r nj jb
r nj jb
Is this a legitimate post? If so, then YES, it's a bad idea to start taking winny. Your nuts just started to work, no need to shut'em down now
I have to agree with Pheedno 110% on this one. Bud...don't jump the gun on the whole steriod thing. Your natural test is just starting to rise to its peak. Take advantage of the free gear that your body is making for you.
Ya know, sometimes I think there should some sort of security block to people under 20.
when a good age to start takign them then or what is the best steriod to take a a yo ung age
Just stay away from AS fo about another 7 years. Work on your diet, get your workouts in order and most impotant, LEARN what you're doing. You're young, your test levels are naturally through the roof right now. Give it time and when you get those years under your belt and you're done with your growing phases than and only than look into the use of AS. At least you have enough sense about you to come here and ask. Now take our advice.
The best age to take 'em....how about when you're done growing....try mid twenties is what I recommend. Also there are NO, I repeat NO good steroids to take at a young age.
Unbelievable. This has to be a joke, right?
Hey buddy just look at the question you are asking...!!!!!
There is no way in hell you should try AS this early give it AT LEAST
5 years...Just stick to some old fashion high intensive cardio and go on a diet..This is what pisses me off, kids thinking they can become this huge, cut up body with little or no work put in..They think just because there AS around it will sovle lots of there problems...WRONG
You are too young for Steroids. Please feel free to learn but at your age we will not supply you with advice other than to wait several years before even considering using. Spend your time working on nutrition and lifting techniques and you will be way ahead of the game when it comes time to decide whether AAS is right for you.
Protein @ 200 grams ed
creatine @ 5g ed
Dragonslayer why 20?? Do you not think it takes sometime to learn about gear before you actually use it? Just b/c you might be older that doesnt give you any more of a right do use gear. (however yes i agree that 20 is a good age to start). It is illegal for everyone to use. just something to think about.
It has nothing to do with the legality of it. It has to do with whether the human body and human mind can take the physiological and psychological stress and changes that come with AS use. A person 16(or 17, or 18, or 19,) is occupying a body that can develope some serious long-term side effects from AS simply for the fact that the body is still in development.Originally posted by Jenseno9
Dragonslayer why 20?? Do you not think it takes sometime to learn about gear before you actually use it? Just b/c you might be older that doesnt give you any more of a right do use gear. (however yes i agree that 20 is a good age to start). It is illegal for everyone to use. just something to think about.
I started at 22 and probably should of waited untill 25.
Way too young... unless you wanna be a midget or something. Im just talking otu of my ass here, but being as young as you are, there is really no telling what sort of negative affects this will have on your natural testosarone production. I think you would seriously regret it in years to come.
I think 20 is still too young......27 would be more of a better age. Maturity has alot to do with it ! At twenty I believe people think there invinsible.Originally posted by Jenseno9
Dragonslayer why 20?? Do you not think it takes sometime to learn about gear before you actually use it? Just b/c you might be older that doesnt give you any more of a right do use gear. (however yes i agree that 20 is a good age to start). It is illegal for everyone to use. just something to think about.
man i wish i had started working out when i was sixteen....i didnt start working out til i was almost 18.....keep doing research and get your swole on naturally
It has nothing to with age bro. It has to do with the mentality of some of these younger people who persistantly ask "What kind of cycle is good for me, I'm 16?", or "What steroids are good for young people?". I mean cum'on. Take a look at some their posts. Some of them can't even spell correctly or use proper grammer. I'm not trying to insult or make fun of anyone. Its just unfortunate that some of these kids are not getting a proper education. Trust me, I'm no english major myself, but you can tell by the way they post that they are not very educated. I feel sympathetic and sorry for them because they don't know any better. Its too bad.Originally posted by Jenseno9
Dragonslayer why 20?? Do you not think it takes sometime to learn about gear before you actually use it? Just b/c you might be older that doesnt give you any more of a right do use gear. (however yes i agree that 20 is a good age to start). It is illegal for everyone to use. just something to think about.
As far as legality issues are concerned, yes I know the use of anabolic steroids is illegal without a physicians perscrption. I have no more right than anyone else. But don't we all break the law one way or another??? We all have our reasons for using gear. Yes I agree, it does take time to learn about steroids. I perfomed alot of research before I began my first cycle. And the people here at AR helped me tremendously. I can't thank them enough.
No flame here bro. Just giving you my opinion. And we're all entitled to that.
Last edited by 01dragonslayer; 04-08-2003 at 07:37 PM.
it ain't good sunshine!!
usually you guys are right, but on this one i donno, you wouldnt believe how many ppl under 20 do roids now, practically every highschool team are full of roids, i couldnt believe it when i asked ppl bout it how many of them said they take them.
we're saying you shouldn't. no one has reached their genetic potential at that age or for many years after
Not to flame buddy, but your priorities are a bit confused, at your age, you should be trying to snag a case of beer (or at least cigs)....not juice!
There shouldn’t be an age limit to this site. This board is very informative, and can actually prevent teen from doing roids. When I was 17 I wanted to take roids, and going on sites like these and learning about the potential side effects actually helped me out and now decided to wait a while. If teens really want to take it they will. However, this site can actually make them change their mind like it did to me.
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