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  1. #1
    beezer is offline New Member
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    Looking for First Cycle Stack Advice

    Ok i have been a natural weightlifter for 4 years now and have great genetics....i have always been lean and when i diet down to cut up i tend to lose size. This year i am fed up with losing alot of the size i work hard for in the offseason so i am def. interested in steroids . Most of my friends do them and I have ben geetting what seems to be good advice from them....They told me to stack Test Enanthate and Eq....i am interested in gaining anywhere from 10-15 of lean muscle...but again dont wanna look like the stay puffed marshmallow man....I know how to diet very well and am disciplined, so from your guys experiences and knowledge would this be a sufficient combo for me for the first time or would you recommend something else for me....any advice is much appreciated....thank you


  2. #2
    majorpecs's Avatar
    majorpecs is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hey Beezer...Test Enanth and Eq is a great stack for a first cycle in my opinion. Most people will say add Dbol , but I say you don't need gain 10-15lbs your diet needs to be on, and your training needs to be something like this:
    Weeks 1-12 Test Enanth 500mg/week
    Weeks 1-10 Equipose 400-600mg/week

    Equipose is a great steroid , but seems to be more effective in longer cycles. I ran it for 10 and had great results, but if you want to make it even more effective run it for 12 and your test for 14....just my .02

  3. #3
    beezer is offline New Member
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    Originally posted by majorpecs
    Hey Beezer...Test Enanth and Eq is a great stack for a first cycle in my opinion. Most people will say add Dbol , but I say you don't need gain 10-15lbs your diet needs to be on, and your training needs to be something like this:
    Weeks 1-12 Test Enanth 500mg/week
    Weeks 1-10 Equipose 400-600mg/week

    Equipose is a great steroid, but seems to be more effective in longer cycles. I ran it for 10 and had great results, but if you want to make it even more effective run it for 12 and your test for 14....just my .02
    really you think i should do it for that a little nervous cuz i never did it before and i dont wanna get that big...but im up for any advice...thanks Bro

  4. #4
    painintheazz's Avatar
    painintheazz is offline Anabolic Member
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    Originally posted by beezer

    really you think i should do it for that a little nervous cuz i never did it before and i dont wanna get that big...but im up for any advice...thanks Bro
    Then Why do you want to use AS, if you don't want to get that big I would suggest just watching your diet and training hard.


  5. #5
    super 88 is offline New Member
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    If you just want to hang on to the gains you've got while dieting down, maybe think about a cutting cycle,winny/primo.very little water retention.the eq/test enanthate cycle is what I'm running next,12 weeks on.I don't mind getting a little fat though.with the eq you're going to eat like a horse,so you're diet's going to have to be strict to avoid some fat gain.

  6. #6
    FKITLETSGO's Avatar
    FKITLETSGO is offline Senior Member
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    Trust me bro you wont get "that big". If that was the case then every guy on this internet board would look like Jay Cutler and still not be satisfied. The point im trying to make is this: No matter how much weight you gain off of this cycle it will not be enough and if it is; you should have never started a cycle in the first place.

  7. #7
    FKITLETSGO's Avatar
    FKITLETSGO is offline Senior Member
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    On another note I would expect long term to gain 7 lbs from a cycle like this if you are lucky. You may shoot up 15-20 pounds but when its done and over with your lbm gain will probly be around 7 pounds after your post cycle crash and recovery period.

  8. #8
    nj_'s Avatar
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    Re: Looking for First Cycle Stack Advice

    Originally posted by beezer
    but again dont wanna look like the stay puffed marshmallow man....
    Then throw in some liquidex to keep the bloat off and avoid gyno.

  9. #9
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Stack 400-500mg of test a week with a good diet. You'll love your results.


  10. #10
    dangit's Avatar
    dangit is offline Member
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    I'd definatley go for at least 12 weeks. Test En seems to take at least 3 weeks to start kicking in. I'm not sure about the EQ, but I know that Deca is the same and you'd be stoping your cycle just when you're starting to see results.

    If your scared of putting on too much size, then just tell everyone that you're eating like a pig and that it must be the extra 10 servings of rice a day that you added to your diet that must be doing it That's what I did and it actually worked with my girlfriend.

  11. #11
    nj juice's Avatar
    nj juice is offline Member
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    How you guys doing? Just signed up, kinda pumped to be here, as all this information is most helpful. Have read majority of posts on here, and they have answered a majority of my questions. Do have a few questions though, that i am unsure about. For my first cycle im stacking:
    sust250- once every five days(10x)
    winstrol -every two days (10x)
    deca200-once a week, starting after 5th shot of sust(10x)
    As this is my first cycle, im not quite sure of results, will i blow up?
    Also, i've been told that i dont really need to run an estrogen blocker for this cycle due to the low doses of sust and deca , and also was told that due to my young age (20 yo), i wont really experience a problem with gyno. Any info you guys could provide would be much appreciated. Thanks a lot.

  12. #12
    beezer is offline New Member
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    Originally posted by painintheazz

    Then Why do you want to use AS, if you don't want to get that big I would suggest just watching your diet and training hard.

    OK i know iam gonna get big and im ready to see thiose just nervoiuse cuz i never did it before thats all...i have that stack in mind but i was also think of doing sust/eq....thatsnks for the feedback on what u think....i was thinking 15 sust at 2 a week for 7 weeks and 1 a week the last week and 30 shots of eq at pretty much the same pace only a longer period of time.

  13. #13
    Red5 is offline Associate Member
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    Welcome to AR.If you want a question answered use the search function and read some of the threads.Just about every question you could ever think of has been asked and answered about a million times.
    Just run Sus or Test Enan, 250mgs twice a week for ten weeks for your first cycle.You will need some form of estrogen blocker for during and after your cycle.

  14. #14
    beezer is offline New Member
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    Originally posted by Red5
    Welcome to AR.If you want a question answered use the search function and read some of the threads.Just about every question you could ever think of has been asked and answered about a million times.
    Just run Sus or Test Enan, 250mgs twice a week for ten weeks for your first cycle.You will need some form of estrogen blocker for during and after your cycle.

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