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  1. #1
    Dinky is offline Junior Member
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    Test Cypionate Question

    Recently my doctor gave me a shot of cypionate due to low test numbers from my blood work. I'm sure this is a stupid question, but it seems like all of a sudden I'm gaining weight, water weight mostly. This is from two shots over the course of a month. Is this normal? If so, how in the heck do you get the water weight off? If there something else I can take to combat the effects of the ester from the cyp?

    Any information you could supply me with would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    TRT2010's Avatar
    TRT2010 is offline Member
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    you can take a low dose of anastrozole .5 e3d should do just fine

  3. #3
    kanamesan's Avatar
    kanamesan is offline Junior Member
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    i may be wrong but i fon't think that this is due to the cypionate

  4. #4
    Dinky is offline Junior Member
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    Why is that, Kanamesan?

    I do take a thyroid med and started it about the same time, but 10 lbs in about 3 week? The thyroid medication should have increased weight loss and sped up the metabolism.
    All the weight looks around my mid section.

    I went from 155 - 158 to around 167 in 3 week’s time.

  5. #5
    kanamesan's Avatar
    kanamesan is offline Junior Member
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    i don't know much about cyp. i was just putting that out there, i mean it is only 2 injections in the span of a month

  6. #6
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    If estrogen levels are elevated it can cause water retention. Talk to your doctor about it, do you have any other issues? Maybe post in the HRT forums. I know my doctor thinks there is nothing wrong with high e2 and some doctors won't work with you on it, but there is a chance yours will.

  7. #7
    Dinky is offline Junior Member
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    Same with my doctor, Seoinage. He thinks there is nothing wrong with it does not want to change my from the Cypionate .

    How do you get rid of the water retention? Do you sweat it out, run it off, drink a lot of beer..., ect?

  8. #8
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    What dose are the injections? If he is doing a large injection every two weeks your body might be converting some to estrogen. If you are sensitive to estrogen you might have some sides. This is a random theory and you could easily get blood work done to see what your levels are to find out what is really going on. But, your levels will be completely different a couple of days after your injection compared to after two weeks with no injections. Injecting every two weeks results in a hormonal roller coaster.

    Don't work with a doctor that thinks Cyp should be injected less frequently than once a week.

  9. #9
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinky View Post
    Same with my doctor, Seoinage. He thinks there is nothing wrong with it does not want to change my from the Cypionate .

    How do you get rid of the water retention? Do you sweat it out, run it off, drink a lot of beer..., ect?
    Don't worry about how to get rid of the water. Work with a doctor that knows what he is going so you don't have the problem any more. You don't need to change from Cyp, you just need to inject more frequently and you need to get your dose right.

  10. #10
    Dinky is offline Junior Member
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    Thank you for the information, JV. I guess I will be looking for a new doctor then, because he won't do a shot but once a month after this last shot. It was more of a 'accident' that I got one back to back because he gave me one and then the nurse did the following week.

    Jan. 10: 200mg or 1cc?
    Jan. 20: 200mg or 1cc

    Why would injecting once a week change things? Changing doctors will be hard to do, due to the insurance plan I'm on. If I were to take matters into my own hands, whats the benifits of once a week? WOuldn't the ester be higher, making the side effects even worse?

  11. #11
    kanamesan's Avatar
    kanamesan is offline Junior Member
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    no it would raise the test. to a higher level and if the side effects do happen you can just take something to counteract it.

  12. #12
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Once a week will keep your levels more stable. Doing a shot once a month will just be a horrible roller coaster ride. In my opinion you need to have your shot at least bi-weekly but e/w would be best and check your diet. Your diet could cause some water retention as well. Good luck and keep us posted.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dinky View Post
    Thank you for the information, JV. I guess I will be looking for a new doctor then, because he won't do a shot but once a month after this last shot. It was more of a 'accident' that I got one back to back because he gave me one and then the nurse did the following week.

    Jan. 10: 200mg or 1cc?
    Jan. 20: 200mg or 1cc

    Why would injecting once a week change things? Changing doctors will be hard to do, due to the insurance plan I'm on. If I were to take matters into my own hands, whats the benifits of once a week? WOuldn't the ester be higher, making the side effects even worse?

