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Thread: Dianabol and Hair Loss

  1. #1

    Dianabol and Hair Loss

    I have a question, one of my cousin went through a Dianabol cycle a couple months ago, that lasted about two months. Yeah, I know his liver is dead...He's a classic horror story case, someone just handed him gear and he took it without any knowledge or pct, etc. He has been noticing a very slight loss of hair on the top front, and I'm wondering if this is because of the Dianabol or him just going bald with male pattern loss.. He used the Dianabol at like 20mg a day for 3 weeks then bumped it too like 50mg for another 3 weeks, then back to 20mg for the remainder.
    Does Dianbol induce hair loss even if you're not effected with male pattern hair loss?? Or should he be worried about his hair falling out a lot quicker now


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Carving Stone with Steel
    Wow he should have done some research, I have heard countless horror stories of poor guy just popping D-bol and think they are gonna be Ronnie or jay in 6 weeks.
    Yes his hair is going to fall out if its in his genes. Ask him if his mom's dad is bald or has a receding hairline. And get him on some nova and liquid dex asafp

  3. #3
    Yep happens a lot apparently. That's what you get for trusting random ass guys at the gym...
    Right right of course, so you're saying if it's in his genes he's screwed no matter what? As far as I know no one in his family has any balding issues, yet he's losing hair and it's been a while since his cylce..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Carving Stone with Steel
    Tell him to get perfect image solutions minoxidile 15% and use it twice a day.

  5. #5
    how long should he use it?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides
    He could try minoxidile or propecia. But seriously, what's wrong with just shaving your head?

    And you use it forever. When you stop, it falls out.

  7. #7
    I don't know if he'd be down for that hahaha
    Ahh I see. I heard those two suppress your sex drive though

  8. #8
    oh and I forgot, my original question was, is it normal to lose hair with extreme usage of Dianabol even if you're not doomed to go bald, or if you lose any amount of hair after that sort of cycle you can assume you're twacked

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    I've been using aas for a few years now, drol, var, test, tren, deca.....

    I'm 50 and have just as much hair as when I was a kid.

    The aas may accellerate what is going to happen, but if you are not destined for hair loss, it shouldn't have much of an impact

  10. #10
    Oh okay I see. But then again, he was using extreme dosages for an extremely long time... That's why I'm wondering if it possibly had to do with that, but I guess he has male pattern.
    I asked him today and turns out he's been taking letro for a while now to reverse some gyno, could that also possibly be the culprit?

  11. #11
    another factor, I'm trying to figure out what is causing his hair loss... He didn't stop losing hair until a while into the Letro, not at all while on the Dianabol cycle. Can Dianabol cause hair loss after the cycle, or can we assume the hair recession is letro's fault

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