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  1. #1
    gymrat11 is offline New Member
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    Can someone review my 1st cycle?

    Hey Everyone, Im getting on my 1st cycle and I have a few questions. My cycle is as follows:

    10 wk cycle w/ 2 wk PCT

    200mg Deca per wk for 10wks
    500mg Test-E per wk for 10 wks
    25mg D-bol EOD for 4wks
    20mg Nolva ED for 12 wks (2wks PCT)
    500iu HCG ED for last 2wks (PCT)

    Is there anything I am missing? I feel like i've covered all my bases but you can never be too careful. Also I know Deca can give you limp dick, will I have that problem with this cycle? I've got a woman to please.

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    PCT is too weak and too short. You could definitely drop the deca for a first cycle.

  3. #3
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
    alexISthrowed is offline Knowledgeable Member
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  4. #4
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Well, the way we avoid "deca dick" is by stacking it with testosterone , so you actually have that base covered. However, most of the vets here will strongly advise you to use test by itself for your first cycle for health reasons, particularly because your first cycle is an experimentation and the safest method is to not run a stack first. But even if you decided to ignore that advice and continue with the test/deca stack, I would absolutely advise you to drop the dianobol, and I consider myself to be less reserved than many anabolic users here. I would also recommend saving the Nolvadex for PCT but instead using an AI during cycle.

  5. #5
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed View Post
    His profile has very detailed info on his stats

  6. #6
    Nuzzi is offline Associate Member
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    first cycle should be test only, do away with the deca and dbol . dont need the nolva during cycle, thats what an AI is for, and use the hcg during cycle up to pct. your pct and hcg usage need attention also
    Last edited by Nuzzi; 01-24-2012 at 12:57 PM.

  7. #7
    gymrat11 is offline New Member
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    26 yrs old
    15% BF
    Lifting Stats as well?

  8. #8
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    if you run the dbol , take it ED, not EOD. PCT should be 4 weeks, not 2. and nolva should be saved for the pct, run an AI during cycle. and hcg should be ran during cycle, not in pct

  9. #9
    gymrat11 is offline New Member
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    Okay I can run PCT for 4 wks that is not a problem, but my research and friends told me to use nolva for the whole cycle as a safety precaution. No D-bol or Deca huh? gotcha.

  10. #10
    calstate23 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymrat11 View Post
    Okay I can run PCT for 4 wks that is not a problem, but my research and friends told me to use nolva for the whole cycle as a safety precaution. No D-bol or Deca huh? gotcha.
    Whether you use deca or not I would take the d-bol.... We all take steroids typically looking to gain mass and strength, and d-bol is great at doing that. D-bol will hit you faster and you will to see strength gains and size pretty quickly..A lot of it is water but I always look forward to my d-bol at the beginning of a cycle...I usually take 40 mg d-bol everyday for 4 weeks at the beginning of a cycle..Either way, though d-bol is something you need to be taking everyday, not every other day

  11. #11
    gymrat11 is offline New Member
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    The d-bol I was going to run either way but thank you. The deca I am getting for free so I am not worried about it. I can always give it back to my friend. D-bol ED is what I will do. Can I ask why no Nolva for the whole cycle?

  12. #12
    Nuzzi is offline Associate Member
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    dbol is great at kickstarting a long ester cycle, but not for a first cycle. the reason being that you have no clue how you will react to different substances, so if you have a bad reaction and your taking multiple substances for the first time how will you know what it is that doesnt agree with you? if you do well with test on this cycle, then add dbol to the next one, and then try something else on the third, get what im saying? you will make excellent gains on your first cycle with 500mg of test if you do it right. my first cycle was only test e 250/wk and i made great gains. nolva is just not neccessary during cycle, use an AI like adex or stane, I prefer stane its just pricey but worth it. nolva/clomid for pct. HCG 500iu/wk split 250x2

  13. #13
    gymrat11 is offline New Member
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    Okay that I can understand. So your saying use the HCG during cycle twice weekly at 250? then Nolva/Clomid for PCT. Clomid is cheap so that shouldnt be a problem. Adex during gotcha. I have used D-bol before a long time ago without adverse effects. So I dont believe that will pose a problem.

  14. #14
    gymrat11 is offline New Member
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    Okay well I just want to thank you all for the advice, I do appreciate it. Heres to hoping next time I post im 225!

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