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Thread: Olympic Weightlifting

  1. #1

    Olympic Weightlifting

    Lately ive been trying to come to a conclusion on what my competitors are you useing. I go to competitions and i see guys doing outragous amount of weight and guys that beat me but still in the same weightclass. I was hoping if any powerlifters or olympic lifter could shine some light on this. I believe it is test e because test is for strength. Ive never done steriods or a cycle because i feel i can still put on 10 or 15 (25- 36lbs) more kilos before i will consider buying. Im very curious on how they can do 50 more kilos then me and still pass the drug test! Im in a program were it is low rep (usually 3 or less) but maxing out everyday. I train 6 days out of the week cause im 18 and my body can handle it(for now). I squat everyday i train. I know that isnt the "proper" way to gain muscle. I go for good techique cause that is what the sport is based on and ultimately in the long run it shows results. So anything u guys have to offer me about nutrition, the gear that they are on, or any suggestions on my training would make me sleep alittle better and not stress about my other competitors. Thanks alot for posting ive been really learning alot!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    post proelia praemia
    genetics play a bit role here also, some people are just stronger, genetics are usually the factor at play in either being good at something or being world class

  3. #3
    Im still young enough i believe i still have a good chance to make the world team. But thats a good point u brought up. Thanks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    post proelia praemia
    i know there are alot of competitive powerlifters on here, mabey they will chime in for you and can advise you on different training styles which you may respond to better than what you are currently doing

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Miami, FL
    It might be because you are young and don't have "man strength" developed yet. Even at 18 moving that kind of weight is something that's new to your body.

    It sounds stupid and I know its an unquantifiable measure, but its a definite possibility.

  6. #6
    Yeah i have like really dense muscles. I look like i weigh 160 but im 184 and backsquat 430(all the to the bottom). I hope one of these days my muscles expand... but i.understand wat you are trying to say.

  7. #7
    You are pretty young, You trying to qualify for world juniors? Probable need a qualifying total of 315kg+ I'm assuming as a 83kg lifter. Lots of it is technique, not just the strength. Focus on technique and the strength will come. I don't know how you really train, but squating everyday is not good. You wear the legs out and they don't grow or get stronger. Legs are important, but you got lots of lower back, hamstrings to get out of hole, trapps are way up there for that great pull. Lots you can focus on other then just quads that are so iimportant as olympic type lifter. What are your lifts now?

