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  1. #1
    go4gold's Avatar
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    Cycle critique please!!

    Stats- 5'5" 152lbs 14-15%bf age 33, 6-7 cycles in past
    Goals are minimal weight gain, trying to not really get bigger the 160lbs. Goal is to lean out as much as possible, Hoping to hit around 10% BF, very athletic build with strength to match.
    Lifting goals- Bench 240lbs x20 reps
    Squat atg 275lbs x20+ reps
    Power hang clean 225lbs x 5 reps
    Pull-ups 30+ reps all the way down and up
    Power jerk 315lbs

    HGH- 3iu ED weeks 1-46
    Prop- 100mg EOD 1-12wks
    Mast- 100mg EOD 1-12wks
    Tren - 100mg EOD 1-10wks
    Clomid-100/50/50/50 13-16wks
    Nolva- 20/20/20/20 13-16wks
    Caber- 0.5mg/ E3D 1-12wks
    A-dex- 0.25m/ EOD 1-12wks

    Prop- 100mg EOD 33-45wks
    Mast- 100mg EOD 33-45wks
    Tren- 100mg EOD 33-43wks
    Clomid-100/50/50/50 46-49wks
    Nolva- 20/20/20/20 46-49wks
    Caber- 0.5mg/ E3D 33-45wks
    A-dex- 0.25m/ EOD 33-45wks

    Just looking for opinions. I do have a question about the Mast. Just wondering how any effective it was was with leaning out and solid gains? I was thinking I just might do the prop and tren if if isn't really that noticable or if it is a good addition to the cycle for my goals?
    Last edited by go4gold; 01-18-2012 at 06:32 PM.

  2. #2
    madmikec is offline New Member
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    looks good!! i am about to start on something with prop and tren myself, i never took masteron tho sory i cant help!!! I wish i could afford the to go with HGH LOL
    Last edited by madmikec; 01-19-2012 at 05:50 PM.

  3. #3
    tomt45 is offline Associate Member
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    Stats- 5'5" 152lbs 14-15%bf age 33, 6-7 cycles in past. After 6-7 cycles you only weigh 152lbs?!( I mean no offense just trying to figure this out) Are you a powerlifter? Or why don't you want to get over 160? It appears as though you are really strong though. You posted your goals for those lifts, where are you at now?

    I would only add the masteron if you were cutting for a bodybuilding competition. Masteron will make you look really hard if you already have a very low bf%. With your bf of 14-15% I dont think you would notice all that much from it. Especially cause you are going for strenth gains. You will get awesome strength gains from the prop and especially the tren .

  4. #4
    go4gold's Avatar
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    Well I have been cutting down from 170. I have been 130s most the begining half of my 20s. I think at my height and frame size, 160 very lean will look fairly big and give me the athletic look I want. Sounds wierd, but I don't want to be to muscle bound, just that lean well porpotion look. A build like in my avatar is what I am looking for, hes just under 5'8 and 168lbs. I used to do olympic weightlifting. Now I just want to stay in shape. Looking at high reps with decent weights, not so much the big lifts for a single anymore, just getting older, plus it can hurt, lol.

    My lifts now at this moment-
    Bench 225lbs x12 reps, about 285-295 for a single
    Squat atg 205lbs x20 reps
    Power hang clean 185lbs x 5 reps
    Pull-ups 20 reps all the way down and up
    Power jerk 235lbs
    I have lifted more in the past, I found some renewed motivation again and fully recovered from some ortho surgeries.

    I think I might have to take your advice and drop the Mast. I have done prop and tren before with good results. Great cycle even on cutting diet, you still gain quality weight. And strength gains were awesome for sure. I think I can reach most my goals, something to shoot for. Plus I should lean out also and gain a few quality pounds of muscle. I'm not to far from my goals.
    Last edited by go4gold; 01-18-2012 at 10:25 PM.

  5. #5
    mirin_serratus is offline Associate Member
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    goodbye sweet wallet

  6. #6
    go4gold's Avatar
    go4gold is offline Member
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    naw, buy powders and the gh is a bit pricy, but not to bad.

  7. #7
    go4gold's Avatar
    go4gold is offline Member
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    Thanks for the input guys, just wondering if their are any other opinions on this cycle.

  8. #8
    BigGuy90's Avatar
    BigGuy90 is offline Associate Member
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    It looks like a great cycle with a good PCT man. I agree with Tom T though. The Mast will give you that hard look but only if your pretty lean in the first place. at least 10% BF. The hgh should lean you out really good though and the Adex with Caber seems on point.

