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  1. #1
    BulkCity is offline Junior Member
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    Why Injections over oral???

    Why do people say don't bother with oral cycles???
    In 'pumping iron' Arnold says it was normal back then that people were taking '3 dbol tablets a day'...
    Whats the con and pro's of oral and injecting.

  2. #2
    DrewBombs's Avatar
    DrewBombs is offline New Member
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    why r u wanting to know
    no liver damage from injections

  3. #3
    BulkCity is offline Junior Member
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    Can't you take stuff to protect your liver while your on the cycle though

  4. #4
    DrewBombs's Avatar
    DrewBombs is offline New Member
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    why r u wanting to know
    milk thristle something like that but i think it will still damage the liver a bit. but the liver will recover

  5. #5
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You can`t fully protect your liver and there are other problems with cholestrol too. People who are afraid of needles should not cycle.

  6. #6
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BulkCity View Post
    Why do people say don't bother with oral cycles???
    In 'pumping iron' Arnold says it was normal back then that people were taking '3 dbol tablets a day'...
    Whats the con and pro's of oral and injecting.
    First of all, all cycles should include test. The knowledge we have today tells us this, which we didn't know a couple of decades ago. We know so much more today than when Arnold was in his prime.
    Second, under most conditions, test does not avail itself to oral use. there is one, very expensive, not very effective exception. but it is hard to find, so i won't discuss.
    third, most orals provide quick gains and quick losses. I'm specifically thinking of drol/dbol /winnie. Gains come very quick, and as soon as you stop, the gains begin to diminish.
    fourth, orals are very hard on the liver. liver protection is a must
    fifth, you cannot cycle very long with orals. the standard period is about 4 weeks. again, it is very harsh on the liver, the body desensitizes to it, and to continue to see gains, you must increase the dose, which is even more harmful on the liver.

    test is much more "natural" for the body. your body already produces it, and when you shut down due to cycle, the benefit over orals is that the exogenous test makes up for the lack of indogeneous test the body makes. you cannot say this about orals. the body shuts down test production with any oral you take, yet because the oral is NOT testosterone , you open yourself up to the very real risk of side effects like ED (limp dik), low libido (not interested in sex with your woman), and a few other ugly sides.

    Make sense?

  7. #7
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    There have been products on the market that was basically the reformulation of the Testosterone molecule. They modified the carbon atom so it could survive the liver pass. Because it wasn't tied to an ester the absorption was faster then Prop. The Feds have outlawed most if not all of the good oral Tests. Other orals like dbol need to be taken with Test primarily because the imbalance of endogenous Test levels in your body. Injections don't need a liver pass. Has more controlled release (esters). The variety of AAS is much larger. They can be stacked. The results are absolutely undeniable.

  8. #8
    BulkCity is offline Junior Member
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    that makes heaps of sense thank you
    But at the same time, even doing a cycle injecting, won't you suffer side effects as well, like gyno,hair loss ect...
    or does injecting make cycles safe and bypass these common side effects from cycles?

  9. #9
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
    Honkey_Kong is offline Superbowl XLIX Champs!
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    Quote Originally Posted by BulkCity View Post
    that makes heaps of sense thank you
    But at the same time, even doing a cycle injecting, won't you suffer side effects as well, like gyno,hair loss ect...
    or does injecting make cycles safe and bypass these common side effects from cycles?
    I find that the side effects are more tolerable on injectables than orals. The back pumps are the side from drol/dbol that made life a living hell when I took those. Also, people talk about liver support for those orals. Although they do help, I question how effective they actually are at protecting the liver.

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