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  1. #1
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    Is TRT the Holy Grail ?

    OK dont mean to offend anyone you understand,

    So all you older guys who have been using gear for a long time seem to be on TRT and therefore if your lucky get free gear prescribed for the rest of your life - Jackpot !

    So you have to pin for the rest of your life, so what ? cleaning my teeth twice a day is a pain in the butt with no real benefits.

    so if i get the mrs pregnant again, then thats the nuts done their job, so I could go full steam ahead blast and cruise.


  2. #2
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    alexISthrowed's Avatar
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    It depends on your goals imo. Do you compete?

  4. #4
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    ^^^^ No, but thats not to say I wouldn't.

    Do you think that competing or not is the issue and whether it is worth it or not ?

  5. #5
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR-FQ320 View Post
    ^^^^ No, but thats not to say I wouldn't.

    Do you think that competing or not is the issue and whether it is worth it or not ?
    I think it comes down to what you want to get out of it personally and the risk's your willing to take. I honestly wouldn't start blasting and cruising yet if I didn't want to be competitive in bodybuilding, but I'm young. How old are you if I may ask?

  6. #6
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    33, how old are you ? I have been reading quite a lot of your posts recently. No Homo. Just seemed to be interesting thread titles thats all.

    TBH i have been contemplating HGH to complement blast and cruise as well.

    I'm just trying to play devils advocate with the some of the the older guys that have walked the path and can justify or dismiss TRT as a long term medication / remedy / solution.

  7. #7
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    More than likely it will be in all our paths as we age. So most of us will probably be on TRT some time down the road. And for those I know on TRT, they say they would never look back as it truly restored their functions and really helped them with mood stamina, and fat loss that had become quite obvious especially around their mid sections. My doctor told me that I too will eventually be on TRT as my pituitary is acting up. And Yes Homo but that has nothing to do with the TRT..
    But I might add that it isn't The Holy Grail but just another aid in helping us stay in shape as we age....

  8. #8
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR-FQ320 View Post
    33, how old are you ? I have been reading quite a lot of your posts recently. No Homo. Just seemed to be interesting thread titles thats all.

    TBH i have been contemplating HGH to complement blast and cruise as well.

    I'm just trying to play devils advocate with the some of the the older guys that have walked the path and can justify or dismiss TRT as a long term medication / remedy / solution.
    I'm 20, so I had to put a lot of thought into it. To get what I want out of this sport it's one of the risks I have to take.

  9. #9
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    It isn't that we get a lifetime supply of legal steroids . The goal is for us to maintain Test levels within the normal range. We do not get cycle doses - it just covers the "cruise" part, which is unnecessary if your body is producing normal Test levels on its own. Granted, we can keep our levels at the top end of "normal", but remember that the point is to keep us afloat as we would be wrecks without it.

    I wouldn't do it if it wasn't needed. It is expensive and has health ramifications. Read all the posts about guys that cannot get their Test dose right, or have sides and cannot get their AI dose right. Plus, many of us have to give blood because of increased red blood cell count. I got really bad acne and hair growth on my back and shoulders. My libido is up, but now out of balance with my wife's.

    Don't get me wrong, life is much better now than when I was producing the Test of a 14 year old girl, but it isn't perfect.

  10. #10
    RaginCajun's Avatar
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    i keep looking at men on TRT, and compare it to a woman going thru menapause. has to be the same thing happening, right? its all hormones!

  11. #11
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00 View Post
    i keep looking at men on TRT, and compare it to a woman going thru menapause. has to be the same thing happening, right? its all hormones!
    Yes it's all hormones several call it Man"o"Pause...Low T in men wrecks our bodies and minds causing all kinds of crap including depression, arthritis, Erectile dysfunction and the list goes on

  12. #12
    RaginCajun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Yes it's all hormones several call it Man"o"Pause...Low T in men wrecks our bodies and minds causing all kinds of crap including depression, arthritis, Erectile dysfunction and the list goes on
    just a thought, why are doctors so hesitant to put a male on Testosterone , but they are willing to put a 12 year old on birth control?

  13. #13
    vtach12's Avatar
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    Something else to consider. With nationalized health care coming , there will be a lot of pressure for insurance companies to get really stingy on meds. Additionally, there is a good chance that after the third year the system will go broke, thus needing a gov't bail out for health care. We would them be forced into a one payer system (the gov't plan) which will probbly not pay for many scripts ... a bad thing. Or if.someone were to.get incarcerated... again a bad thing as one will not get test in there.

  14. #14
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    You should spend some time in the HRT forum. After doing so you would realize its not all you imagine it to be - by any means.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    You should spend some time in the HRT forum. After doing so you would realize its not all you imagine it to be - by any means.
    Exactly what I was thinking. And hopefully you will have insurance to pay for all your visits to your Endo plus all the lab work plus the scripts. and then you have your weekly shots that hopefully you can self administer otherwise its a weekly trip to your doc so he can inject you weekly. And then you find out that during the course of getting these weekly shots that now after said blood work say 12 months down the line your blood count is getting off due to the testosterone injections. Then the doc has you cut back on your weekly shots to try and bring your blood back within range because testosterone causes over production of red blood cells and your blood thickens which can cause heart attacks and strokes. Not to mention it has been associated with prostate cancer so the doc has to keep track of your psa levels in your blood to avoid all that. And this list goes on and on. So being on TRT is not all fun and games is it? This is why so many preach so hard on this forum to you younger kids who have this Zyzz complex where you want it all and want it now. There is a price to pay for doing steroids the wrong way and too young.

  16. #16
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vtach12 View Post
    Something else to consider. With nationalized health care coming , there will be a lot of pressure for insurance companies to get really stingy on meds. Additionally, there is a good chance that after the third year the system will go broke, thus needing a gov't bail out for health care. We would them be forced into a one payer system (the gov't plan) which will probbly not pay for many scripts ... a bad thing. Or if.someone were to.get incarcerated... again a bad thing as one will not get test in there.
    Many (most?) of us don't have it covered now anyway. I pay cash.

  17. #17
    eiff's Avatar
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    Just wanted to say thank you guys for being real here. You know when you see people purposefully lowing T lab results to get on TRT that someone is confused.
    You all have been VERY helpful to me and many more I'm sure.

  18. #18
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    You should spend some time in the HRT forum. After doing so you would realize its not all you imagine it to be - by any means.
    Agreed, it's not as easy as pinning test and be done with it.
    You have to pin 1 or 2x a week just to be NORMAL if you are lucky, then there is getting blood work done whenever your doctor wants to so you cant exactly cycle anytime you want. Also you may need HCG like a lot of people are doing and an AI if necessary.

    It's every bit as complicated as running a cycle just without the benifits.

    It's a god send if you have LOW test, low/no libido or other signs of low test but it's not a cure all and as said who knows what the future holds in the way of health care. Only things we can be sure of it it will change.

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