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  1. #1
    musclekid88 is offline Junior Member
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    First Cycle Need's a Review

    Hey guys im 21 turning 22 in April and looking at doing my first cycle. My objective is gain lean muscle mass and i want to keep my definition and not just bulk up and loose it all. Iv'e been training for around 3 years now and over this time gained around 14kg in about 2 and a half years of solid training. I am currently sitting around 81kg but i have been stuck on this for around 6months now and cant push past it.

    My diet is fairly good and i eat every 2 to 3 hours ensuring that all up im reaching around 250g of protein each day, although my problem is my carb intake and the amount of calories i taking in im lost on that part? im not to sure on how much carbs i should be consuming each day. I eat the usual whole grain oats, Sweet Potato, brown rice.

    I am considering starting an Anavar cycle at around 40mg to 60mg(is that enough??) a day although should i stack it with a bulking agent e.g. Test or DBOL to better my results and help with a bit of extra size?

    Would gladly appreciate all responses.
    (I have been researching steroids for at least 3 months now but now im just looking for a straight answer on dosage and correction of any slip ups you may see in my post)
    Last edited by musclekid88; 01-24-2012 at 07:36 AM.

  2. #2
    markdbg is offline Associate Member
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    lots of ppl on this forum wont help u as ur under 25. but i dont mind giving the advice as long as your dedicated and know what your doing. tho my rule is if ur running oral only cycles it means u dont want to put a needle in ur ass, which shows u arnt dedicated if a bit of pain scares u away. so there for i will not advise on this cycle.

    my advise, get sum injectable form of test, test 500mg a week broken into two shots. u can use anavar or dbol aswell but dont run orals only u wont keep any gains. anavar at 40-60 is a bit low, id go use at least 80mg ed. dbol 20-30, break ur doses up and take it twice a day.

    do u have a pct plan?

  3. #3
    musclekid88 is offline Junior Member
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    yeah i was thinking that in order to maintain my gains and help with the size of injecting test i have no problem with needles man thats why i was asking for some advise. Iv'e just known a couple of people who have cycled only Var and had good results from it thats why i was asking about it.
    PCT i was going to talk to my cousin about and see which is available to get a hold of as his done bodybuilding for around 6 to 8 years know.

    But for my own knowledge base i like to do my research on top of his advise. Do you have any suggestions?
    Also appreciate the help man.

  4. #4
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Dedication & knowledge of (how to use) isn't gona save you undeveloped Endocrine & HPTA from potentially irreversible damage. The reason we don't like to give cycle advice to anyone under 25 here, has nothing to do with dedication or knowledge, you can be the most dedicated & knowledgeable person on the forum, but that's not gona help your systems mature before the age of 25. ....................
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 01-24-2012 at 07:50 AM.

  5. #5
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    The members in this forum will help guide you after you've done research on you own. It's important that not only you learn about AAS, but to make sure you have your diet and training in order. AAS is one piece of the puzzle. If you don't have your diet and training on point, you won't fully benefit from their use. In your post, you say you need help getting your diet in order. Head over to the Diet section of this forum and start there.

    It's recommended that someone reach or get close to there natural potential before starting AAS use. 2-1/2 years of training may seem like a long time. But you haven't exhausted you bodies ability to gain muscle yet.

    You weight 178 lbs, how tall are you?

  6. #6
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    You are light years away from your genetic potential. You have simply hit a plateau which happens to all of us. Take your diet from "fairly good" to excellent and you will get past it. You need to learn how to get through these plateaus without adding steroids into the mix. I can assure you, you can put on a lot quality muscle over the next 3-5 years with nothing but solid food and intense training. I hope you reconsider.

  7. #7
    musclekid88 is offline Junior Member
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    Bear i honestly do appreciate the advice and i do understand the risk of running a cycle thats part of the reason why i chose Var as part as my cycle because it has far less side effects then that of other 17aa steroids . So man i would really appreciate the advice if you are willing to give it.
    Correct dosages or personal experiences? And even my cycle ideas if you think they are correct.
    Im doing research before i commit to it as the reason i created the thread

  8. #8
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Sorry bro, if you insist on jeopardizing your health, I wont be apart of it. The only advice I'm willing to give you, has already been stated by others. You should get your diet tuned in & maybe up your game at the gym, & I guarantee you'll see significant results in 30 - 45 days. If you would like some help putting together a better training routine & / or a "hard gainers" diet, we can help with that. BTW, Var will shut you down too.

