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  1. #1
    joshh is offline Associate Member
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    i have dropped 20% BF, now time to get big!

    hi guys

    during the past 12 months I have gone from 35% to 15% bodyfat. i'm currently still at 15% but should hopefully be at 12% within 30 days.
    once i hit 12% i want to start putting on LEAN muscle and want to know what a good cycle would be for this. would i also be able to cycle whilst doing a keto diet to keep the gains and lean as possible?


  2. #2
    t-gunz's Avatar
    t-gunz is offline MONITOR~ ~ RIP ~ Gone never Forgotten
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    dont do keto unless you want to soley cut fat.

    time to re introduc carbs slowly

    have a read in the diet section

  3. #3
    joshh is offline Associate Member
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    too easy. would just basing carbs around my workout be sufficient? or to do a cycle effectively do i need carbs all throughout the day?

  4. #4
    Rockstar18 is offline Junior Member
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    Did you take anything to lose the weight

  5. #5
    joshh is offline Associate Member
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    done all naturally, lifting 5 days a week + cardio twice a day + strict diet. i did use mitotropin for 30 days however, but they are just increase your metabolic rate

  6. #6
    t-gunz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joshh View Post
    too easy. would just basing carbs around my workout be sufficient? or to do a cycle effectively do i need carbs all throughout the day?
    yeah that can work nicely

    work out your BMR/TDEE or search in the diet section to work out roughly cals you need to comsume to maintain your weight then add few 100 cals in and montier it from there

    also remembering to adjust cals when weight gains slows. keep an eye on bf% as well

  7. #7
    joshh is offline Associate Member
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    i'm not a guru when it comes to trying to put on size as this hasn't yet become one of my goals, fat loss on the other hand i know back to front.

    my bmr is 2100 tdee is 3600 and i'm currently on 2000cals keto. i know that if you want to gain size, 500cal surplus is a good start. how many cals would be recommended if my tdee is 3600? could i still put on some good lean muscle on 2000cals but with carbs around my workouts? note; tdee of 3600 includes lifting one a day and cardio twice a day. i could drop a cardio session if needed.

    and i want to make clear, i'm after LEAN muscle only, i don't want to put on any fat at all

  8. #8
    joshh is offline Associate Member
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    just doing some reading around, would just doing a cycle of test give me good results alone? this would be my first cycle.
    i might like to mention, i had gyno surgery 6 months ago, would taking test be a bad idea? what are the chances the gyno would come back?

  9. #9
    Noles12's Avatar
    Noles12 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Before i advise you on a cycle could you post your stats?

    Training Experience?
    Cycle Experience?

  10. #10
    joshh is offline Associate Member
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    Not a problem

    20 y/o
    15% BF
    been training the past 18 months 6 days a week.
    no cycle experience.

    please note those stats are from 2 weeks ago and i would be closer to 14%BF now but I don't plan to start a cycle until im 12% which would be around 30 days.

  11. #11
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Bro if you did any reading on this board you know we dont give cycle advice to anyone under 25.Due to the risks of doing damage to your endo system.You are doing real good on your diet keep up the good work.

  12. #12
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by joshh View Post
    Not a problem

    20 y/o
    15% BF
    been training the past 18 months 6 days a week.
    no cycle experience.

    please note those stats are from 2 weeks ago and i would be closer to 14%BF now but I don't plan to start a cycle until im 12% which would be around 30 days.
    I'll agree with you on one thing...'ve been busting your ass the last year. Good effort and keep it up!
    But i will have to agree with Mr. Songdog on this one. Your hormonal system won't be ready until your mid twenties sometime. Taking steroids now will shut down your natural test production, which can impact any remaining development your hormonal system can expect to see.
    So for now, Please stay focused on diet and exercise. Your natural test levels will peak here in a couple of years, and you should enjoy the blessing that provides without messing with it.
    Good luck!

