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  1. #1
    southernboy918's Avatar
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    Wish to get back where I was once

    First and foremost hello, I am looking for legit advice only. You will not hear me argue with people as seems to big a big issue on these forums. I know that I am not as knowledgeable as I would like to be. I have done plenty of research into what I am looking into. I know I need some help on my diet as well but I will post in that section for that info. At my peak I was in great shape, I am by no means a sloth I work out everyday but cannot seem to get back to where I wish to be. I wish to be between 250 and 265 and I feel the best way is with some assistance. I do not want to take items however if they will do nothing or if there is a better way. 5 years ago i got shot in my right knee and it kind of ended my career very fast, however I did not take it lying down. As soon as I was able to I began to work out again it has been a very long and hard process. The cycle I am looking into taking seems to be very straight forward and my training partner has been talking about it for awhile now. I am looking to take Methadrostenol and Oxymethobol which is what he takes. I have another buddy who sears by HGH and I am a bit more leery about the latter. I hope this is enough info for now if not let me know and I will answer the questions. Again thank you in advance for the help. Here are my specs:
    I am 27
    body fat unknown at the moment but I'm well withing acceptable range
    no cycle experience
    my training is at a higher level than it should be probably
    diet is done by my nutritionist

  2. #2
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
    alexISthrowed is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If that's you in your avatar then I suggest you fire your nutritionist. An anadrol /dbol cycle is a terrible cycle to run, but forget about that as you have a long ways to go before your ready to cycle. I suggest checking out the nutrition and training sections. You want to have some sort of base before you cycle and aas will not make up for a half ass diet and training regimen. Probably not what you wanted to hear, but it's the truth. You have a lot of room to grow naturally, there are a lot of people here that will help you write up and awesome diet that will put some good size on you.

  3. #3
    southernboy918's Avatar
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    well then I shall look for another one, he has me carb load a lot and eat red meat and fish like no other. I actually wanted to hear the truth no matter what so this is good. I stopped getting bigger about 2 months ago I was 150 when I started back. As for my workout and training I work out 5 days a week and yes sadly that is my avatar which was me in November. Which is when I began to doubt what we were doing, it seemed like I was wasting money, I got ripped a lot faster in the military so I thought something was wrong. Well where would I find this info or who would I talk to?

  4. #4
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
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    Start reading up here. Get your diet on point first as this will make the biggest difference in your training. There's plenty of information on training and the different techniques used. You will find that with proper diet and training you will get back to where you were very fast thanks to muscle memory. Once you get a good base on you then you can start thinking about taking the next step. Don't listed to you friend though that cycle is a terrible idea, there's no way around pinning your self if you wanna do things right. I'm not used to people actually wanting to do the right thing and not just jump into this head first lol. You will get way more out of a cycle taking it slow and getting everything in order first.

  5. #5
    southernboy918's Avatar
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    kk will do, I am curious though are you not supposed to stack something with Methadrostenol or is that just bad in general? I do not want him to mess his body up or something worse. I do think he will listen to me or if he does not I will simply dispose of his stuff, he takes them orally as he has a fear of needles. So could he take Methadrostenol by itself or should I get rid of it all? He ordered from a website and swears its 100 legit however if it is bad or dangerous for him I need to take action. I do not know if I am allowed to ask these questions or not so if I'm not just tell me. Also I don't want to jump in for I have seen too many epic failures and horrible things happen to fellow soldiers who tried to turn into a super soldier.

  6. #6
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
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    The problem is he is taking 2 very powerful oral's without test. Test ALWAYS has to be the base of any cycle without any exceptions. When you take dbol or anadrol they suppress your natural testosterone production, without adding any exogenous test to the mix you end up with all kinds of unwanted sides. How long does he typically run this stack? Both those drugs are extremely liver toxic and should not be run any longer than 4-6 weeks.

  7. #7
    southernboy918's Avatar
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    He's been doing 8 week cycles and taking Supratestin Depot sorry I did not put that on there. So if he has that and I cut him down to 4-6 weeks would that be acceptable? How long should he bee off cycle?

  8. #8
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Yeah Bro dont listen to your friend.He may think he is helping you but he isnt.Oral cycles for the most part are a waste.Alex gave you good advice follow up on it.And you dont need to throw that stuff away.Save it for down the road good luck.

  9. #9
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
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    I just googled supertestin depot and it is some fake "oral test suspension". Like I said before if you are afraid of needles steroids are not for you. I would advise him to run a good pct and come on to this forum and start reading. After re-reading your post i'm guessing his other gear is fake too unless you just spelled it wrong, this is very common. Taking a name like methandrostenolone and changing it to methandrostenol to confuse people. I don't know why I didn't catch that the first time.

