Hey guys so i was planning my next cycle to look good for Europe..
Im 25 years old, 6ft tall.. 205lbs.. about 12% BF..
Have done 2 cycles in the past.. 1st was test e 500mg/week for 10 weeks and gained well
2nd cycle was test 500mg/equipoise 600mg for 15 weeks with anavar 80mg/day last 6 weeks..
So am looking to do my third cycle and basically want to look pretty lean when i go to Europe..
Im thinking of this cycle
Weeks 1-10 Test e 600mg/week (i may also frontload first week)
Weeks 1-10 Primobolan 600mg/week (i may also frontload first week)
weeks 5-10 Anavar 80mg/day
Now my problem is i will leave to Europe right after week 10 and i am going for 5 weeks.. I want to try and keep as much of my gains as possible and i dont know if i will be able to get gear while im there (and i really dont want to waste my holiday looking around)
SO i was thinking i can also get Reandron 1000 (it is a 4ml injection of 1000mg test undecoanate)..
What do you guys think if i injected this the day i leave to go Europe to try and maintain high test levels while im there because it is a really long ester???
If anyone has any better ideas please let me know
I can get nolva/hcg for PCT but am unsure when to start it if i do inject the reandron before i leave..
Any help is much appreciated