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  1. #1
    ruffnecksoldier is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Question Help Needed please

    Hello everyone kind enough to take the time to help me out here.

    I just got my hands on some gear and want to start a cycle, first in 4 years. I'm 12 stone even ( used to be 14 when last cycled gear ) and not sure about body fat % but 5 foot 10" and pretty lean, bar loose fat around lower stomach. Also im 29 years old and plan to train 5 days a week. Problem is that i have gear and cant figure out how to cycle it.
    I have;

    2 x 10ml test cyp 250mg/ml
    1 x 10ml tren ace 100mg/ml
    1 x 10ml tri-tren, 50mg ace 50 hexahydrol and 50 enanthate
    50 x 25mg proviron
    1000 x 5mg dbol

    PCT advise would also be very welcome if anyone can come up with a cycle out of this mess as im looking to run 10-12 week cycle so have time to get pct.

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Nov 2007
    Don`t think you have enough tren to really make it worth while. Yet you have way too much dbol . Did you just buy everything the guy offered you?

  3. #3
    ruffnecksoldier is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Got ripped off for 180£ off some twat from topix so went to a local fella and took all he had left. Know there's too much dbol was thinkin 30mg a day for first 6 weeks but not a ****i* clue mate how to cycle the rest

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    If you've been off for 4 years and haven't trained, I wouldn't recommend you stack all your gear into a cycle. Just stick to a Test cycle and see how your body reacts.

  5. #5
    ruffnecksoldier is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I can get some more proviron so what do you think about;
    500mg test cyp 250mg monday and thursday 1-10 week
    30mg dbol 1-6 week
    tri tren every monday 150mg
    25mg proviron each day as i should be able to get some more.

    then basic pct with clomid and nolvadex ?

    Or is this stupid, been away from the scene for a while?

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