  9. #9
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
    alexISthrowed is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    It's not just bear telling you not to do this, literally everyone told you not to run this cycle. There is good information all over this forum. Get that diet in check and you will be amazed at the difference it makes.

  10. #10
    musclekid88 is offline Junior Member
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    Iv'e sat on this plateau for over 6 months now ive tried changing up my diet i have done an endless amount of research on dieting, proper foods, the amount of protein my body should have each day, i eat up to 8 meals a day, i take creatine, fish oil, multi, and protein. I have hit the stage where i need the extra push. I have honestly done alot of research guys i just want everything clarified if you could it would be much appreciate. Im running PCT after it and even considering an anit estrogen two weeks prior to the cycle as i was reading through the stickys that it is advised to prevent gyno.
    Also im 178cm to 180cm - Bossman

  11. #11
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
    alexISthrowed is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclekid88 View Post
    Iv'e sat on this plateau for over 6 months now ive tried changing up my diet i have done an endless amount of research on dieting, proper foods, the amount of protein my body should have each day, i eat up to 8 meals a day, i take creatine, fish oil, multi, and protein. I have hit the stage where i need the extra push. I have honestly done alot of research guys i just want everything clarified if you could it would be much appreciate. Im running PCT after it and even considering an anit estrogen two weeks prior to the cycle as i was reading through the stickys that it is advised to prevent gyno.
    Also im 178cm to 180cm - Bossman
    Post up your full diet including macros and your training split.

  12. #12
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    ok, so your 5'8", easier for me to understand. I had reached a solid 215 at 5'8" before ever using AAS.

    I know it's not what you want to hear, but you aren't ready for steroids yet. If you can't get any larger, then you haven't got it right. It takes years to build muscle even with AAS. If you don't have it right, you may grow a bit, but then most likely, lose it all afterwards. Like all of the knowledgeable experienced members have suggested, research and get your diet and training down right first. If your diet is right, you're not training properly to build muscle.

  13. #13
    musclekid88 is offline Junior Member
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    Meal 1 - Oats with honey and banana
    (Sometimes fruit salad around 100g)
    Meal 2 - 180g Tuna and 3-4 boiled eggs 2 yellows and 2 whites
    Meal 3 - Prior to gym - Either Brown Rice, with chicken breast or turkey breast and green vegetables
    + Protein Shake
    Dinner: Meal 4 - Another 4 - 5 eggs. Approx 2 yellows and 3 whites, Lean meat and and complex carb either brown rice or sweet potato
    + Protein shake after gym
    Meal 5 - Usually Cottage cheese with either tuna or salmon
    Meal 6 - Usually casine Protein powder

    Also my diet does vary as i like to change things around and not keep it plain and boring but basically its just altering with wholegrain toast, eggs, fish, snacks in between meals (fruits, vegetables)
    My whole life i have always eaten healthy and never been a fan of junk food, i just need to get this extra step happening and i will truly be happy with myself.

  14. #14
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
    alexISthrowed is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I eat more than that on a contest prep, the macro's are not there but that's not much food at all. No protein with first meal? Go to the diet section and start working on getting your diet dialed in, you will break through your plateau, I guarantee it.

  15. #15
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    ^^^^^You aren't eating nearly enough as Alex said. Food is a huge part of the equation. If you take steroids on this diet you will still not see results.

  16. #16
    musclekid88 is offline Junior Member
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    Mate that diet is literally what i could think of right now i promise on everything my diet is atleast an 8 or 9 out of ten. Overall i aim for atleast 250g protein a day and i always achieve that i make sure of this, the only thing is in carbs i try aim for around 700g to 800g. And i promise you this its no processed shit or anything like that. That diet i just put up was literally of the top of my head. Its a bit hard to think when its 3 in the morning in Australia lol.

    Guys i would honestly appreciate that advise on the cycle that is the main reason i came to this site ive been looking over it for quite some time now and i have made my decision i would just really like the advise on the cycle and i will take into consideration all your tips on dieting and i will ensure you that i will fix whatever i believe is necessary. But i would love to get your cycle advise.

