Before I ask my question ill provide a little background information.
I am 18 (wait before you say do not use ) and my epiphyseal Growth Plates are completely fused. I know this because I went to an endocronologist who in turn ran bone scans to determine my estimated eventual height and the time frame inwhich I would stop growing. I am 5 foot ten and 195 pounds (I bench 320 ) , all without steroids. However , considering my plates are fused and I am in good health , I was wondering which steroid (considering a Deca-Durabol cycle) would best suit my needs of further toning my muscles. I currently use no supplements or steroids. My ideal timeframe would most likely have me using them at 19 or 20 , NOT NOW , as 18 I believe is too young considering my Test. levels are already at their youthful high. Just curious and thanks in advance , im interested to see what knowledgeable members here have to say.