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  1. #1
    AllAmerican-PCS is offline Junior Member
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    Busted with gear Horror Stories, Anyone???

    Was Just interested in hearing some peoples horror stories on getting busted or if anyone knows of somebody that got nailed..........Looking to turn this into a more info thread for everyone on what to watch out for!!!

  2. #2
    billgates is offline Junior Member
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    Only 2 things I've ever seen personally:

    1.) A guy I know starts cheating on his girl like an idiot and gets caught. Through the crazy ass breakup she rats him out as a "seller", even though he only had enough for one cycle.

    Moral of the story: don't tell women shit. If things go bad they will screw you over.

    2.) A guy gets into a fight with a family member, when the cops come for domestic dispute the family member says YEA AND HES TAKING STEROIDS AND THEY ARE IN THE BATHROOM.

    Moral of the story: don't beat up family members who know where your stash is.

    Just don't tell anyone. Ever.

  3. #3
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Don't have any first-hand stories (fortunately).
    But I've read plenty of police reports and news articles about busts.
    The most common mistakes guys make are:
    1) Riding around with gear and needles in the car. Random traffic stops account for a huge number of busts, even dealers.
    2) Pissing someone off who knows about their AAS use. Lesson: don't be a loud-mouthed douche.
    3) Cops/firefighters/EMS show up for an unrelated call and they see vials sitting around. Keep your shit out of sight and locked up.

  4. #4
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    I follow #3 on Bonaparte's list to a "T". My gear stays locked up with my pins and acohol wipes at all times. And only 2 very close friends know that I use gear and they would never have a motivation to rat me out because they use gear too.

  5. #5
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tigershark View Post
    I follow #3 on Bonaparte's list to a "T". My gear stays locked up with my pins and acohol wipes at all times. And only 2 very close friends know that I use gear and they would never have a motivation to rat me out because they use gear too.
    I am thinking about buying a lockable firesafe just incase.

  6. #6
    funkymonk is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    I am thinking about buying a lockable firesafe just incase.
    I think it's a worthy investment. If not for your gear, then at least for important docs in your life IE: pink slip, SS card, passport, birth certificate

  7. #7
    wmaousley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    I am thinking about buying a lockable firesafe just incase.
    Very wise investment

  8. #8
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    I haven't been cycling as long as some of you, but i've been fortunate....

    ....and it helps to have a Dr. Sript to back up what you go, or most of it anyways

  9. #9
    arico is offline Banned
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    ^how are u supposed to get a drs script for steroids ? Im not talking about Hormone Therapy. And most of the times when doctors prescribe steroids isnt in in such low doses anyway? Nothing that could actually be used as an "enhancer"??

  10. #10
    Thunderforge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by arico View Post
    ^how are u supposed to get a drs script for steroids? Im not talking about Hormone Therapy. And most of the times when doctors prescribe steroids isnt in in such low doses anyway? Nothing that could actually be used as an "enhancer"??
    You know, I see that statement alot too. I'd also like to know how you guys work a deal like that? I'm on TRT and I have tried to sort of feel my doc out about raising the dosages to supranormal levels, and I can tell there's no way he'll go for it. You just start shopping doctors? Setting up appointments and seeing if they'll do it? Seems unlikely to ever work and waste a lot of time. Love to know.

  11. #11
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by arico View Post
    ^how are u supposed to get a drs script for steroids? Im not talking about Hormone Therapy. And most of the times when doctors prescribe steroids isnt in in such low doses anyway? Nothing that could actually be used as an "enhancer"??
    That's exactly what they're talking about, a TRT script, not a script for Deca , Tren , Mast & so on, just the Test needed for their therapy. The DEA does acknowledge the existence / possibility of such scripts, but I've never seen any. I have heard stories of people being prescribed other compounds (cant remember for what) but I've never seen it or even heard about it 1st hand, its always a story that's been passed down through 2 or 300 people so I don't know what to believe. Its not likely anyone will ever get a script for anything other than Test.