  17. #17
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
    alexISthrowed is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclekid88 View Post
    Mate that diet is literally what i could think of right now i promise on everything my diet is atleast an 8 or 9 out of ten. Overall i aim for atleast 250g protein a day and i always achieve that i make sure of this, the only thing is in carbs i try aim for around 700g to 800g. And i promise you this its no processed shit or anything like that. That diet i just put up was literally of the top of my head. Its a bit hard to think when its 3 in the morning in Australia lol.

    Guys i would honestly appreciate that advise on the cycle that is the main reason i came to this site ive been looking over it for quite some time now and i have made my decision i would just really like the advise on the cycle and i will take into consideration all your tips on dieting and i will ensure you that i will fix whatever i believe is necessary. But i would love to get your cycle advise.
    I seriously doubt this, I was getting 500-600g taking slin with 225g coming from karbolyn and it was everything I had to get that down. Your diet is about a 3 out of 10. You won't fool anyone man.

  18. #18
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    700 - 800 carbs per day, IS a lot, A LOT! And its not likely you're taking in that much, unless you're eating a lot of junk / simple carbs.

  19. #19
    musclekid88 is offline Junior Member
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    man did you see how i said i try to aim for 700g to 800g of carbs? I probs on average get around 500g to 600g which 250g comes from a mass protein shake. But im being honest with you my diet is healthy and accurate. Its easier for me to prepare my meals prior to each day because mum helps out lol and i keep a diary of everything that i eat. I have a fast metabolism and always have as a child man its been a killer to get to where i am now.
    Hence the fact im considering a cycle i just need the advise now.

    Alex & Boss i do appreciate your concerns and everything but if its not to much to ask can you help a brother out.

  20. #20
    musclekid88 is offline Junior Member
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    Bear swear to GOD MAN NO JUNK! Even when i was younger i preferred the snitzals and roast compared to maccas man. And as age comes with it and so does training and the docos that show what that shit is made from please **** that!!!!
    The occasional kebab here and there is a diff story lol

  21. #21
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    OP, do you own a food scale and if so have you used it on each and every meal you eat? Have you then totaled up your macros for at least two weeks for each meal and each day and kept a log of it. If you answered "No" to any of the above you have no idea how many calories you are eating regardless of what you may think.

  22. #22
    musclekid88 is offline Junior Member
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    Yes FireGuy i do own a food scale and measure most of my meals particularly chicken, fish, meats, rice, oats, and other essentials.
    I would really just like some opinions on the cycle in which i am considering so if you guys can i would appreciate the help, because in regards to my diet and stuff i will fix what is needed.

    So yeah I am considering starting an Anavar cycle at around 60mg(is that enough??) a day although should i stack it with a bulking agent e.g. Test or DBOL to better my results and help with a bit of extra size? (Not scared of injections either just heard alot of good results with Var. Plus any suggestions in regards to dosages?

  23. #23
    musclekid88 is offline Junior Member
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    Really would like an answer to my cycle question could someone help me out, it will be greatly appreciated.

  24. #24
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    Dedication & knowledge of (how to use) isn't gona save you undeveloped Endocrine & HPTA from potentially irreversible damage. The reason we don't like to give cycle advice to anyone under 25 here, has nothing to do with dedication or knowledge, you can be the most dedicated & knowledgeable person on the forum, but that's not gona help your systems mature before the age of 25. ....................
    Agree with Bear

  25. #25
    musclekid88 is offline Junior Member
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    I completely understand your concern and I am considering what everyone has said but I would also like to know about my cycle question aswell

  26. #26
    Revelations's Avatar
    Revelations is offline Junior Member
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    if you dont mind me asking...what is your training split?

  27. #27
    musclekid88 is offline Junior Member
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    Day 1: chest and tries
    Day 2: legs
    Day 3: back and bies
    Day 4: shoulders and abs
    Day 5: varies according to how my body feels

  28. #28
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Mkid, sorry I couldnt resist, I tried but I couldnt! Gonna try to do my good deed for the day, your frickin nuts at your age, you have no idea the consequences that you may face the rest of your life for what??????? Get the diet straight, its obvious thats not what you want to hear but why is everyone telling you the same thing???? Are we all nuts? For what its worth regarding your "cycle" I went down that exact road when I was a yr younger than you, not only was Var useless by itself, I would of been just as well off with a placebo! Now, i have to live with the consequences that Im urging you to think about. There's no turning back once the damage is done Bra!

