avoid stomach upsets as I am on pain medication (codeine 60mg + 300mg paracetamol) and diclofenac 50mg + 300mg paracetamol.

    Hopefully some of you medically oriented can give me some advice on what would make for a more rapid and solid recovery so I can hit the gym earlier.

    Last edited by moagim13; 01-18-2012 at 07:09 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    new jersey
    I think I would give it some more time and rest a bit a week out from surgery... And I wouldn't take gear while still on pain meds IMO

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by DIESELPWR View Post
    I think I would give it some more time and rest a bit a week out from surgery... And I wouldn't take gear while still on pain meds IMO
    agree. the biggest mistake i see around here is people not patient enough, trying to rush things. i'd wait until you are pretty close to 100%.

    Welcome to the board mate!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Dang what an experience glad your better, i would listen to the vets tho.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    wait on taking anything. Test isnt going to help for what you are asking.
    Why do you think your test levels are low?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  6. #6
    When I got shoulder injury I took low levels of Test (100mg/wk) and Deca (100mg/wk). This really helped me recover. My training buddy just got rotator surgery three weeks ago and he's on low doses of Test and Deca. He swears he can feel the benefits. When you take AAS is your decision. My recommendation would be to take a very low dose to aid healing and not worry about a full cycle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    When you are ready to begin training and cycling again, deca and Anavar are, in my opinion, the anabolics that will have the best positive affect on injury recovery. I used deca with great success to aid in a shoulder injury which I incurred during a judo match, and Anavar has even been used successfully in some studies to heal cutaneous wounds, as well as improve respiratory function.
    Last edited by BBrian; 01-18-2012 at 02:47 PM.

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