  9. #9
    tomt45 is offline Associate Member
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    I think it looks pretty good. I would just leave out the masteron and save it for a future cycle when you start the cycle with under 10%bf. Its possible you will need more adex. I am prone to sides from test and tren so I don't even use adex. I have used letro and am using aromasin for my current cycle. I am doing a very similar cycle minus the hgh. I am running 70mg of prop and 50mg of tren ed.

    For pct clomid looks good but for nolva I go 40/40/20/20.

    Are you running t4 ed since you are doing hgh? I like to run a low dose like 25mcg of t3 while on this cycle. It will help you cut but also helps reduce prolactin side effects from tren(you may not even need the caber then...At least I dont)

    Have you considered using hcg both while on cycle and during pct? I suggest using it. I never have in the past but will be this cycle that I just started

  10. #10
    go4gold's Avatar
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    Well I could definitely add some more Nolvadex no problem.

    As far as the HCG , I don't think I am going to use it. I really never shut down to much when on this cycle. I am prolactin prone though, found this out when I started this cycle in the past. But the caber kicked in and took care of that. If sides start to take effect, I will increase the adex. But I don't want to hinder gains unless necessary. How does t3 hinder prolactin sides? I've never tried T3, I have done clen and hated it. I am hoping that proper diet and cardio while on this gear should be sufficent to see great results.

    I am on the same page with the Mast, I will leave out and possible consider if I reach those BF %s. I am thinking maybe uping the prop to 125mg EOD and keep the tren at 100mg, but not sure yet. I have done the prop and tren before, the HGH will be new and since I liked the tren and prop cycle so much, figured I throw it in at the begining and end of the HGH cycle. Thanks for all the great information guys. I realy do look forward to what the next 10 months will have in store for me.

  11. #11
    Someguy123 is offline Member
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    Sounds like quite a waste of money to me. You're goal is to gain no more than 8lbs and rip up a bit. Get on a decent diet, use some clenbuterol , and if you're feeling crazy throw in some anavar .

    The cycle you listed looks good and well thought out, it just doesn't suit your goals at all. Are you planning to starve yourself on that cycle so you don't go past this strange weight limit you don't want to break through?? If you don't want to get big, what are you considering steroids for to begin with??

  12. #12
    tomt45 is offline Associate Member
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    This is from the steroid profiles for tren on the webpage... Ironically, even though Finaplix ( Tren ) is an excellent contest prep drug, it lowers your thyroid level(23), and this raises prolactin. I recommend taking T3 (25mcgs/day) along with your Tren to avoid elevating your prolactin too high via this route.

    Read more:

    If you are prone to prolactin sides than keep the caber! 125mg of prop would be good. Thats what I like to do for this cycle. I like to run a slightly higher dose of prop then tren. I am doing 70mg of prop and 50 of tren right now

  13. #13
    go4gold's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Someguy123 View Post
    Sounds like quite a waste of money to me. You're goal is to gain no more than 8lbs and rip up a bit. Get on a decent diet, use some clenbuterol , and if you're feeling crazy throw in some anavar .

    The cycle you listed looks good and well thought out, it just doesn't suit your goals at all. Are you planning to starve yourself on that cycle so you don't go past this strange weight limit you don't want to break through?? If you don't want to get big, what are you considering steroids for to begin with??
    Well when you look at the big picture, losing 7-8 lbs of fat and gaining 16 lbs of lean muscle. It just more then just gaining 8lbs. Gaining 8 lbs is no problem. I don't mind paying the money for quality gains. 160 lbs is just an ideal weight for my height. I have no problem with mid 160s if its the look I am trying to achieve, but then your looking at another 5-7 lbs of muscle which is a huge gain on any cycle. So it is more the just 8lbs. 160-165 lean at my height looks big. I can easily get up over 175, but don't feel good at that weight. I can't stand clen also, doesnt work well with me. Why are some people under the impression that to use steroids , your goals must be to be like 5' 5" and weigh 195 lbs at 4-5%bf and look like franco. Thats not always the case. We all have different goals. But do appreciate the imput, I hear where your coming from. It was a very well planned cycle for sure.

    Quote Originally Posted by tomt45 View Post
    This is from the steroid profiles for tren on the webpage... Ironically, even though Finaplix ( Tren ) is an excellent contest prep drug, it lowers your thyroid level(23), and this raises prolactin. I recommend taking T3 (25mcgs/day) along with your Tren to avoid elevating your prolactin too high via this route.