  10. #10
    southernboy918's Avatar
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    kk well i shall get him squared away, thankyou for the help. If he gets over his phobia then I hope he gets real deal stuff not from some guy off the corner. If I add supplements to my new routine will that throw off the balance or can I go ahead and do so. I was looking into whey mix, creatine, and I was messaged about metha-drol, and super dmz.

  11. #11
    NOSUPERMODEL is offline Member
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    I am not as knowledgeable on all the compound there are. I just want to know how in the world did you lose 65-80 pounds? Surely that wasn't 65-80 pounds of muscle was it.

  12. #12
    southernboy918's Avatar
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    Honestly depression mostly, I wasn't able to walk for a very long time and I began eating one meal a day from anger and depression. Being in bed or in a wheel chair the weight leaves you, and leaves you looking horrid. I had to have knee surgery twice due to me being stupid and trying to lift out or workout when I knew and was told I should not be. I keep a picture of me in my prime over my tachometer in all my cars, the fridge, and just about everywhere for motivation. So if people are looking to lose weight this is one way I must say do not try at all.

  13. #13
    jasc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by southernboy918
    kk well i shall get him squared away, thankyou for the help. If he gets over his phobia then I hope he gets real deal stuff not from some guy off the corner. If I add supplements to my new routine will that throw off the balance or can I go ahead and do so. I was looking into whey mix, creatine, and I was messaged about metha-drol, and super dmz.
    If you were just messaged here about those, be cautious. It will either be fake or a scam. Legit sources do not pm members here.

    Whey protein, Casein protein, creatine would all be beneficial to you.

  14. #14
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
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    Methadrol and super dmz are steroids and not to be taken lightly just because of the legality. They are no longer in production due to an impending ban on superdrol. They are selling out the last of their stock.

  15. #15
    southernboy918's Avatar
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    No it was from someone on another place and it seemed a bit shady. They sent me to a site called IRONMAGLABS.COM I had called them and I was just unsure. I called my local supplement place and they said they have stuff like what he had told me. So if I get some more info I may look into it, for now I am going to work on my diet since I fired my nutritionist today. When I try to talk to people in person they are normally D-bags in general, and here most people are trying to lose weight. Hence why I came here and hope this works out.

  16. #16
    southernboy918's Avatar
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    So if and I mean a big IF I bought those would they go bad before I am able to use them? I do not know if there is a shelf life on these things. Also would they be worth taking or are the side effects too extreme for what they do since they are being banned.

  17. #17
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by southernboy918 View Post
    So if and I mean a big IF I bought those would they go bad before I am able to use them? I do not know if there is a shelf life on these things. Also would they be worth taking or are the side effects too extreme for what they do since they are being banned.
    Ironmag is legit they are good people and make good supps, but taking super dmz without test is no different than taking dbol without test and shouldn't be done imo. I wouldn't even be thinking about this stuff right now though. Spend your money on some good bcaa's, creatine, glutamine, whey, multi, and plenty of good food for now.

  18. #18
    southernboy918's Avatar
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    KK will do as you say good sir, I'm all about good food. I am waiting for my post in the nutrition to be approved so I can be given a new diet. I've been doing George St. Pierres workout that he showed us and if it works for him then I have high hopes for it.

  19. #19
    thex95's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by southernboy918 View Post
    KK will do as you say good sir, I'm all about good food. I am waiting for my post in the nutrition to be approved so I can be given a new diet. I've been doing George St. Pierres workout that he showed us and if it works for him then I have high hopes for it.
    are you talking about rushfit? If you are I wouldn't rely on that to make very impressive gains. Cutting for sure but if your looking to gain mass, which it sounds like you are I would stick to a lower volume higher intensity workout. Something like a solid 5*5 routine.

  20. #20
    southernboy918's Avatar
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    Is there a link on here to a 5x5? I would be interested in trying it, I do not know anyone who uses it.

  21. #21
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Workout 2012.jpg 
Views:	443 
Size:	110.8 KB 
ID:	119907

    Here is a sample one, this is what I am doing right now. It starts off with a compound exercise with heavy weight for 5 sets by 5 rep. Then more isolated exercises for the same muscle group at slightly higher reps. Their are also three days of abs listed, those are to be done with at least 48 hours of rest between them, so not on day 1 2 and 3 if they are all done 1 right after another. This is a good format because you can record the weight you use in lets say week 1 and increase it in week 2. The idea is continuous increasing of weight, focusing on increasing weight on the first 5*5 exercise in every workout.

    With this and proper diet you should be able to make some really good gains using this workout format.

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