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  1. #1
    Gato is offline New Member
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    Feb 2012

    Is Anavar right for me?

    Hello all.

    I am a newbie considering using test-e. I am 24 years old, 6"2 at 210lbs at approximately 14% body fat. I have taken the past year to completely educate myself on proper dieting (defecits, macros, etc...), and am now ready to educate myself on aas, whether I end up trying it or not. I've done research over the past two weeks and understand the concept and importance of pct's as well.

    Ideally, my goal is to lower my bf%. I understand that test and any "cutting" aas will help me there, but proper dieting is still supreme. My interest in this isn't entirely based on cutting. I'd also like to see strength gains, and also gains lbm and hopefully some muscle hardening.

    I have been considering using var or winny in my first cycle. My question is how frowned upon those two are in a beginners cycle, and also if I should even bother with them as a first time user to get my bf% down and to attempt to gain some lbm? Again, I know proper diet alone will get me to a low bf%, but id like to aid the process.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Anavar 's just too expensive for what it does for the body. IMHO. I would recommend Test for your first cycle. Test cycle combined with good diet will yield better results over an anavar cycle. Plus, you really don't want to do an oral only cycle without Test.

  3. #3
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Like scotchguard said, you're best off using testosterone by itself for your first cycle. A good dose for a beginner is 400mg per week for 8-12 weeks. With the right diet, a test cycle will easily prove to be a great cutting tool.

    Also, as far as Anavar , whether or not the cost is an issue depends on the user's wallet. I can get quality 50mg Anavar tabs for $2.50 a piece. So if I wanted to run 100mg per day for 6 weeks, that would only be $210. Hardly a problem in my opinion. But that's black market prices, and they certainly get more expensive than that based on your source. (Disclaimer - don't ask me where I get them from, because I'm not advertising)
    Also when comparing the effects of Anavar vs. Winstrol , I will choose Anavar every time. Don't be put off by the comment about being too expensive. Information to hold on to until your next cycle, if you still want to do a cutting cycle.

  4. #4
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Welcome to the board mate
    Var is probably The most expensive oral. As with any oral, gains diminish rapidly, although not so quick with Var.
    Please understand that var can shut down your natural testosterone production.
    the problem with var is that you have to take relatively high doses to see a benefit (60+mg/day) but also at those doses, the higher the dose, the more likely it will at least partially shut you down.
    Even with a pct, during a var only cycle, if test shuts down, then still... no test!
    There are things you can take to force your body to help maintain natural test production, but you have to inject in most cases.
    The way to go really is with testosterone, but that is up to you. All i can do is give you some things to think about.
    Good luck!

  5. #5
    jamotech's Avatar
    jamotech is offline Member
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    Test alone (with an ai) will help your body fat. The ai will also cut down on water retention. Stacking for a first cycle is a waste, I started the same age as you and my dosages were extremely low but with good gains. Sounds like your on the right track already, good luck and welcome!

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