  13. #13
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Injecting every week will just keep your test levels consistent. I inject Cyp twice a week. Keep in mind that you adjust the dose, so if your protocol was 100mg/wk, you would inject 50mg twice a week. You are still getting the 100mg/wk but you don't deal with higher peak levels and then a bigger fall off.

    Sides should be minimal. I get acne. My E2 levels are good even without an AI, but a lot of guys do need to take one.

    The doctor should talk to you about HCG to prohibit testicular atrophy as well.

    Your doctor is clueless if his plan was to inject you with 200mg once a month. Insanity.

  14. #14
    kanamesan's Avatar
    kanamesan is offline Junior Member
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    ^bump bro

  15. #15
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    The 200mg once a month shot does seem to wreak of a poor protocol from your TRT doc. At any rate, if your doctor won't prescribe an aromotase inhibitor for your water retention, which he should, you can order an AI from AR-R (look at the top left-hand corner of this site).

  16. #16
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Adex will fix you right up, JV is right about the HCG , 250iu 3X a week would prevent test atrophy
    .25mg 3XWeek should do it on the ADex for the estro sides, water retention and such
    Is this a long term HRT, or are you going to PCT?

  17. #17
    Dinky is offline Junior Member
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    Razr., doctor told me we'd get a shot once a month for three months and retest, so I assume no, it isn't long term. I'm with everyone else, I don't believe it will do me any good and have more negative side effects. As for PCT, he did not mention anything to me about it.

    My diet is very clean; I was around 9% BF before the shots and now I look all puffy, so who knows now.

    My theory about this is that maybe in the beginning my estro was high and the reason I couldn't loose more weigh to get shredded. Never could get rid of that last bit in my mid-section. And with these shots of Cyp, my estro is really high and my body isn't getting rid of it.

  18. #18
    Dinky is offline Junior Member
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    BTW, when you guys say Adex, you do mean Arimidex , correct?

  19. #19
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinky View Post
    BTW, when you guys say Adex, you do mean Arimidex, correct?
    Yes sir.

  20. #20
    Dinky is offline Junior Member
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    I can get my hands on Provirone; would it work the same?

  21. #21
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinky View Post
    Razr., doctor told me we'd get a shot once a month for three months and retest, so I assume no, it isn't long term. I'm with everyone else, I don't believe it will do me any good and have more negative side effects. As for PCT, he did not mention anything to me about it.

    My theory about this is that maybe in the beginning my estro was high and the reason I couldn't loose more weigh to get shredded. Never could get rid of that last bit in my mid-section. And with these shots of Cyp, my estro is really high and my body isn't getting rid of it.
    Retest for what? I cannot imagine adding exogenous Test ever results in the body kicking back into gear and spontaneously healing itself to produce higher Test levels. You shouldn't need PCT at those doses.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dinky View Post
    I can get my hands on Provirone; would it work the same?
    No comment on this one other than I like sentences with semi-colons.

  22. #22
    Dinky is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    Retest for what? I cannot imagine adding exogenous Test ever results in the body kicking back into gear and spontaneously healing itself to produce higher Test levels. You shouldn't need PCT at those doses.

    No comment on this one other than I like sentences with semi-colons.

    Retest my thyroid levels, since it was low at the same time. Normally he said they test a few days after the shots, but he was going to run three months before retest so it would give my thyroid time to balance out. I believe that is fixed, been going #2 about 3 times a day.

    I've worked out for three years and have struggled to drop below 9%, even with the help of a nutritionist looking over my shoulder for two months.... that is how I got to 9%.
    I've got to the point I'm probably going to take this into my own hands and give myself the good doses I need, uhh, want (100 a week). Throw an AI at it and see what happens.
    Oh, and find a different doctor.

  23. #23
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    ^^^^ A knowledgeable doctor will help. TRT is considered voodoo by a lot of doctors.

  24. #24
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    One thing I don't understand in the scheme of things is why TRT is being used for people with naturally occurring low levels of testosterone , unless it's a direct result of steroid abuse . Administering testosterone will only prove to be a short-term fix, and will cause natural levels to become even lower as the HTPA continues to be suppressed. It seems to me that doctors should be prescribing hormones that encourage the gonads to work harder like HCG .

