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  1. #1
    that1man is offline New Member
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    Jan 2012

    Need Help 1st Cycle questions!!

    Okay guys,

    Need some honest advice on what im looking at taking for my 1st cycle. Im 31 years old 6'2 185lbs 13%bf 23 bmi. What ive purchased for my 1st cycle is sustanon from paddock labs and dbol capsules. 1st question is how much and how often with the sustanon. ive been told 1 cc every 4-5 days. next question is the dbol capsules are clear with a ivory powder in them but with no markings.....ive been told they are 20mg this okay and how much and how often. any advice is greatly appreciated.

    im looking to get in the 200-205 range and be bigger but also to this so any advice on diet or amount of protein/massbuilder/creatine intake is much needed..


  2. #2
    tomt45 is offline Associate Member
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    Oh boy. I am going to tell you why nobody has given you advice yet. They don't really know where to start! First of all go to the diet an nutrition section and just do some reading. Then post your existing diet and have these guys critique it. No offense but by looking at your stats it is clear that your diet is not very good. If you don't already have your diet figured out you will accomplish nothing from doing steroids . You might get some gains but you will most likely lose them all. I can tell you that from personal experience. I did my first cycle way before I was ready. I had maybe been lifting regularly for 6 months. I thought I was eating good but I really wasn't. I got some gains but lost it all almost immediately after my cycle.

    What does your routine look like? How long have you been lifting?

    I really suggest you dont do this cycle right now. There are so many more things you need to research. First of all you should only use testosterone on your first cycle. Do you know what ai you will use and at what dose? What is your plan for pct? Have you considered using hcg while on cycle?

    Also putting on 20lbs while losing fat is a pretty optimisic goal for a first cycle especially if your diet is not that good.

  3. #3
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    6'2" at 185 is slim. It's advised you reach or get close to your natural potential before you ever think about using AAS. After training for several years, you will have strengthened your connective tissue, developed a good mind to muscle connection as well as getting your diet and proper training form down pat. If you were ready, you wouldn't be 6'2" at 185.

    Best to research now and prepare. There is a lot to know about the compounds you are asking about, as well as treating the possible side effects that come with them.

  4. #4
    that1man is offline New Member
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    Jan 2012
    Alright, sort of understand....

    so heres a little more information....

    i have been working out for about a year this month......i went from 170 last january to 185ish this january..... i did one cycle of test cyp for 10 weeks that ended back in september.....

    and def admit my diet is not the best......very tough with owning my own business and being a single dad to 2 little girls.....but working on it....

    idea of my diet currently.... bowl of cereal with protein shake in the morning....some kind of fruit... lunch is usually chicken and decent amount or tuna with rice or sweet potatoes.... dinner is usually a pretty decent size meal of eating just about anything..... usually have protein bars in between ..... really trying to sqeeze in extra eating for the weight....any help with that is appreciated... i did do some reading on the nutrition forum.....but prob not as much as needed yet..... i am training now with someone who basically is a greek god.....and basically one of those all natural freaks of nature.....been honest with him about what ive just started as of 2 days ago which is the sustanon ..... so IF i was to start this there any advice on the questions i asked? I would love advice on pct or what i should be on the look out for during cycle...... figured this was the best place to start asking...

    thanks again

  5. #5
    Str8Jakked's Avatar
    Str8Jakked is offline Associate Member
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    Your current diet is not close to conducive to growing and if your diet is not in check you can throw everything else out the window... 90% Diet, 10% Lifting/Compounds, etc.

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