  12. #12
    matt77's Avatar
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    The only injectable AAS I have ever seen scripted by a Doc is Test and Nandrolone . You will never see Tren , Dbol , Etc. script from a Doc. A lot of AAS people take have officially been off the market for years. Also some like Tren have never been approved for use in humans and very few if any studies even exsist on their use in humans. Masteron is a compound that is used in some countries for HRT but its not approved for that in the US. Anadrol and Anavar are scripted still but they are not used for any purpose one in good health could get.

  13. #13
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
    alexISthrowed is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I know a lot of people that use, sell, order large amounts of powder regularly, and I don't know anyone who has been caught. I do know a guy that went through a divorce and his wife ratted him out, he dropped his gear and got prescribed trt.

  14. #14
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    I was selling alot many years ago. I had a friend i went to high school with stop by my house after not seeing him for about 4 years. He was part of the narcotics task force. He didnt say anything specific. But pretty muched warned me that i was being watched.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  15. #15
    TheClinch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    I was selling alot many years ago. I had a friend i went to high school with stop by my house after not seeing him for about 4 years. He was part of the narcotics task force. He didnt say anything specific. But pretty muched warned me that i was being watched.
    Lucky bastard

  16. #16
    magic32's Avatar
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    Please move this to lounge.
    Master Pai Mei of the White Lotus Clan

    My motto: SAFETY & RESPECT (for drugs and others).


    Difference between Drugs & Poisons

    Half-lives explained

    DNP like Chemotherapy, can be a useful poison, but both are still POISONS


  17. #17
    Gi812Many's Avatar
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    For personal use, never heard anything about anyone ever getting busted. Do know some stories of guys with large UGL's that get popped due to being complacent...Sending multiple shipments of raw compound to one or two addresses where they are making product. On top of that they live pretty nice lifestyles which opens up a whole new world of charges...Had a friend of mine who owned a website here domestically. My understanding is he outsourced another website to send his shipments. So, he was pretty much just collecting money. Anyhow, his best friend set him up due to a minor drug position charge and one morning at 3 a.m. they raided his place. They only found personal use product, some GH and Test dont remember the rest. But what put him away for nearly 2 years was Tax Evasion. 2 speed boats, 6 series, Porsche Turbo, house in a nice neighborhood. Not exactly using his head........

  18. #18
    jasc's Avatar
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    Had an acquaintance get busted twice in 2 months by the DEA. Turns out that its not a good idea to sell to undercover's.. He got popped the first time. They seized hundreds of vials n jars, 20k cash, 2 high-end cars/sport bike/boat/jetski. Apparently living in a bad neighborhood with loads of expensive toys and no job makes you look suspicous.
    So he gets popped, posted bail, moved in to a new place and began selling again. DEA made another controlled buy and shortly after his door was kicked in by the SWAT team again.
    Moral of the story: Don't be an idiot.
    Last edited by jasc; 01-27-2012 at 12:04 PM.

  19. #19
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    That's exactly what they're talking about, a TRT script, not a script for Deca, Tren, Mast & so on, just the Test needed for their therapy. The DEA does acknowledge the existence / possibility of such scripts, but I've never seen any. I have heard stories of people being prescribed other compounds (cant remember for what) but I've never seen it or even heard about it 1st hand, its always a story that's been passed down through 2 or 300 people so I don't know what to believe. Its not likely anyone will ever get a script for anything other than Test.
    Actually it's a lot easier than you think. I've obtained legal prescriptions for every compound I've ever wanted except for Anadrol by sending off bloodwork to a doctor. You just have to be aware of certain state laws that make this possible.

  20. #20
    Gi812Many's Avatar
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    Actually it's a lot easier than you think. I've obtained legal prescriptions for every compound I've ever wanted except for Anadrol by sending off bloodwork to a doctor. You just have to be aware of certain state laws that make this possible.

