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Thread: Anavar Only Cycle..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Smile Anavar Only Cycle..


    I have searched the web and asked people about doing Var by itself and have very mixed opinions. Some have said its great to do by itself and some not so sure.

    I am thinking of doing 12 weeks on 40 mg ED.. I know the sides are mild but if i was to do it by itself would it surpress natural test and can it cause gyno so would i need to run an anti-e? Also would i need to run an PCT? Opinions also seem very mixed on these issues as well!

    185 pounds
    24 years old.
    1 previous course (test, deca 2 years ago)

    Help here would be seriously appriciated!

    Thanks in advance Fellas!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    post proelia praemia
    gyno should not be an issue IF your var is legit, 40mg is a low dose and 12 weeks mabey a lil long for an oral, yes standard pct is needed and yes it can and almost definately will supress natural test

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Greetings gtgb,
    You need to at least double your Anavar dosage; 80-100mg per day. Taking orals for a long time is typically taboo due to the hepatoxicity, but Anavar is the exception to this rule, as it has a very mild affect on the liver. I have heard experienced Anavar users recommending taking it up to two months in a row. At any rate, 80mg of Anavar a day for 12 weeks by itself should prove great results in terms of a hard, cut physique, and especially should remove next to all of any trunk fat that you have stored up to this point. Just don't expect to put on much extra muscle mass (though you will gain enough to notice the difference, granted that you have a high-quality, high-protein diet). Anavar is also considered very mild in terms of gonad atrophy, but you will still want to run a standard PCT all the same - no sense in taking any chances. Finally, despite the all-around mild side-affects of Anavar, it is still a good idea to take Aromasin or Arimidex in small amounts throughout such a cycle, perhaps .25mg of either every other day or every three days.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Thanks for the replies guys!

    I think what i shall do is bump the dose up then... and run with armidex .25 E3D and then run PCT at the end! i Didnt want to run test with it, and i am just looking for a firm ripped look so this sounds ideal!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    blue trunks
    anavar is not as innocent as everybody thinks. It is on the milder side but it's still and oral steroid and will lower your hdl significantly. As we know this will cause plague to build up in your arteries. 12 weeks? I think it is insane. How do you go from a test/deca cycle to an anavar oncly cycle anyways?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    How do you go from a test/deca cycle to an anavar oncly cycle anyways?
    Well that's not very difficult to comprehend. His physical goals dictate which AAS he prefers to take. If he isn't trying to gain lean muscle mass but is instead looking to cut/define his physique...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    If one is trying to gain strength, a bit of lean mass, and come in under the radar then Anavar could be well suited. Lots of people with too high BF take Var thinking it will make them ripped and may not notice anything visually from a cycle. Others who have been doing test based cycles for a while might get minimal gains for the money as well. Anavar has it's place, but unfortunately most people use it for the wrong reason and it gets a bad rap. Way over used by anxious, first time AAS users IMO. I always like reading the Var threads and seeing which way people go after the majority of members try and talk them out of it... I really like the stuff.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Yeh as BBrain said my goals are just for a lean ripped look physique. I done my test and deca course a while back and broke my arm soon after so havent touched any gear since, been training natural for about a year since the arm.

    My BF % is fairly low and with the Var i plan on hitting cardio pretty hard as well. I would like to gain about 5-6 pounds of lean mass and i am not looking to bulk up at all, which is why thiss seem like a good opption!

    I might cut the lenngth down to 8 weeks then and see how i get on?

    Ive spoken to alot of guys at the gym who love this stuff, it is expensive but they said it sent their strength throught the roof and they had a solid look. But they all said differennt stuff about the sides etc. and what to take with it and after it!

    Thanks for the help

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    All that I have heard about the side effects is that they are the same as other steroids but more mild. Acne, oily skin, tesiticular atrophy will all be lower. But it will still take it's toll.

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