  8. #8
    I total 238. Snatching 107 and c/j 131. Im not been cutting to make weight. My coach has had me keep on going up wieghtclasses. He hopes for me to be a full 105. I wont make the team but since im tall 105 is were i need to be. I keep on getting fat and then burning off. Thats why i.joined this so eventually i can find the right stuff to be.on without being a fattass. As you proabably know u wont be world class without the stuff. I just hope to find some answers. And my coach has based his program off of naim suleymangola training.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    My son could clean and jerk 370 lbs all natural at 185lbs after 3 months of good training.....sorry I don't know the kg. But he could backsquat 600 lbs as a senior in high school and had a 37" vertical. There are very few good olympic lifting coaches in the US. They pass the tests because they are clean. As far as I can see you are WAY overtraining.
    Sounds like your body type could be totally wrong for OLY lifting. Look up Pyrrhos Dimas on youtube.....if you look like him then go for it. Unless you can front squat 375 or so after a reasonable amount of training and have a 36" or more vertical're wasting your time.......OLY lifting is all about rapid power twitch(which is a genetic gift).......and impeccable technique.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    agreed some are born to be strong,technique is huge, and yes some guys are naturally strong. but the best are always on the juice. doesnt matter if its olympics or pro althletes like football and baseball. they all use. only the stupid ones get caught. sad but true, and not trying to say u must do steroids. not at all.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by presto123 View Post
    I total 238. Snatching 107 and c/j 131. Im not been cutting to make weight. My coach has had me keep on going up wieghtclasses. He hopes for me to be a full 105. I wont make the team but since im tall 105 is were i need to be. I keep on getting fat and then burning off. Thats why i.joined this so eventually i can find the right stuff to be.on without being a fattass. As you proabably know u wont be world class without the stuff. I just hope to find some answers. And my coach has based his program off of naim suleymangola training.
    Well Naim was a freak in the sport. Great lifter for sure. The bulgarian program worked on him at very young age. He was breaking senior world records at 16. I am pretty sure he used though also. I don't think thats a good routine to go with. Your over training your legs in my opinion. Lots of doubles and triples in your olympic lifts and drill that technique. You need to get your lifts up natuarally before the thought of useing even crosses your mind. 238 is a good total, but you can do a lot more naturally at your weight, trust me. I was about a 215 total at 62kg, all natural, and no talent at all. I had no flexibility in my hips, couldn't do full squats. Have you even been to jr nationals. So no juice in my opinion, when you can compete at the national level naturally, then expand your options. Change your training a bit, see what happens. You have potential and can get your lifts up for sure. Nobody ever said getting strong would be easy. you got time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cravenmorehead View Post
    My son could clean and jerk 370 lbs all natural at 185lbs after 3 months of good training.....sorry I don't know the kg. But he could backsquat 600 lbs as a senior in high school and had a 37" vertical. There are very few good olympic lifting coaches in the US. They pass the tests because they are clean. As far as I can see you are WAY overtraining. Move up in weight classes a bit slower. stick to 83 and 95 class for now.
    Sounds like your body type could be totally wrong for OLY lifting. Look up Pyrrhos Dimas on youtube.....if you look like him then go for it. Unless you can front squat 375 or so after a reasonable amount of training and have a 36" or more vertical're wasting your time.......OLY lifting is all about rapid power twitch(which is a genetic gift).......and impeccable technique.
    I am sorry, but trying to compare this kid to pyrros doesn't make any sense. Lifters come in all sizes. pyrros was like 5"9', you got naim who was 4'11", one of my favorite lifters Szymon Kolecki who was like 6'2" 94-105kg lifter (look him up, he clean 517 at 94kg and at age 18, missed the jerk though. he holds the WR though). You do weightlifting because you like it, not because of your body type. You can train fast twitch muscles and improve technique. Natural ability plays a role for sure, but I wouldn't let that discourage me. So I don't think he's wasting his time one bit. And i'm sry, I know your a proud dad, but I don't believe the things you say about your kid. 370 power clean only after three months, he's close to american records only after 3 months, not believing it. But I am sure your son is a strong kid.
    Quote Originally Posted by markdbg View Post
    agreed some are born to be strong,technique is huge, and yes some guys are naturally strong. but the best are always on the juice. doesnt matter if its olympics or pro althletes like football and baseball. they all use. only the stupid ones get caught. sad but true, and not trying to say u must do steroids. not at all.
    I agree, at that level, they made that true commitment to being the worlds best. I am sure they do get some help. But steroids aint nothing without hard work and proper training and natural ability.
    Last edited by go4gold; 01-22-2012 at 12:43 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by go4gold View Post

    And i'm sry, I know your a proud dad, but I don't believe the things you say about your kid. 370 power clean only after three months, he's close to american records only after 3 months, not believing it. But I am sure your son is a strong kid.
    Three months of olympic training. He had lifted since freshman year of high school and this was after first two years of college football. I thought OLY lifting would fit him, but there just isn't enough interest in the US. He was 20 at the time.......past the kid stage.
    These kids were benching 370 at 185 lbs bodyweight and ran 4.4 fortys. His max squat was 3x600. Height 5'9"
    The American record is over 200kg I believe so he would have a long ways to go........70lbs is a huge jump to pop overhead. It's not like he had no lifting experience. He was very advanced with complex training and periodization. Jump squats. Heavy squats followed by box jumps, plyo bench like Adam Archuleta......just a very advanced lifter with a lot of natural ability and strength.
    I just sent him a set of rings and he can already do a planche and an iron cross with no previous gymnastics training. Kind of a freak......but you look at the olympic guys!....they are SUPER freaks. His friend power cleaned 340 in high school(6 years ago)......saw it with my own telling how good that kid could have been.(5'9" quarterback and ran track too)
    Last edited by Cravenmorehead; 01-22-2012 at 02:10 AM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by markdbg View Post
    agreed some are born to be strong,technique is huge, and yes some guys are naturally strong. but the best are always on the juice. doesnt matter if its olympics or pro althletes like football and baseball. they all use. only the stupid ones get caught. sad but true, and not trying to say u must do steroids. not at all.
    That's how you go from really really good to world class.......chemistry!!
    Take a look at the cross fit chicks......they look like the East German wonder girls swim team........jeez. Can't believe Reebok sponsors's SO obvious to even a casual observer.

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