Hey everyone! I will greatly appreciate any advice you all may he able to offer.
My Stats:
Height- 6'1
Weight- from 175-195 (current 185)
Bodyfat%- hovers around 8-12% depending on diet
So here is where I am at, and I come to you experts for advice. I have done one cycle before, one year ago, which involved Test Enanthate 500 mg/week for 12 weeks. The goals for that cycle was weight and strength gains, and there were some. Gained about 10lbs, definitely some strength, lost the size after but kept added strength.
Currently I am having some issues. I compete in mma and jujitsu and am recovering from a broken elbow which resulted from an armbar approx 4 months ago. Also, I am now dealing with other joint aches and pains and a strained back (which is significant).
I believe my injuries are not healing as well as normal because I am also a Paramedic with two jobs, in Nursing School, and about 5-6 nights.per week I only sleep 3 hours or so because I work nights. I am remaining strong in the gym, but everything always hurts, and more rest is not an option. As a result of my body not resting enough, my physique is declining as well, and while I still look fairly lean and muscular, not as solid as normal.
I want to gain 10-20 *solid* pounds back, and find a stack that will help my body recover faster. If I can accomplish the latter, weight gain is insignificant, actually. I haven't been sensitive to gyno side effects ever in the past with that cycle or otc prohormones.
One friend has suggested- test, tren, equipose stack
Another- simple test and deca 10 week cycle.
Your thoughts?