    Yah they will eventually end up like good old Signature Pharmacy in Orlando....What a shit storm

  21. #21
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gi812Many View Post
    Yah they will eventually end up like good old Signature Pharmacy in Orlando....What a shit storm
    Typically those labs get shut down because they breach the laws which govern advertising their services and products. If they market on the internet, for instance, they are breaking the law. The one I've used in the past is still going strong, but they have to rely in large part on word-of-mouth to get their name out, and this is tough on a business that's trying to expand. But just like the pain clinics in Florida, I wonder how long this whole thing will continue to be legal at all.

  22. #22
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by matt77 View Post
    The only injectable AAS I have ever seen scripted by a Doc is Test and Nandrolone. You will never see Tren, Dbol, Etc. script from a Doc. A lot of AAS people take have officially been off the market for years. Also some like Tren have never been approved for use in humans and very few if any studies even exsist on their use in humans. Masteron is a compound that is used in some countries for HRT but its not approved for that in the US. Anadrol and Anavar are scripted still but they are not used for any purpose one in good health could get.
    Test, Deca , Winstrol , Var, Drol, methyltest, and even Dbol (though rarely in the US) can all be prescribed.
    But there is not a pharma company in the world that has ever made masteron , nor is it ever prescribed (as it is not viewed as a pharmaceutical product).

  23. #23
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBrian View Post
    Typically those labs get shut down because they breach the laws which govern advertising their services and products. If they market on the internet, for instance, they are breaking the law. The one I've used in the past is still going strong, but they have to rely in large part on word-of-mouth to get their name out, and this is tough on a business that's trying to expand. But just like the pain clinics in Florida, I wonder how long this whole thing will continue to be legal at all.
    Probably longer than you think. Squeeky wheels usually get the grease and there are a hell of a lot more people that abuse pain pills than there are people trying to get gear. Eventually, they'll crack down on them, but there are other priorities. Especially since most gear-heads (that I know of) are productive members of society and most opiate pill addicts (again, that I know of) aren't.

  24. #24
    Gi812Many's Avatar
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    I dont think Signature advertised purchasing of Steroids , was word of mouth. Now Treasure Coast, that wasnt a big shocker...One of my best friends would travel from WPB up to Jensen Beach to get his stuff, the middle of no where. He was actually friends with the owner of Treasure Coast Pharm, owner was a dick. I know for a fact he was importing GH from China and compound. Not sure if they got busted for that but, supposedly they were selling stuff over internet mail order. Oxy's as well??? Again, retards being retards.

  25. #25
    Big Roy is offline Associate Member
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    I'm in the service & the DEA ratted me out to the military police for buying fina cartridges.

  26. #26
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Roy View Post
    I'm in the service & the DEA ratted me out to the military police for buying fina cartridges.
    I really don't understand why the service wouldn't not only want, but encourage it's boys to use PEDs. Wouldn't it make you a better soldier? But this should be saved for a different thread.

  27. #27
    DGK is offline Member
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    Tiger shark you may think ur two friends have no reason to rat on you, but u never know until someones ass is in the fire and they can extinguish the flames by throwin u in the fire..

  28. #28
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    what kind of jailtime do people get for dealing? Just curious because my close friend who i get stuff from always worries. thing is he only sells to a few friends every few months or so. He isnt a dealer meeting new people trying to get business.

  29. #29
    DGK is offline Member
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    google. depends on state country n amount

  30. #30
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    Figured depending on situation, prior arrests etc you get no jail time.

  31. #31
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Dealing is a felony, punishable by up to 5 years in most states for a first offense.
    10 years after that.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by DGK View Post
    Tiger shark you may think ur two friends have no reason to rat on you, but u never know until someones ass is in the fire and they can extinguish the flames by throwin u in the fire..
    thats why im only friends with juiceheads. I would have just as much on them as they would on me
    Last edited by gixxerboy1; 01-29-2012 at 02:53 PM. Reason: spelling
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  33. #33
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Yeah if a couple of freinds know and they live a relatively clean lifestyle then you should be fine. If on the other hand one is a coke dealer or the like then that person is likely to find himself in a situation where he will be facing serious time unless he rolls on someone. All my freinds who know about my pastimes are on the up and up...these days at least and many of them (as well as myself) have track records of being able to do their own time.