  13. #13
    joshh is offline Associate Member
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    this is what frustrates me, you see all these jacked up and ripped guys my age at the gym and i know i will never get to their level because they have such an edge. i know some of my mates are on gear as well but they don't come out and admit to it. so will taking test at my age DEFINITELY shut down my system down the track? Or is it just a possibility?
    majority of teens and guys in their early 20's are on gear i know and it pisses me off, i can't do it naturally

  14. #14
    Bulkn's Avatar
    Bulkn is offline Productive Member
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    Its a risk mate, 20 is pretty young. I have buddys at my gym asking me for gear and i refuse to help them.
    Oh and im sure you can make some good gains naturally! You just have to work out the balance how much you need to eat to build muscle without putting on fat.
    I recomend trying peptides as an alternative.
    Last edited by Bulkn; 01-22-2012 at 07:58 AM.

  15. #15
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    taking test now will absolutely shut down your natural test production.

  16. #16
    joshh is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bulkn View Post
    I recomend trying peptides as an alternative.
    Peptides? As in whey peptides?

  17. #17
    Noles12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joshh View Post
    this is what frustrates me, you see all these jacked up and ripped guys my age at the gym and i know i will never get to their level because they have such an edge. i know some of my mates are on gear as well but they don't come out and admit to it. so will taking test at my age DEFINITELY shut down my system down the track? Or is it just a possibility?
    majority of teens and guys in their early 20's are on gear i know and it pisses me off, i can't do it naturally
    You have to ask yourself. Is starting now really worth it?

    No you are not guaranteed to me shut down for life but there is the possibility.

    But the issue is not just about being shut down. There are many other risks involved with starting at your age.

    I'm sure you have friends running gear and i know its frustrating but in the long run it wont be worth it. THey look good now but could have to start weekly injections at the ripe old age of 25 (possibly younger). So this means at the expense of looking good earlier they have to deal with it for the rest of their lives

  18. #18
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joshh View Post
    this is what frustrates me, you see all these jacked up and ripped guys my age at the gym and i know i will never get to their level because they have such an edge. i know some of my mates are on gear as well but they don't come out and admit to it. so will taking test at my age DEFINITELY shut down my system down the track? Or is it just a possibility?
    majority of teens and guys in their early 20's are on gear i know and it pisses me off, i can't do it naturally
    BS yes you can. You prob would have thought 2 years ago that you couldnt loss the weight either and you did.
    Great job on your weight loss
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  19. #19
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    ED is a hell of a price to pay to just look good.Just wait until those studs cant have kids.And it can happen!

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by joshh View Post
    i'm not a guru when it comes to trying to put on size as this hasn't yet become one of my goals, fat loss on the other hand i know back to front.

    my bmr is 2100 tdee is 3600 and i'm currently on 2000cals keto. i know that if you want to gain size, 500cal surplus is a good start. how many cals would be recommended if my tdee is 3600? could i still put on some good lean muscle on 2000cals but with carbs around my workouts? note; tdee of 3600 includes lifting one a day and cardio twice a day. i could drop a cardio session if needed.

    and i want to make clear, i'm after LEAN muscle only, i don't want to put on any fat at all
    First of all, congratulations on the weight loss, I'm sure that took a great deal of dedication and hard work.

    You admittedly don't know yet how to eat in order to gain muscle, and it sounds like with all the cutting you've done, you probably don't have much experience with mass gaining work out programs. At your age your T levels are very high, so you should use this time to learn how to eat in order to grow naturally and learn how your body responds best to different types of training. Knowing those 2 things before cycling will make your first cycle that much more productive and in the long run you will have more success than your "mates" who take steroids at a young age and will probably never learn how to diet and train properly. Good luck man.

  21. #21
    joshh is offline Associate Member
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    guys, as i am to the tee diet wise, i'm thinking about giving a cycle of clen a shot before i start to put on size just to see how cut i can get. obviously there are side effects if not supplemented responsibly, but i should be okay to give it a shot at my age shouldn't i?

  22. #22
    RuckusDC5's Avatar
    RuckusDC5 is offline Junior Member
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    Age wise you should really think if looks>health...

  23. #23
    Bulkn's Avatar
    Bulkn is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by joshh View Post
    Peptides? As in whey peptides?
    GHRP-6 and mod GRF(1-29)

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