    Read more:

    If you are prone to prolactin sides than keep the caber! 125mg of prop would be good. Thats what I like to do for this cycle. I like to run a slightly higher dose of prop then tren. I am doing 70mg of prop and 50 of tren right now
    Thanks man, I might have to consider the T3 now. I did not know that.
    Last edited by go4gold; 01-19-2012 at 10:33 PM.

  14. #14
    tomt45 is offline Associate Member
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    Agree with you goforgold. He is not just trying to gain 8lbs. He wants to cut from 14-15%bf down to 10% while not getting above 160. Like you said that is like gaining 16lbs of muscle while losing fat!!! That is not easy. Even with your cycle you have planned out that still might be hard to accomplish. Now if you simply wanted to gain 16 lbs of muscle with no concern about gaining a few lbs of bf it would be fairly easy with the cycle you have planned out.

    Good luck with your cycle. You will love the strength gains from the test and tren . I notice a fairly significant amount of strength gains every week on this cycle.

  15. #15
    Whoady is offline Banned
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    Technically if you gain an equal amount of muscle and fat off a cycle your bodyfat % will not change. If you gain more muscle than fat, your bf % will decrease.

  16. #16
    Someguy123 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by go4gold View Post
    Why are some people under the impression that to use steroids , your goals must be to be like 5' 5" and weigh 195 lbs at 4-5%bf and look like franco. Thats not always the case. We all have different goals. But do appreciate the imput, I hear where your coming from. It was a very well planned cycle for sure.
    I don't think you should be shooting for Mr. O to be on steroids . I just think your cycle should be built to your goals. And it looks as if you just built a cycle that would be viewed as great by everyone on the forum, and not to your goals. Even though the people agreeing with it DO have goals of getting big as possible.

    If you're not worried about getting too big then I say go for it. Even at 175 you won't be a huge guy, you'd look like a guy with a good build that is bigger than the average dude. I'm 5'3" 180lbs with low BF off cycle. I look jacked up to most people but nowhere near pro bb size, just bigger than average.

  17. #17
    tomt45 is offline Associate Member
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    Yes but not by much. If you gain say 10lbs of muscle but keep the exact same amount of fat your bf% would drop by less than 1%. He wants to cut 5% bf while gaining muscle. That is not easy at all.

  18. #18
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    With those kind of numbers and at your weight, I don't see why you're not powerlifting?
    Last edited by Gaspari1255; 01-20-2012 at 12:05 AM.

  19. #19
    go4gold's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Someguy123 View Post
    I don't think you should be shooting for Mr. O to be on steroids . I just think your cycle should be built to your goals. And it looks as if you just built a cycle that would be viewed as great by everyone on the forum, and not to your goals. Even though the people agreeing with it DO have goals of getting big as possible.

    If you're not worried about getting too big then I say go for it. Even at 175 you won't be a huge guy, you'd look like a guy with a good build that is bigger than the average dude. I'm 5'3" 180lbs with low BF off cycle. I look jacked up to most people but nowhere near pro bb size, just bigger than average.
    I do think its a good cycle for my goals. I love prop/tren cycles. The strength and leaning out is amazing, best cycle ever for me that ive tried. The GH is new and want to give it a shot, ill admit. I also just don't want to keep trying new types of cycles, I'll keep it simple and use what has worked for me in the past. I totally get what your saying about the 160 weight limit. But you are right, who knows, I might want to grow more beyond that. 170-175 might be something to consider in the future for sure, but a decently lean 160-163 will be the first milestone. I have weighed over 180 and looked big and was strong, but without being lean, didn't look that great at all, thought I looked better skinnier.
    Quote Originally Posted by tomt45 View Post
    Yes but not by much. If you gain say 10lbs of muscle but keep the exact same amount of fat your bf% would drop by less than 1%. He wants to cut 5% bf while gaining muscle. That is not easy at all.
    That is eactly what I am looking to do. I think getting rid of the fat will make me look bigger then the actual muscle growth, but ofcourse want to still grow some more muscle.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    With those kind of numbers and at your weight, I don't see why you're not powerlifting?
    The thought has crossed my mind, I do love the big maxes, but trying to stay away more just because its feeling a bit hard on the body. Plus I've always enjoyed the olympics lifts way more. This olympics coming up, your going to see some big lifts for sure. I've just always had a decent bench. Also, the strength goal are just for fun, something to shoot for that easily measureable. Keeps me motivated in the gym.
    Last edited by go4gold; 01-20-2012 at 05:44 PM.

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