Hey guys, been doing a bit of reasearch these past few months, and will be starting my cycle in the next few weeks. I want to fine tune it a bit with the input from here to make sure I have my ducks in a row.

Week 1-6: 500mg Test-E EW
Week 6-10: 500MG Test-E 500iu HCG EW

Week 12-14: 50mg Clomid 40mg Nolva ED
Week 14-16: 25mg Clomid 20mg Nolva ED

Other than questions about my above cycle and PCT, I have some further questions:

Should I be taking Nolvadex throughout my cycle? Perhaps 10mg ED? if so, why?
I bought some Aromasin , when should I be using this, if even at all(since i am already using HCG in my last 4 weeks of my cycle)?

Thanks again for the help from everyone here, definatly getting me on my way to a safe cycle..