  25. #25
    Dinky is offline Junior Member
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    Not sure why my levels are so low. I asked him and it could be a number of things, or could have been low since I was a young man. I've never touched steroids until he gave me a shot of it.
    Looking back, I wish I'd never let him do it. The massive fall I've taken in the past couple weeks has been brutal. I sleep a lot now and never really feel like I have any energy. I honestly believe that the shot gave me a high, and now that the levels have fallen back to normal, or lower than before the shot, it is making me stuffer.
    With the 10 lbs of weight gain (seems to be in my belly and chest) it is doing a number on me metally; almost to the point of depression.

    With all that happened, I'm just searching for a solution. In this search I now believe I had a lot of estrogen in me.

    It could also be he put me on thryroid medication at the same time. Who knows...
    Last edited by Dinky; 02-02-2012 at 01:18 PM. Reason: typo

  26. #26
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    It sounds like you still have elevated estrogen levels buddy. It might serve you well to run a short PCT right now to shut downy your estro receptors and boost your natural test levels that way. For a matter of convenience you could always order nolvadex and/or clomid from AR-R .

  27. #27
    Dinky is offline Junior Member
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    And so if I am reading between the lines correctly, AR-R , it's Liq Tamox?

  28. #28
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinky View Post

    And so if I am reading between the lines correctly, AR-R, it's Liq Tamox?
    Yes, Tamoxifen Citrate, also known as Nolvadex .

  29. #29
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinky View Post
    Not sure why my levels are so low. I asked him and it could be a number of things, or could have been low since I was a young man. I've never touched steroids until he gave me a shot of it.
    Looking back, I wish I'd never let him do it. The massive fall I've taken in the past couple weeks has been brutal. I sleep a lot now and never really feel like I have any energy. I honestly believe that the shot gave me a high, and now that the levels have fallen back to normal, or lower than before the shot, it is making me stuffer.
    With the 10 lbs of weight gain (seems to be in my belly and chest) it is doing a number on me metally; almost to the point of depression.

    With all that happened, I'm just searching for a solution. In this search I now believe I had a lot of estrogen in me.

    It could also be he put me on thryroid medication at the same time. Who knows...
    Stop guessing and get blood work done. Adding more drugs in an attempt to fix a problem that you have self-diagnosed on the internet is not a good plan. It is easy to find out what your E2 levels (and your new Test levels) are.

  30. #30
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    The doctor prescribed TRT would not have been done unless his blood work had already been taken and reviewed.

  31. #31
    Dinky is offline Junior Member
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    JV, agreed but have to wait one more week before I can return to doctor to be rechecked (insurance reasons).

    Unless you know of another way.

  32. #32
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBrian View Post
    The doctor prescribed TRT would not have been done unless his blood work had already been taken and reviewed.
    True, but now everything has changed. He is worried that his E2 is elevated from the shots he received AND doesn't know if those shots shut down or stopped his natural production, so his Test levels are unknown as well. I am just suggesting getting updated blood work to see what those shots did, since he thinks they may have caused new problems.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dinky View Post
    JV, agreed but have to wait one more week before I can return to doctor to be rechecked (insurance reasons).

    Unless you know of another way.
    A week shouldn't be a big deal. It takes weeks for the Cyp to clear and for you to return to "normal" anyway and your last shot was only two weeks ago. You can go to an independent lab and pay cash, but I would wait and have your insurance cover it.

  33. #33
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    True, but now everything has changed. He is worried that his E2 is elevated from the shots he received AND doesn't know if those shots shut down or stopped his natural production, so his Test levels are unknown as well. I am just suggesting getting updated blood work to see what those shots did, since he thinks they may have caused new problems.
    I see, that makes sense.

  34. #34
    Dinky is offline Junior Member
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    We'll find out soon. Monday at 3:30 I have an appt. with a Urologist to check things out. We'll find the balance!

  35. #35
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    ^^^ A new doc will hopefully send you in the right direction. Let us know what happens.

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