    Sure you can act like you were a hitman of secret agent and work strictly on a need to know basis and erase every trail you leave etc. but you may make youself nuts worrying about something thats very unlikly to transpire anyway only to get hit by a bus crossing the street.

    One quick note as far as a safe, if you use them you may likely need more than one. That is never store a gun, money, rec drugs etc in the same safe/place as your AAS as there are often mandatory laws for things like this that tie a judges hands and could subject you to extreme penalties. One example (mandatory sentencing) that comes to mind is an 18 yr 150lb blonde haired kid who had never been arrested and a buddy had him hold some germinating seeds while he went on vacation so he could keep them moist. A family member of all people found them and called the police, in that state they charge any plant as a kilo of weed so since he had 80 seeds (that had germinated) he got charged with manufacture and intent to distribute 172 lbs of weed. The judge was forced to give him a mandatory 30 years with no possibility of parole in a maximum security prison......No doubt the poor kids now a maytag and being severly penalized.

  34. #34
    Noles12's Avatar
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    There is a reason why my father, brother, and closest friend who uses as well are the only people in my life that know. I chose never to tell my girlfriend and she never found out even while dating for 4 years. We are broken up now and im glad she doesnt know. People can suspect all they want but they can never know for sure until you admit to it. Always deny your usage even if they dont believe you.

    The less people that know, the less likely you are to get ratted on. My father only knows due to him being on TRT and me helping with that. My brother has issues with hormones as well in which i have aided him. My closest friend that i have known since we started elementary school, lived with him throughout college and still live with him now, knows only because i trust him almost more than family.

  35. #35
    havehotasianwife's Avatar
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    If anyone asks, just say, "its amazing what you can accomplish by eating correctly, getting enough sleep, lifting correctly and smiling!" And then recommend a muscletech product haha

  36. #36
    Gi812Many's Avatar
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    thats why im only friends with juiceheads. I would tech have as much on them as they would on me

  37. #37
    ifthatswhatittakes is offline New Member
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    That is the only way I have seen issues as well. Just dont tell people your shit. Besides evertime you do whip or even yell at someone they will balim the gear.

    Quote Originally Posted by billgates View Post
    Only 2 things I've ever seen personally:

    1.) A guy I know starts cheating on his girl like an idiot and gets caught. Through the crazy ass breakup she rats him out as a "seller", even though he only had enough for one cycle.

    Moral of the story: don't tell women shit. If things go bad they will screw you over.

    2.) A guy gets into a fight with a family member, when the cops come for domestic dispute the family member says YEA AND HES TAKING STEROIDS AND THEY ARE IN THE BATHROOM.

    Moral of the story: don't beat up family members who know where your stash is.

    Just don't tell anyone. Ever.

  38. #38
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gi812Many View Post
    I dont think Signature advertised purchasing of Steroids, was word of mouth. Now Treasure Coast, that wasnt a big shocker...One of my best friends would travel from WPB up to Jensen Beach to get his stuff, the middle of no where. He was actually friends with the owner of Treasure Coast Pharm, owner was a dick. I know for a fact he was importing GH from China and compound. Not sure if they got busted for that but, supposedly they were selling stuff over internet mail order. Oxy's as well??? Again, retards being retards.
    It actually was an internet scandal that landed them in court. You can find all the details on the net.

    "Five plead not guilty in Signature Pharmacy scandal ... was selling steroids and performance-enhancing drugs over the internet to athletes."

  39. #39
    Gi812Many's Avatar
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    Wow, didnt know that....Greed greed greed...they had a good thing going for years

  40. #40
    DGK is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by havehotasianwife View Post
    If anyone asks, just say, "its amazing what you can accomplish by eating correctly, getting enough sleep, lifting correctly and smiling!" And then recommend a muscletech product haha
    Haha even when im not on cycle i get the dude are u juicing. I say idk what that means they go ya know taking steroids .. Im just like na bro healthy living no drinking or smoking and a high protein diet and animal pak then they apologize for accusing me..

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