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Thread: Deca-Durabol or Supplement ?

  1. #1

    Post Deca-Durabol or Supplement ?

    Before I ask my question ill provide a little background information.

    I am 18 (wait before you say do not use ) and my epiphyseal Growth Plates are completely fused. I know this because I went to an endocronologist who in turn ran bone scans to determine my estimated eventual height and the time frame inwhich I would stop growing. I am 5 foot ten and 195 pounds (I bench 320 ) , all without steroids. However , considering my plates are fused and I am in good health , I was wondering which steroid (considering a Deca-Durabol cycle) would best suit my needs of further toning my muscles. I currently use no supplements or steroids. My ideal timeframe would most likely have me using them at 19 or 20 , NOT NOW , as 18 I believe is too young considering my Test. levels are already at their youthful high. Just curious and thanks in advance , im interested to see what knowledgeable members here have to say.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I don't think that your growth plates are the concern with steroids. It's your HPTA and endocrine system.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    It's based on your age because of your HPTA. So, that IMO is not "mature" for lack of a better term , until 23 to 25 years of age. The damage done to it is not reversible and pinning TRT in your mid 20's would not be a good thing.Correct? OK, now that being said, plain Test is the very first compound to run.Nothing else.This will determine, through blood work and such, how your body reacts to gear.As always, it is always better to be safe than not.



  4. #4
    True , I agree . As far as HPTA is concerned I am at a regular level of TEST production ( because Im still young) . My main concern was that nobody can hold back the hands of time and I wanted to make sure , as I age , that I can still maintain my physique. I bit of far off planning on my part but I guess its worth it !

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    FL, Gym
    HGH would be considered with your growth plates, but AAS is more dangerous to your endo and HPTA like BBrian said. A Deca only cycle btw is a very bad idea. If you are still thinking about it at 20, run some tests with your endocrinologist to see if your endo system is fully developed, and your HPTA

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post
    It's based on your age because of your HPTA. So, that IMO is not "mature" for lack of a better term , until 23 to 25 years of age. The damage done to it is not reversible and pinning TRT in your mid 20's would not be a good thing.Correct? OK, now that being said, plain Test is the very first compound to run.Nothing else.This will determine, through blood work and such, how your body reacts to gear.As always, it is always better to be safe than not.


    Thanks I appreciate it ! I wasnt planning on a cycle for awhile (Im big now ! ) but it never hurts to gain some info. Thanks for the advice though.

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