  29. #29
    musclekid88 is offline Junior Member
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    Sorry guys I'm being stubborn I have reevaluated my diet and have made some crucial changes....but I still want to about my cycle choice if I continue to go along with it can someone answer my question in that perspective?

  30. #30
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    I'm glad you have made some changes to your diet, if you made the right changes, you will see a big difference in your gains. Have you also had 4 birthdays since your last post? Have you also somehow altered your Endocrine & HPTA into full development?

  31. #31
    musclekid88 is offline Junior Member
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    haha yeah man i went in the future a couple of years.....anyways dude can you just help me out with the question i asked

  32. #32
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Sorry dude, I wont be a part of this potential disaster. Just be patient, there are a few members here that don't mind having your lifetime of regret on their shoulders. Good luck to you musclekid88, I hope it all ends well.

  33. #33
    musclekid88 is offline Junior Member
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    okay mate i respect that thanks anyways, in your experience what do you recommend as a target for diet im going for 2g protein per pound and carbs around 500g?? and i weigh between 81 - 82kg....its just man this Plato is killing me

  34. #34
    Cruzmeyers is offline New Member
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    You have an obvious desire to get an answer to your question. Your first cycle should not be considered on the advice of answers from a question you post on a forum. Diving into your first cycle is daunting so I understand your persistence in getting some advice on this forum but your post indicates no evidence that you have really done your research. The journey is much more rewarding when you research for yourself the science of steroids . Like most people who use steroids , I spent a year and a half studying steroid profiles, reading forums, and even took a few chemistry, biology and anatomy courses in college to prepare me for making the decision. There are a lot of resources out there and your question has been answered thousands of times, do some research on your own. Your body is still young enough to make tremendous gains on its own without the need of steroids. I remember when I hit a plateau at 22 it was incredibly frustrating but I learned a lot in regards to workout routines, diet, and discipline. When I figured out what I need to add and change to break through it, it was a great feeling. That's what I love most about bodybuilding, figuring out how to improve even in the face of obstacles. Good luck bro! Enjoy the journey not quick results.

  35. #35
    musclekid88 is offline Junior Member
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    CRUZWMEYERS i must admit bro you worded that perfect and i feel where your coming from.....iv'e been considering my first cycle for ages now and i have constantly delayed it because i just felt that i wasn't ready iv'e done alot of research for over the past year and especially over the last 6 months, i study bio in high school and know abit about how the body works and stuff. Im just wanting a direct answer from some experienced people in regards to my personal question and not having to read up on others if you get what i mean

  36. #36
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclekid88 View Post
    okay mate i respect that thanks anyways, in your experience what do you recommend as a target for diet im going for 2g protein per pound and carbs around 500g?? and i weigh between 81 - 82kg....its just man this Plato is killing me
    I say at LEAST 200g of protien per day. 500 carbs is quite a bit, have you eaten 500 carbs in 1 day before? Personally, I eat 300 - 400 depending on what activities I have planned for the day, but that may not work for you, you may NEED 500 a day, so if you can eat 500 a day & utilize that much, then go for it.

  37. #37
    musclekid88 is offline Junior Member
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    yeah its just i have a fast metabolism and it takes me forever to gain weight!!! So i mite aim then for atleast 200g protein hopefully atleast 250 is my goal and carbs at least 300 or about with fats such as peanut butter or like foods like walnuts and almonds do you have a certain goal

  38. #38
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Honestly, I don't bother with that stuff, my diet is all fish (tuna, salmon & tilapia) beef, chicken, oatmeal, eggs, brown rice, wheat pasta's, potato's (regular & sweet) vegetables, whole grain oat wheat bread & Mio flavored water.

  39. #39
    musclekid88 is offline Junior Member
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    yeah thats basically all mine aswell except i have green vegetables and cottage cheese in it aswell....i think if you hit your targets of carbs and protein you can keep track of it from there

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